![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1228/jpeg/16t.jpg) Fruits of Passion flower (passiflora) partially eaten by animals under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 16, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1228/jpeg/18t.jpg) Eaten fruits of Passion flower (passiflora) disposed in a forest near power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 16, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1228/jpeg/17t.jpg) Feast of pill bugs on opened fruits of Passion flower (passiflora) near power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 16, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1228/jpeg/13t.jpg) Passion flower (passiflora) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 16, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1228/jpeg/14t.jpg) Passion flower (passiflora) with a tendril under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 16, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1232/jpeg/27t.jpg) Back lit flower of Partridge pea (Cassia fasciculata) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 26, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1232/jpeg/23t.jpg) Growth of ragweed (Ambrosia) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 26, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1228/jpeg/19t.jpg) Yellow foliage of poison ivy under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 16, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1463/jpeg/07t.jpg) Passion flower (Passiflora) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 20, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1232/jpeg/25t.jpg) Green milkweed (Asclepias viridis) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 26, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1228/jpeg/21t.jpg) Ant mounds on a sandy road parallel to power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 16, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1232/jpeg/24t.jpg) Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa) dragonfly under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 26, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1232/jpeg/26t.jpg) Cowpen daisy (Verbesina encelioides) growing under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 26, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1228/jpeg/22t.jpg) South Texas gayfeather (Liatris bracteata) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 16, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2024/3531/jpeg/28t.jpg) Flower spike of spring Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes vernalis) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, May 9, 2024
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1069/jpeg/15t.jpg) Passion flower (maypop, Passiflora foetida) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 13, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1463/jpeg/02t.jpg) Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 20, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1463/jpeg/16t.jpg) Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 20, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1463/jpeg/18t.jpg) Petals of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 20, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1463/jpeg/17t.jpg) Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)on a cutting under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 20, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1131/jpeg/02t.jpg) Deer mushrooms (Pluteus cervinus) growing on mulched trees under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, January 10, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1293/jpeg/19t.jpg) Orange jelly fungus (Dacryopinax spathularia) mushrooms on mulch under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 7, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1131/jpeg/03t.jpg) Headless stinkhorn mushroom (Mutinus elegans) growing on mulched trees under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, January 10, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1131/jpeg/04t.jpg) Elegant stinkhorn mushrooms (Mutinus elegans) growing on mulched trees under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, January 10, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1293/jpeg/21t.jpg) Spatula-shaped orange jelly fungus (Dacryopinax spathularia) mushrooms on mulch under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 7, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1293/jpeg/22t.jpg) Fruit bodies of orange jelly fungus (Dacryopinax spathularia) mushrooms on mulch under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 7, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1293/jpeg/20t.jpg) Spatula-shaped fruit bodies of orange jelly fungus (Dacryopinax spathularia) mushrooms on mulch under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 7, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1293/jpeg/23t.jpg) Spatula-shaped fruit bodies of orange jelly fungus (Dacryopinax spathularia) mushrooms growing on mulch under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 7, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1283/jpeg/01t.jpg) Small puffball mushrooms Lycoperdon curtisii (Vascellum curtisii) on a road near power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 30, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1293/jpeg/24t.jpg) Spatula-shaped fruit bodies of orange jelly fungus (Dacryopinax spathularia) mushrooms growing on rotting wood under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 7, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2024/3531/jpeg/30t.jpg) Yellow puff (Neptunia lutea) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, May 9, 2024
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1447/jpeg/02t.jpg) Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, TexasP, June 29, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2024/3531/jpeg/26t.jpg) Spring Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes vernalis) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, May 9, 2024
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1477/jpeg/33t.jpg) Passion flower (Passiflora) under power lines on Park Hudson Trail. College Station, Texas, August 12, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1475/jpeg/24t.jpg) Passion flower (Passiflora) under power lines near Park Hudson Trail. College Station, Texas, August 6, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2024/3531/jpeg/29t.jpg) Close-up of spring Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes vernalis) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, May 9, 2024
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2024/3531/jpeg/27t.jpg) Flowers of spring Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes vernalis) under power lines in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, May 9, 2024
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2009/811/jpeg/13t.jpg) Arctic smoke over Lake Bryan, with Dansby Power Plant at horizon. Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 5, 2009
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1124/jpeg/01t.jpg) Salt marsh moth caterpillars feeding on passion flower on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 4, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2021/2995/jpeg/15t.jpg) Fruits of green passion flower (Passiflora lutea) at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, July 30, 2021
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2010/820/jpeg/10t.jpg) Dansby Power Plant in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, January 8, 2010
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1126/jpeg/05t.jpg) Dansby Power Plant in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 13, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2009/811/jpeg/12t.jpg) Dansby Power Plant in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 5, 2009
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1119/jpeg/21t.jpg) Dansby Power Plant in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 18, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1120/jpeg/03t.jpg) Dansby Power Plant at morning in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 22, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1321/jpeg/01t.jpg) Dansby Power Plant at morning in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, January 7, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2018/2260/jpeg/07t.jpg) Black eyed susan flowers (Rudbeckia hirta) on a power line cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, May 16, 2018
