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1119-26. Rotting towel on a beach in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 18, 2012

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Cattails (typha) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 18, 2012
Dansby Power Plant in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 18, 2012
Dansby Power Plant at morning in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 22, 2012
Bluestem grass and sneezeweed on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 18, 2012
Red fall foliage of Chinese tallow (Sapium sebiferum) on a lake shore in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 22, 2012
Fall colors of Chinese tallow (Sapium sebiferum) on a lake shore in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 22, 2012
Creeping plant with tiny leaves on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 18, 2012
Cow itch succulent vine (Sorrelvine, Cissus trifoliata) with fruits in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 22, 2012
Spatula-shaped fruit bodies of orange jelly fungus (Dacryopinax spathularia) mushrooms growing on rotting wood under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 7, 2013
Fall colors of wild muskmelon (Cucumis melo, Dudaim melon) on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 22, 2012
Orange fruits of wild muskmelon (Cucumis melo, Dudaim melon) on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 18, 2012
Orange fruits on a frozen wild muskmelon (Cucumis melo, Dudaim melon) on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 22, 2012
Ripe yellow fruits of wild muskmelon (Cucumis melo, Dudaim melon, gourd family) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 8, 2012
Palafoxia rosea(?) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Sandy road in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, January 7, 2012
Cattails (typha) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 13, 2012
Sleeping butterfly in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 13, 2012
Lichens on a twig in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 24, 2012
Pebbles on gas pipeline right of way in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, January 7, 2012
Dry umbel with seeds in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 13, 2012
Utility line in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 24, 2012
Butterfly on a thistle in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 13, 2012
Old road in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, January 7, 2012
A road in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, January 7, 2012
Utility line poles in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 24, 2012
Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, August 26, 2012
Dry receptacle of aster flower in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 13, 2012
Common buckeye butterfly in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 13, 2012
Dansby Power Plant in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 13, 2012
Katydid sleeping on sumpweed in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Red milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 13, 2012
Berries of yaupon holly in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, January 7, 2012
Fall colors of farkleberry in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, January 7, 2012
Groundsel bush (seepwillow, Baccharis halimifolia) on a lake shore in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 24, 2012
Fruits of persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, August 26, 2012
Dense bloom of small asters in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 24, 2012
Square-Bud Primrose (Calylophus berlandieri(?)) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 13, 2012
Whorled milkweed (Asclepias verticillata(?)) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 13, 2012
Turkey vultures on a dry oak tree at sunrise in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 31, 2012
Masses of small white asters in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 24, 2012
Green milkweed (Asclepias viridis) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, August 26, 2012
Persimmon seeds in animal droppings in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, August 26, 2012
Fish on a lake shore at sunrise in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 31, 2012
Slender bush clover (Lespedeza virginica) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Blue waterleaf (Hydrolea ovata) on an island in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, August 26, 2012
Southern prairie aster (Eurybia hemispherica) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Passion flower (maypop, Passiflora foetida) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 13, 2012
Southern prairie aster (Eurybia hemispherica) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Groundsel bush (seepwillow, Baccharis halimifolia) with fluffy flowers on a lake shore in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 24, 2012
Groundsel bush (seepwillow, Baccharis halimifolia) with snowy flowers on a lake shore in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 24, 2012
Road on a lake shore in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 24, 2012
Road on a lake shore in fog in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 24, 2012
Berries of pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 4, 2012
Ripening pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 4, 2012
Possum-haw holly (deciduous yaupon, Ilex decidua) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Slender orange bush lichen (Teloschistes exilis) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Purple gerardia (false foxglove, Agalinis purpurea) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Arctic smoke over Lake Bryan, with Dansby Power Plant at horizon. Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 5, 2009
Tree stump on a shore of Lake Bryan emerged from water after a period of drought in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 10, 2009
Tree stump at sunrise on a shore of Lake Bryan emerged from water after a period of drought in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 10, 2009
Cedar stump and driftwood on a shore of Lake Bryan at sunrise. Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 5, 2009
Groundsel bush (seepwillow, Baccharis halimifolia) and Chinese tallow (Sapium sebiferum) on a lake shore in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 24, 2012
Close up of purple gerardia (false foxglove, Agalinis purpurea) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Flowers of purple gerardia (false foxglove, Agalinis purpurea) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Fluffy flowers of Groundsel bush (seepwillow, Baccharis halimifolia) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 31, 2012
Pillow shaped plant with narrow leaves on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 4, 2012
Honey bee on purple gerardia (false foxglove, Agalinis purpurea) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Green berries of pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 4, 2012
Purple gerardia (false foxglove, Agalinis purpurea) in bloom in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Lake shore in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 24, 2012
Sunrise over Lake Bryan at cold morning. Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 5, 2009
Arctic smoke rising over Lake Bryan. Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 5, 2009
Close up of a turtle on a shore of Lake Bryan in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 10, 2009
Back lit flowers of purple gerardia (false foxglove, Agalinis purpurea) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Wild muskmelon (Cucumis melo, Dudaim melon) on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 4, 2012
Close up of a feeding salt marsh moth caterpillar on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 4, 2012
Fluffy white flowers of groundsel bush (seepwillow, Baccharis halimifolia) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 10, 2012
Green and violet berries of pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 4, 2012
Closed flower of purple gerardia (false foxglove, Agalinis purpurea(?)) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, August 26, 2012
Gills of Melanoleuca mushrooms under cedar trees near the lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 30, 2018
Melanoleuca mushrooms at a border of cedar forest near the lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 30, 2018
Salt marsh moth caterpillars feeding on passion flower on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 4, 2012
Melanoleuca mushrooms under cedar trees near the lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 30, 2018
Frozen paddle near Lake Bryan. Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 5, 2009
Red waxcap (Hygrocybe) mushrooms under small oaks in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 30, 2018
Mushrooms Hygrophorus subsordidus almost covered by oak leaves in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 30, 2018
Red berries of yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 30, 2018
Zoned cap of a milkcap mushroom Lactarius subpalustris in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 10, 2021
Gills of a milkcap mushroom Lactarius subpalustris in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 10, 2021
Bear Lentinus mushrooms (Lentinellus ursinus) on an oak log in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 10, 2021
Frothy porecrust fungus (Oxyporus latemarginatus, Emmia latemarginata) on a dry cedar tree near the lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 30, 2018
Gills of red waxcap (Hygrocybe) mushrooms under small oaks in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 30, 2018
Cross section of a milkcap mushroom Lactarius subpalustris in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 10, 2021
Green moss on a bonfire site on sandy soil in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 30, 2018
Caps of red waxcap (Hygrocybe) mushrooms under small oaks in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 30, 2018
Small fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms under elm and juniper trees in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 10, 2021
Close up of frothy porecrust fungus (Oxyporus latemarginatus, Emmia latemarginata) on a dry cedar tree near the lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 30, 2018
Frothy porecrust fungus (Oxyporus latemarginatus, Emmia latemarginata) on bark of a dry cedar tree near the lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 30, 2018
Half eaten fruit of wild muskmelon (Cucumis melo, Dudaim melon) on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 31, 2012

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