Dill (Anethum graveolens, local names ein jarada, shabat) on roadside of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
 Parasols of dill (Anethum graveolens, local names ein jarada, shabat) on roadside of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
 Seeds of dill (Anethum graveolens, local names ein jarada, shabat) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, March 3, 2014
 Dill (Anethum graveolens, local names ein jarada, shabat) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, March 3, 2014
 Dill (Anethum graveolens, local names ein jarada, shabat) taken from Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
 Dill (Anethum graveolens, local names ein jarada, shabat) on the periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
 Flower of dill (Anethum graveolens, local names ein jarada, shabat) taken from Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
 Flowers of dill (Anethum graveolens, local names ein jarada, shabat) on the periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
 Dried dill seeds (Suva, Anethum graveolens) in spice section in Souq Waqif (Old Market). Doha, Qatar, September 11, 2015
 Dill (Anethum graveolens) taken from Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
 Fluffy seeds of Distaff-thistle (Atractylis carduus, local names jalwa, laymoony, shuwwaykh) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Centaurea sinaica (local names birkan, murrar) with seeds on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Almost dry Centaurea sinaica (local names birkan, murrar) with seeds on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Centaurea sinaica (local names birkan, murrar) with seeds and flowers on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Seeds of Virgin s Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in sand on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Fluffy seeds of distaff-thistle (Atractylis carduus, local names jalwa, laymoony, shuwwaykh) on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Winged fruits of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) on roadside of a road to Zubara. Northern Qatar, November 28, 2014
 Virgin s Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Bladderdock (Rumex vesicarius, local name homeid) near Zubara exit of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
 Distaff-thistle (Atractylis carduus, local names jalwa, laymoony, shuwwaykh) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Flowers of bladderdock (Rumex vesicarius, local name homeid) near Zubara exit of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
 Flowers and seeds of Cutleaf Heron s bill (Erodium laciniatum, Geranium laciniatum, local names qarnawah, ibrat al rahib) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Thaghab Al Majda. North-western Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Flowers and seeds of Cutleaf Heron s bill (Erodium laciniatum, Geranium laciniatum, local names qarnawah, ibrat al rahib) on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Seeds of Texas Indian-mallow (Abutilon fruticosum, Abutilon denticulatum, local name gargadan) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Aerva javanica (local names towayim, tarfa, tirf, Tuwaim) on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Blooming Virgin s Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Alfalfa (lucerne, Medicago sativa, local names jet, barseem) in sand on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Virgin s Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in sand on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Seed pods of milkweed Glossonema varians (local names jarawa, yarawa) on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) on a roadside of a road to Al Numan. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Dry Eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) on a roadside of a road to Al Numan. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Seeds of Brown Lily (Dipcadi erythraeum, Hyacinthus serotinus, local names mesailemo, besailemo) near a road to Saudi Arabia in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Suaeda aegyptiaca (Chenopodium aegyptiacum, Suaeda hortensis, Suaeda baccata, Schanginia aegyptiaca, local names juliman, guluman, ikhreet, hamd) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Blooming Centaurea sinaica (Centaurea pseudosinaica, Amberboa crupioides, local names birkan, murrar) on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Seeds of cutleaf heron s bill (Erodium laciniatum, Geranium laciniatum, local names qarnawah, ibrat al rahib) near a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, February 13, 2016
 Yellow flowers of Ochradenus baccatus (local names qardi, Qurdi) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) with a flower in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Blooming eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Shoot of desert gourd Citrullus colocynthis (bitter apples, Cucumis colocynthis, local names handal, shary, Handhal) on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Leaves of desert gourd Citrullus colocynthis (bitter apples, Cucumis colocynthis, local names handal, shary, Handhal) on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Bush of Ochradenus baccatus (local names qardi, Qurdi) near a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) on roadside of Dukhan Road in western Qatar, March 3, 2014
 Blooming Virgin s Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Seeds of a plant of sunflower family on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Desert plant Medicago laciniata (Medicago polymorpha, local names nafal abu hasak, hassak, jet barri) with seeds near a road to Sawda Natheel in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Centaurea sinaica (local names birkan, murrar) on roadside in Al Ameria near a road to Sawda Natheel. Southern Qatar, April 15, 2016
 Red berries of Cocculus pendulus (local names khuneigh, gurdhi) found on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
 Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) on a roadside near Abu Nahlah. Qatar, April 25, 2014
 Prickly Dock (Emex spinosa, Rumex spinosus, local names drs al ajooz, hanzab) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
 Bushy plant of Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) on roadside of Dukhan Road in western Qatar, March 3, 2014
 Field of rotten desert gourd (Citrullus colocynthis, local names handal, shary, Handhal) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Rotten last year bitter gourd (Citrullus colocynthis, local names handal, shary, Handhal) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Large plant of Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) on roadside of Dukhan Road in western Qatar, March 3, 2014