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1463/jpeg/21t.jpg) Flower of violet ruella (Ruellia nudiflora) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 20, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1464/jpeg/02t.jpg) St. Andrew cross flower (Hypericum, Ascyrum hypericoides) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 20, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1228/jpeg/20t.jpg) Slender orange bush lichen (Teloschistes exilis) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, July 16, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1101/jpeg/02t.jpg) Fruits of persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, August 26, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2009/793/jpeg/08t.jpg) Fruits of persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 18, 2009
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2010/866/jpeg/03t.jpg) Fruits of Mexican plum (Prunus mexicana) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 2, 2010
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1447/jpeg/06t.jpg) Fruits of yellow puff (Neptunia lutea) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, TexasP, June 29, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1227/jpeg/05t.jpg) Yellow and green passion flower (Passiflora lutea) on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, July 7, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1120/jpeg/07t.jpg) Cow itch succulent vine (Sorrelvine, Cissus trifoliata) with fruits in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 22, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1227/jpeg/12t.jpg) Climbing yellow and green passion flower (Passiflora lutea) on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, July 7, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1227/jpeg/04t.jpg) Yellow and green passion flower (Passiflora lutea) with ferns on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, July 7, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1227/jpeg/14t.jpg) Close up of yellow and green passion flower (Passiflora lutea) on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, July 7, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1227/jpeg/13t.jpg) Back lit yellow and green passion flower (Passiflora lutea) on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, July 7, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1119/jpeg/24t.jpg) Orange fruits of wild muskmelon (Cucumis melo, Dudaim melon) on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 18, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1120/jpeg/04t.jpg) Orange fruits on a frozen wild muskmelon (Cucumis melo, Dudaim melon) on utility cutting in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 22, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1117/jpeg/17t.jpg) Ripe yellow fruits of wild muskmelon (Cucumis melo, Dudaim melon, gourd family) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, November 8, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1106/jpeg/06t.jpg) Fruits of green passion flower (Passiflora lutea) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, September 16, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1233/jpeg/22t.jpg) Passion flower vine (passiflora) in Antique Rose Emporium. Independence, Texas, July 27, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1462/jpeg/29t.jpg) Passion flower (Passiflora) near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, July 19, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2020/2696/jpeg/15t.jpg) Flower of thistle (Cirsium) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, May 1, 2020
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1069/jpeg/08t.jpg) Dry receptacle of aster flower in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 13, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2010/868/jpeg/23t.jpg) Flower spike of some grass in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 15, 2010
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2010/868/jpeg/26t.jpg) Flower of dayflower (Commelina) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 15, 2010
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2018/2260/jpeg/19t.jpg) Pink flower of Sabatia campestris in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, May 16, 2018
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2014/1447/jpeg/10t.jpg) Orange flower of pea family in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, TexasP, June 29, 2014
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2010/868/jpeg/22t.jpg) Flower buds of Trumpet vine (Campsis radicans) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, June 15, 2010
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2009/791/jpeg/23t.jpg) Tree stump on a shore of Lake Bryan emerged from water after a period of drought in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 10, 2009
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2009/791/jpeg/24t.jpg) Tree stump at sunrise on a shore of Lake Bryan emerged from water after a period of drought in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 10, 2009
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2009/811/jpeg/17t.jpg) Cedar stump and driftwood on a shore of Lake Bryan at sunrise. Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 5, 2009
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1287/jpeg/18t.jpg) Berries on cedar in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 8, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2018/2260/jpeg/15t.jpg) White flower spike of spring ladies-tresses (Spiranthes vernalis) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, May 16, 2018
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1283/jpeg/13t.jpg) Partridge pea (Cassia fasciculata) Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 30, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1283/jpeg/15t.jpg) Goldenrod (Solidago) flowers Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 30, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1283/jpeg/10t.jpg) Green flowers of sumpweed (Iva annua) near utility lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 30, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1283/jpeg/08t.jpg) Pollinating flowers of sumpweed (Iva annua) near utility lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 30, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1283/jpeg/07t.jpg) Spike of sumpweed (Iva annua) near utility lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 30, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1283/jpeg/09t.jpg) Close up of sumpweed (Iva annua) near utility lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 30, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1236/jpeg/10t.jpg) Sunflower petals in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, TexasP, August 8, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1236/jpeg/09t.jpg) Sunflower in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, TexasP, August 8, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1287/jpeg/19t.jpg) Rain lily (Cooperia drummondii) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 8, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1287/jpeg/16t.jpg) Green milkweed (Asclepias viridis) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 8, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2012/1100/jpeg/25t.jpg) Closed flower of purple gerardia (false foxglove, Agalinis purpurea(?)) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, August 26, 2012
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1283/jpeg/03t.jpg) Northern part of utility lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 30, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1283/jpeg/04t.jpg) Cattails (Typha) in utility lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 30, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1283/jpeg/06t.jpg) Sumpweed (Iva annua) near utility lake in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 30, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1236/jpeg/11t.jpg) Winged loosestrife (Lythrum alatum) on a marshy lake shore in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, TexasP, August 8, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1236/jpeg/08t.jpg) Blue waterleaf (Hydrolea ovata) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, TexasP, August 8, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2009/791/jpeg/25t.jpg) Close up of a turtle on a shore of Lake Bryan in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, September 10, 2009
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2009/811/jpeg/15t.jpg) Arctic smoke rising over Lake Bryan. Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 5, 2009
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2009/811/jpeg/16t.jpg) Sunrise over Lake Bryan at cold morning. Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, December 5, 2009
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1287/jpeg/20t.jpg) Brain puffball mushroom (Calvatia craniiformis) in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, Texas, October 8, 2013
![](../../pictures/archives/compress/2013/1236/jpeg/12t.jpg) Flowers of winged loosestrife (Lythrum alatum) on a marshy lake shore in Lake Bryan Park. Bryan, TexasP, August 8, 2013