Clock Tower through walls of Mary and Olaf Cathedral. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Ruins of old Mary and Olaf Cathedral (1494) north-west from Clock Tower, with Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle in background. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Clock Tower and old city from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Clock Tower and Sea Port from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Clock Tower from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Clock Tower and a port from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Area around Clock Tower from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Area of Round Tower from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Round Tower from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Old city from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Old houses from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Area in old city from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Ruins of Old City from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Roofs of Old City from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 City Archive from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Petrovskaya Embankment north from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Area of Krepostnaya Street from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Old city and North Harbor from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Area of Market Square from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 View to south-east from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Embankment of 40 Anniversary of Komsomol (Young Communists) and old city from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Petrovskaya Embankment and Castle Bridge north from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Yacht Harbor and Castle Bridge north-west from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Castle Bridge and Sea Port south from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Paradise Tower of Vyborg Castle, Naberezhnaya 40-letiya Komsomola (40th Anniversary of Young Communist League Embankment) and Old City south-east from St. Olaf Tower. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 The city from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Old City from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Old houses from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Houses from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Old City from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Roofs of Old City from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Roofs of the city from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 City view from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Roofs of Old City from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 View of Old City from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Area of Old City from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Old powder bunker west from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Old City south-west from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Old City south-east from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Vyborg Castle with Saint Olaf Tower from Petrovsky Bridge. Vyborg, Russia, June 21, 2014
 Old City and south harbor terminal south from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Commandant House with gates, fortress bridge, yacht marina, and Tervaniemen puisto Park with city archive west from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Commandant House with gates, fortress bridge, yacht marina, and Tervaniemen puisto Park with city archive and old powder bunker west from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Clock Tower in Old City. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Old granite walls behind Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, September 14, 2013
 View to the north-east from Clock Tower. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Krepostnaya Street north from Clock Tower. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Clock Tower (Chasovaya Bashnya) at 5 Krepostnaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 View to the south from Clock Tower, with harbor terminal on background to the right. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Old city of Vyborg and Clock Tower, view from the castle. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 23, 2004
 Round tower of Ivan Gorod Fortress, view from walls. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Vodnoy Zastavy Street, St. Hyacinth Catholic Church and Clock Tower in Old City. Vyborg, Russia, September 1, 2007
 Vodnoy Zastavy (Watergate) Street, with St. Hyacinth Catholic Church to the right and Clock Tower in background. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Hyacinth Cathedral (Hyacinthuksen) at Vodnoy Zastavy Street. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Vodnoy Zastavy Street near Hyacinth Cathedral (Hyacinthuksen). Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Vodnoy Zastavy Street and North Harbor north-east from Clock Tower. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Walls of Flour Mill at Morskaya Naberezhnaya. Vyborg, Russia, September 14, 2013
 City Hall Tower (Ratusha) from Vyborgskaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Al Sara Tower, Regency Residence, and Beverly Hills, with a pond in the basement of Sinyar Tower in foreground, in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, February 2, 2012
 Postoffice Street in East End Historic District, with Rudolph Kruger House (1888) in foreground and ANICO (American National Insurance Company) Tower in foreground. Galveston, Texas, January 1, 2011
 Clock Tower and Amiri Diwan (Emir s Palace). Doha, Qatar, March 9, 2013
 Clock Tower and Grand Mosque, Al Bidda area. Doha, Qatar, March 9, 2013
 Grand Mosque and Clock Tower, Al Bidda area. Doha, Qatar, March 9, 2013
 Vyborg Castle from Komsomol-40 Embankment. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Vyborg Castle from Embankment of 40 Anniversary of Komsomol (Young Communists). Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Vyborg Castle from south. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Clock Tower with Grand Mosque in background, Al Bidda area. Doha, Qatar, March 9, 2013
 Clock Tower and Emir s Diwan (palace) near Souq Waqif. Doha, Qatar, March 29, 2013
 Clock Tower and Amiri Diwan (Emir s Palace), Al Bidda area. Doha, Qatar, March 9, 2013
 Walls of Koporye Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Walls of Koporye Fortress in snow. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Brick walls of Koporye Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Walls of Ivan Gorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Walls of Ivan Gorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Fortification walls on Vyborgskaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, June 21, 2014
 Mosaic walls of Church of Savior on Blood. Saint Petersburg, Russia, February 2, 2013
 Walls of Flour Mill at Morskaya Naberezhnaya. Vyborg, Russia, June 21, 2014
 Narva River from walls of Ivan Gorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Back entrance of Hermitage museum, with Atlante s feet in foreground and Saint Isaac Cathedral in background. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2005
 Graffiti art on walls of Goving House at 11 Krepostnaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, August 12, 2012
 Graffiti art on walls of Goving House at 11 Krepostnaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, September 10, 2016
 Ruins inside Ivan Gorod Fortress, view from walls. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 View of Narva River from walls of Ivan Gorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Churches inside Ivan Gorod Fortress, view from walls. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Blair Hall clock tower in Princeton University. Princeton, New Jersey, February 26, 2007
 Albritton clock tower on campus of Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 3, 2008
 Blair Hall clock tower in Princeton University, from south-west. Princeton, New Jersey, February 28, 2007
 Clock tower of Finlandsky Train Station. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 17, 2011
 "Merry Christmas to All" decoration on the 32 feet tall brick security wall surrounding "The Walls" prison (Huntsville TDCJ Unit), with a memorial historical plaque in foreground. Huntsville, Texas, December 18, 2008
 Narva Fortress from walls of Ivan Gorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Peter and Paul Cathedral. Saint Petersburg, Russia, February 13, 2013
 11 Krepostnaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Vyborgskaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Griboedova Canal near Kazan Cathedral. Saint Petersburg, Russia, February 4, 2013
 Spires of Saint Mary s Cathedral Basilica (1847) at 2011 Church Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Storozhevoy Bashni Street. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Somewhere near Storozhevoy Bashni Street. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Krepostnaya Street near Podgornaya. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Yards at 5 Lenina Street. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013