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1295-19. Goblet waxcap mushrooms Hygrocybe cantharellus (Hygrophorus cantharellus) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013

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Vermilion waxcap mushrooms (Hygrocybe miniata, Hygrophorus minuatus) on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
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Eaten nuts on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
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Light brown milkcap (Lactarius) mushrooms in wet area on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 23, 2019
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Small bonnet (Mycena) mushrooms on a pine log covered by liverworts on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 23, 2019
Side view of bonnet (Mycena) mushrooms on a pine log covered by liverworts on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 23, 2019
Hickory nut eaten by a squirrel on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 23, 2019
Mature puffball mushroom Lycoperdon umbrinum on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 23, 2019
Orange waxcap (Hygrocybe) mushrooms in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
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Domecap mushrooms Lyophyllum fumosum (Lyophyllum decastes species group) with a cross section on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 23, 2019
Mushrooms of Leucopaxillus albissimus group on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, October 17, 2020
Brown webcap (Cortinarius) mushrooms on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, October 17, 2020
Underside of some milkcap (Lactarius) mushrooms on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, October 17, 2020
Salmon coral mushrooms (Ramaria formosa) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, October 17, 2020
Domecap mushrooms Lyophyllum fumosum (Lyophyllum decastes species group) on the middle of a mowed grassy path on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 23, 2019
Cross section of mushrooms of Leucopaxillus albissimus group on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, October 17, 2020
Bonnet (Mycena) mushrooms on brown rotting wood on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, October 17, 2020
Side view of salmon coral mushrooms (Ramaria formosa) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, October 17, 2020
Cross section of salmon coral mushrooms (Ramaria formosa) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, October 17, 2020
Some bonnet (Mycena) mushrooms on brown rotting wood of oak or may be pine on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, October 17, 2020
Underside view of domecap mushrooms Lyophyllum fumosum (Lyophyllum decastes species group) on the middle of a mowed grassy path on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 23, 2019
Sphagnum moss on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
Underside of Lentinus(?) mushroom on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, October 17, 2020
Large group of domecap mushrooms Lyophyllum fumosum (Lyophyllum decastes species group) on the middle of a mowed grassy path on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 23, 2019
Meadow pink (Sabatia campestris) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
Small tough mushroom Lentinus(?) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, October 17, 2020
Yellow meadow beauty (Rhexia lutea) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
Christmas wreath lichen (Cryptothecia rubrocincta, Herpothallon rubrocinctum) on a tree on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
Trumpet-like leaf with a hooded lid of pitcher plant (Sarracenia alata) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 9, 2013
Pitcher plants (Sarracenia alata) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 9, 2013
Honey mushrooms (Armillaria) on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Milkcap mushrooms (Lactarius) on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Milkcap mushrooms Lactarius paradoxus on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Magnolia cone mushrooms (Strobilurus conigenoides) on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Close up of milkcap mushrooms Lactarius paradoxus on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
White coral mushrooms Ramariopsis kunzei on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Polypore mushrooms Microporellus obovatus(?) on rotting wood on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Strobilurus conigenoides mushrooms growing from a magnolia cone on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Fall colors of pitcher plant (Sarracenia alata) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 23, 2019
Scarlet Waxy Cap Mushroom (Hygrophorus coccineus) in Big Thicket park, on Pitcher Plant Trail. Texas, April 25, 2009
Magnolia cone mushrooms (Strobilurus conigenoides) among dry magnolia leaves on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Some tiny white flower on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Kountze, Texas, August 2, 2014
Bolete mushroom Pulchroboletus rubricitrinus(?) near Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Texas, September 25, 2021
Amethyst deceiver mushroom (Laccaria amethystina) on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Normal form of aborted entoloma mushrooms (Entoloma abortivum, Clitopilus abortivus) on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Pear-shaped stump puffball mushrooms (Lycoperdon pyriforme, Apioperdon pyriforme) on a tree log on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Underside of bolete mushroom Pulchroboletus rubricitrinus(?) near Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Texas, September 25, 2021
Dissected bolete mushroom Pulchroboletus rubricitrinus(?) near Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Texas, September 25, 2021
Cup fungus Sphaerosporella brunnea(?) on a bonfire site near Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Texas, September 25, 2021
Longleaf milkweed (Asclepias longifolia) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Kountze, Texas, August 2, 2014
Low pinebarren milkwort (Polygala ramosa) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Kountze, Texas, August 2, 2014
Ten-angle Pipewort (Eriocaulon decangulare) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Kountze, Texas, August 2, 2014
Drumheads milkwort (Polygala cruciata) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Kountze, Texas, August 2, 2014
Reddish amorphous fungus on decomposed oak wood near Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Texas, September 25, 2021
Normal and malformed fruiting bodies of aborted entoloma mushrooms (Entoloma abortivum, Clitopilus abortivus) on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Close up of pear-shaped stump puffball mushrooms (Lycoperdon pyriforme, Apioperdon pyriforme) on a tree log on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Pear-shaped stump puffball mushrooms (Lycoperdon pyriforme, Apioperdon pyriforme) on a rotten tree on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Masses of pear-shaped stump puffball mushrooms (Lycoperdon pyriforme, Apioperdon pyriforme) on a tree log on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Clusters of pear-shaped stump puffball mushrooms (Lycoperdon pyriforme, Apioperdon pyriforme) on a tree log on Kirby Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2013
Close up of Drumheads milkwort (Polygala cruciata) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Kountze, Texas, August 2, 2014
Coastal false asphodel (Tofieldia racemosa) on Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Kountze, Texas, August 2, 2014
Cross section of bolete mushroom Pulchroboletus rubricitrinus(?) near Pitcher Plant Trail in Big Thicket National Preserve. Texas, September 25, 2021

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