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1374-11. Seeds of Savignya parviflora taken from area of Ras Laffan. Doha, Qatar, March 8, 2014

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Annual rabbitsfoot grass (Polypogon monspeliensis) near Ras Laffan. Qatar, March 7, 2014
Fruits of Heron s bill (Erodium oxyrrhynchum) near Ras Laffan. Qatar, March 7, 2014
Leaf of Heron s bill (Erodium oxyrrhynchum) near Ras Laffan. Qatar, March 7, 2014
Seeds and a flower of Dahlberg daisy (Thymophylla tenuiloba var. tenuiloba) taken from Al Jihad Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 9, 2015
Close up of Pteranthus dichotomus in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
Aaronsohnia factorovskyi or may be Tripleurospermum in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
Shoot of Hulwort (Teucrium polium) in area between Al Khor and Ras Laffan. Qatar, November 1, 2014
Dry stalks of a desert plant in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
Dovecot in a village of Al Mashrab in area of Ras Laffan Farms. Northern Qatar, October 18, 2014
Old furniture in a village of Al Mashrab in area of Ras Laffan Farms. Northern Qatar, October 6, 2014
Astragalus tribuloides on dry silt in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
Abandoned cart in a village of Al Mashrab in area of Ras Laffan Farms. Northern Qatar, October 18, 2014
Filago desertorum (local name quTeyna) in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
Abandoned greenhouse in a village of Al Mashrab in area of Ras Laffan Farms. Northern Qatar, October 18, 2014
Pile of boulders in a village of Al Mashrab in area of Ras Laffan Farms. Northern Qatar, October 18, 2014
Pteranthus dichotomus growing in silt in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
Stone house in a village of Al Mashrab in area of Ras Laffan Farms. Northern Qatar, October 6, 2014
Abandoned bathroom in a village of Al Mashrab in area of Ras Laffan Farms. Northern Qatar, October 18, 2014
Remains of a garden in a village of Al Mashrab in area of Ras Laffan Farms. Northern Qatar, October 6, 2014
Desert plant Andrachne telephioides with flowers in area between Al Khor and Ras Laffan. Qatar, November 1, 2014
Bones and tumbleweed in a village of Al Mashrab in area of Ras Laffan Farms. Northern Qatar, October 18, 2014
Astragalus tribuloides growing on dry silt in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
Flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi or may be Tripleurospermum in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
Theater stage(?) in a village of Al Mashrab in area of Ras Laffan Farms. Northern Qatar, October 18, 2014
Muaath Bin Jabal Street in Al Doha Al Jadeeda area. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2014
Area of Al Maymoun Street in Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2014
Messy backyard on Al Nada Street in Al Doha Al Jadeeda area. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2014
Demolition of a house on Hadramout Street in Al Doha Al Jadeeda area. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2014
Rooster on Ziyad Bin Eyad Street in Al Doha Al Jadeeda area. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2014
Khalifa Grocery on Hadramout Street in Al Doha Al Jadeeda area. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2014

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