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1160-19. Camels loaded by crane crane to a truck in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2013

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Bunch of camels loaded on a truck by crane in Camel Market, wholesale markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 20, 2012
Loading a camel by crane on a truck in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 21, 2013
Unloading camels from a truck by a crane in Camel Market (Souq) in Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 14, 2012
Loading camels suspended by crane into a truck in Camel Market, wholesale markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 20, 2012
Camels suspended from crane in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2013
Camels lifted in air by hydraulic crane in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2013
Camel suspended by crane over a truck in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 4, 2012
Large camel loaded by crane to a truck after it was sold for meat in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, June 6, 2013
Bawling camel loaded onto a truck using crane in Camel Market (Souq). Doha, Qatar, February 14, 2012
Three camels lifted by a crane in Camel Market, wholesale markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 20, 2012
Camels suspended by crane in Camel Market, wholesale markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 20, 2012
Bunch of camels suspended by crane in Camel Market, wholesale markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 20, 2012
Bunch of camels suspended by crane in Camel Market, wholesale markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 20, 2012
Camel s calf lifted by hydraulic crane after it was sold for meat in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, May 23, 2013
Three camels plucked in air by a crane in Animal Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 14, 2012
Moving a camel by crane in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 1, 2012
Docile camel suspended by crane in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 22, 2012
Groaning camel suspended on a crane in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 1, 2012
Docile camel suspended by crane in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 4, 2012
Camel moving to a truck by hydraulic crane in livestock markets, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, March 25, 2013
Crying camels in a truck in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 4, 2012
A crane plucking a camel in the air in Camel Souq in Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 26, 2012
Three camels in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 27, 2013
Camel lifted by hydraulic crane on a truck in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, June 13, 2013
Pair of camels in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 27, 2013
Lifting a camel from a truck by crane in Camel Market (Souq). Doha, Qatar, February 13, 2012
Pair of camels lifted by hydraulic crane in Camel Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2013
Camel for meat landing on a truck after it was lifted by a hydraulic crane in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, March 18, 2013
Large camel with loose tongue suspended by crane over a truck in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, June 6, 2013
Unloading a camel from a truck by crane in Camel Market (Souq), racing section. Doha, Qatar, February 13, 2012
Camel moved by a crane meets other camel on the ground, in Wholesale Animal Market. Doha, Qatar, February 24, 2012
Camel lifted by a crane in Wholesale Animal Market. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2012
Groaning camel loaded into a truck in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, June 6, 2013
Loose camel unloaded from a truck in Camel Market, wholesale markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 20, 2012
Family of camels in Animal Market (Camel Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2012
Three camel s heads in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 27, 2013
Camel s head in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2013
Camel s head in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 27, 2013
Camel s mouth in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2013
Three camels in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 28, 2013
Camel s face in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 21, 2013
Camel showing its teeth in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2013
Groaning camel in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 21, 2013
Camel s head in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 21, 2013
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Camel s snout in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 21, 2013
Camel s teeth in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 21, 2013
Camel s nose in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 21, 2013
Chewing camel in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 21, 2013
Camel with loose drooping lower lip in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2013
Camel leaking fence in Camel Market (Souq), Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 21, 2013
Shopping for camels in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 28, 2013
Gathering of camels in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 22, 2012
Row of camels looking forward in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 26, 2012
Pair of camels in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2012
Several camels led by persons in Camel Market, wholesale markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 20, 2012
A person with camels in Camel Market, wholesale markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 20, 2012
Camel lifted by hydraulic crane in livestock markets, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, March 25, 2013
Camel suspended in air by hydraulic crane in livestock markets, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, March 25, 2013
Two camels wearing covers in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, April 5, 2012
Row of camels turned simultaneously to the left in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 26, 2012
Calf meeting two camels through a fence in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, April 12, 2012
Group of standing camels at rain in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 26, 2012
Angry black camel suspended in air by hydraulic crane in livestock markets, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, March 25, 2013
Camel suspended by hydraulic crane in livestock market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, May 1, 2013
Camel moving by hydraulic crane in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, May 30, 2013
A person with cell phone leading five camels near Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, April 6, 2012
Camel suspended in air by hydraulic crane in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, June 11, 2013
Camel lifted by a hydraulic crane in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, March 18, 2013
Camel lifted by hydraulic crane in livestock market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, April 10, 2013
Camel suspended on hydraulic crane in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, June 11, 2013
Group of camels leaking pressed salt and minerals in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2012
Pair of camels leaking pressed salt and minerals in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2012
Camel with hay in its mouth in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 28, 2013
Camel with stalks of hay in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 28, 2013
Camel chewing hay in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 28, 2013
Animal s head in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 27, 2013
Area of in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 28, 2013
Greeting from a camel lifted by hydraulic crane in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, June 13, 2013
Camel spinning in air after it was lifted by hydraulic crane in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, June 13, 2013
Camel smiling from sky after it was lifted by a hydraulic crane in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, March 18, 2013
Animal s head with foam in Camel Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 27, 2013
Lifting a camel by hydraulic crane in Camel Market. Doha, Qatar, February 18, 2012
Two camels near a bowl in Camel Souq in Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, February 26, 2012
Lamb like camel lifted by crane in Camel Market (Souq). Doha, Qatar, February 13, 2012
Lifting a camel by crane in Camel Market (Souq) at sunrise. Doha, Qatar, February 13, 2012
Camel plucked by a hydraulic crane into the air in Camel Market (Souq). Doha, Qatar, February 14, 2012
Camel with injured hump suspended on hydraulic crane in Livestock Market, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, June 11, 2013
Strapping a camel and preparing it for crane-lift in Camel Market (Souq). Doha, Qatar, February 14, 2012
Worker lifting a camel by a hydraulic crane in Camel Market (Souq). Doha, Qatar, February 13, 2012
Pair of camels in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, May 14, 2013
Cat among camels in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 4, 2013
Loving camels in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, May 14, 2013
Chewing camels in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, May 14, 2013
Two camels in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 4, 2013
Kissing camels in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, May 14, 2013
Camel that was sold for meat and suspended in air by hydraulic crane in livestock markets in Abu Hamour. Doha, Qatar, May 9, 2013
Camels with palm leaf in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, May 23, 2013
Family of camels in Livestock Market, Wholesale Markets area. Doha, Qatar, March 4, 2013

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