 Aerva javanica (Aerva persica, Iresine javanica, local names towayim, tarfa, tirf, Tuwaim) in a depression on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana (Karana, Al Kiranah), south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Virgin s Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in a roadside depression near Salwa Road. Qatar, April 22, 2016
 Blooming dyer s croton (giradol, Chrozophora tinctoria, local names Tanoom, zerraij, tannom) near a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Blue panicgrass (Panicum antidotale) near Zubara exit of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
 Blooming Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
 Centaurea sinaica (local names birkan, murrar) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Qatar, April 8, 2016
 Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) in sand on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
 Plant of Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
 Red berries and green galls on Cocculus pendulus (local names khuneigh, gurdhi) found on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
 Plantain with large grain-like fruits (Plantago amplexicaulis, local names rablat al mistah, lesan al hamal) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Inwardly curved branches of Virgin s Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, March 1, 2014
 Blooming Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local names Daa, harm, hureim) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
 Woolly plant of dyer s croton (giradol, Chrozophora tinctoria, local names Tanoom, zerraij, tannom) near a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) with flowers in sand on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
 Centaurea sinaica (local names birkan, murrar) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
 Flowers of Launaea capitata (Zollikoferia glomerata, local names huwa, hazan) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Large grain-like fruits of desert plantain Plantago amplexicaulis (local names rablat al mistah, lesan al hamal) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Inwardly curved, woody branches of Virgin s Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, March 1, 2014
 Lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) with seeds in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
 Woolly, staminate flowers of dyer s croton (giradol, Chrozophora tinctoria, local names Tanoom, zerraij, tannom) near a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Lower view of Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) in sand on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
 Egyptian sage (Salvia aegyptiaca, Salvia pumila, local names naeem, ghbeisha, noaim) on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, March 1, 2014
 Blooming Moltkiopsis ciliata (Lithospermum ciliatum, Lithospermum angustifolium, local names halam, Ghabshah) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
 Anchusa hispida (Gastrocotyle hispida, local names ainbacees, rims) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Thaghab Al Majda. North-western Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Flowers of Moltkiopsis ciliata (Lithospermum ciliatum, Lithospermum angustifolium, local names halam, Ghabshah) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
 Desert plant Moltkiopsis ciliata (Lithospermum ciliatum, Lithospermum angustifolium, local names halam, Ghabshah) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
 Yellow flower of a desert plant Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local names Daa, harm, hureim) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Bindweed (Convolvulus)(?) on roadside of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, February 9, 2016
 Flowers of mesquite (Prosopis juliflora, Prosopis chilensis, ironwood, local names meskeet, ghweif, al ghaf) near a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Storkbill (Erodium glaucophyllum) on roadside of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, February 9, 2016
 Flower of Launaea mucronata (local name Huwa ghazal) near Northern Road (Shamal). Qatar, March 7, 2012
 Pulicaria undulata (Francoeruria crispa, Pulicaria crispa, local names jithjath, yethyas) on roadside of Dukhan Road in western Qatar, March 3, 2014
 Flowers and seeds of Field Marigold (Calendula arvensis, Calendula micrantha, local name hanwa) on roadside of a road to Zubara in Al Magdah farms area, in north-western Qatar, February 22, 2014
 Seeds with flowers of Field Marigold (Calendula arvensis, Calendula micrantha, local name hanwa) on roadside of a road to Zubara in Al Magdah farms area, in north-western Qatar, February 22, 2014
 Suaeda aegyptiaca(?) with seeds on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Rosin Weed (Cressa cretica, local names Senebiera, didyma, nedaiwa) taken from northern corner of crossing of Al Corniche and Al Markhiya streets in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 4, 2014
 Blooming Pulicaria undulata (Francoeruria crispa, Pulicaria crispa, local names jithjath, yethyas) on roadside of Dukhan Road in western Qatar, March 3, 2014
 Launaea capitata (Launaea glomerata, Zollikoferia glomerata, local names huwa, hazan) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
 Dyer s croton (giradol, Chrozophora tinctoria, local names Tanoom, zerraij, tannom) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, April 29, 2016
 Cutleaf Heron s bill (Erodium laciniatum, Geranium laciniatum, local names qarnawah, ibrat al rahib) on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
 Narrow leaves of bindweed (Convolvulus)(?) taken from roadside of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, February 9, 2016
 Flower and seeds of Texas Indian-mallow (Abutilon fruticosum, Abutilon denticulatum, local name gargadan) on roadside of a road to Zubara in Al Magdah farms area, in north-western Qatar, February 22, 2014
 Cutleaf Heron s bill (Erodium laciniatum, Geranium laciniatum, local names qarnawah, ibrat al rahib) on roadside of a road to Zubara in Al Magdah farms area, in north-western Qatar, February 22, 2014
 Cutleaf Heron s bill (Erodium laciniatum, Geranium laciniatum, local names qarnawah, ibrat al rahib) on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Blooming Pulicaria undulata (Francoeruria crispa, Pulicaria crispa, local names jithjath, yethyas) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014