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136-03. In Old City of Akko. The Middle East, April 22, 2000

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In Old City of Akko. The Middle East, April 22, 2000
In Old City of Akko. The Middle East, April 22, 2000
In Old City of Akko. The Middle East, April 22, 2000
In Old City of Akko. The Middle East, April 22, 2000
Old City of Akko from embankment. The Middle East, April 22, 2000
Old City of Akko from embankment. The Middle East, April 22, 2000
A mosque in Old City of Akko. The Middle East, April 22, 2000
Entrance to Old City in Akko. The Middle East, April 22, 2000
A mosque in Old City of Akko. The Middle East, April 22, 2000
Turkish bath-house (?) in Old City of Akko, view from embankment. The Middle East, April 22, 2000
View of an eastern part of Old City of Akko across fishing harbor from the end of the wharf (Malkat Akko restaurant). The Middle East, June 7, 2001
Fisherman s Wharf and south-eastern part of Old City of Akko, view from the end of a mall (Malkat Akko restaurant). The Middle East, June 7, 2001
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Old City of Akko. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
Old City of Akko. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
A big jellyfish on Argaman Beach south-east from Old City. Akko, the Middle East, June 7, 2001
Bet Hamison (?), one of the first houses in the city (1903) on the corner of Trumpeldor and HaAvot Street in Old City. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, April 8, 2000
View of Old City and the bay from Citadel. Akko, the Middle East, June 7, 2002
Old City and the bay, view from Citadel. Akko, the Middle East, June 7, 2002
Old City and the bay, view from Citadel. Akko, the Middle East, June 7, 2002
Old City, view from Citadel. Akko, the Middle East, June 7, 2002
A street in eastern part of Old City of Akko. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
Marina and Old City of Akko, view from the wharf. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
A street in eastern part of Old City of Akko. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
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Ruins opposite to Abu Christo restaurant of Old City of Akko. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
A street in western part (?) of Old City of Akko (Acre). The Middle East, June 7, 2001
Walls of Old City from Napoleone Bonaparte Street. Akko, the Middle East, June 7, 2002
A yard in western part (?) of Old City of Akko (Acre). The Middle East, June 7, 2001
Great Mosque and Old City, view from the Citadel. Akko, the Middle East, June 7, 2002
Great Mosque, view from city walls. Akko, the Middle East, June 7, 2002
Fishing harbor and Old City of Akko, view from the wharf. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
A stone of Christian cemetery south from Tel Akko junction. Akko, the Middle East, June 7, 2001
A grave of Christian cemetery south from Tel Akko junction. Akko, the Middle East, June 7, 2001
Graves in Christian cemetery south from Tel Akko junction. Akko, the Middle East, June 7, 2001
View of Old City of Akko (Acre) from Land Wall Promenade. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
Salah and Bazri Street in northern Old City of Akko (Acre). The Middle East, June 7, 2001
Salah and Bazri Street along the seashore in Old City of Akko (Acre). The Middle East, June 7, 2002
A yard west from Khan el Umdan (?), Old City of Akko (Acre). The Middle East, June 7, 2001
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Louis de Phelippeaux (?) Street in Old City of Akko, also spelled Acre. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
Northern entrance to Khan el Umdan (Pillars Inn) in Old City of Akko. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
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Near K.K.L. Pedestrian Mall in Old City. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, April 20, 2000
Hospitallers of Saint John (?) Street in Old City of Akko, also spelled Acre. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
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The central K.K.L. Pedestrian Mall in Old City at Saturday, observance day of Judaic religion (Sabbath). Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, April 8, 2000
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An altar (?) of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 17, 2000

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