Masses of fruits of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Masses of flowers of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Flowers or fruits of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Fruits(?) of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Button like fruits of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Button like fruits of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Almost dry plant of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Seeds(?) of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Dying twig of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Dying plant of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Dying plant of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Pink young plant of Bienertia cycloptera with small fruits of flowers taken from roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Plant of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, June 10, 2016
 Bienertia cycloptera with fruits taken from roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Plant of Bienertia cycloptera near Salwa Road on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, June 10, 2016
 Plant of Bienertia cycloptera in a roadside gully of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, November 27, 2015
 Bienertia cycloptera in sand on roadside in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, April 25, 2015
 Plant of Bienertia cycloptera on roadside in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, April 25, 2015
 Shoot of Bienertia cycloptera taken from roadside in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, April 25, 2015
 Almost dry plant of Bienertia cycloptera on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
 Winged fruits of Salsola drummondii on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Blue leaves of Bienertia cycloptera on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
 Plant of Bienertia cycloptera on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Twig of Salsola cyclophylla with winged fruits on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Large plant of Bienertia cycloptera on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Plant of Bienertia cycloptera emerging from sand near Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Half dry salt tolerant plant of Bienertia cycloptera on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
 Pink young plant of Bienertia cycloptera taken from roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Sand ripples on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Leaves of Salsola drummondii on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Blooming bush of Salsola drummondii on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Plant of Salsola drummondii growing on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Bushes of Salsola drummondii in sand on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Blooming plant of Salsola drummondii on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Close up of a twig of Salsola drummondii on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Big plant of Seablite (Suaeda vermiculata) on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Salt tolerant plant of Salsola drummondii on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Salt tolerant plant of Salsola drummondii on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Close up of fruits of Cornulaca aucheri taken from a beach near Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Close up of tiny flowers of Cornulaca aucheri taken from a beach near Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Cornulaca aucheri taken from a beach near Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Salt tolerant bush of Salsola drummondii on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
 Thorny plant of Cornulaca aucheri taken from a beach near Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Young shoot of Salsola drummondii with pear-shaped leaves taken from a beach near Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Button like fruits of Bienertia sinuspersici on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Slender twig of Tetraena qatarense (Zygophyllum qatarense) plant taken from a beach near Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Morning glory (Convolvulus cephalopodus) with masses of pink flowers on a gravel plain in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Masses of pink flowers of morning glory (Convolvulus cephalopodus) on a gravel plain in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Masses of yellow flowers of Launaea mucronata subsp. mucronata on sand dunes near the spring in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Plants of Bienertia sinuspersici at the entrance of Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, June 25, 2016
 Bluish plant of Bienertia sinuspersici at the entrance of Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, June 25, 2016
 Large plants of Bienertia sinuspersici at the entrance of Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, June 25, 2016
 Rocks in Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Large plant of Salsola drummondii on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
 Common salt grass (Aeluropus lagopoides) in sand on roadside in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, April 25, 2015
 Young plant of Salsola drummondii on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
 Salt tolerant plants (halophytes) on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
 Close up of Salsola drummondii taken from a beach in Abu Samra. Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Small darkling beetle taken from a beach in Abu Samra. Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Plantain with large grain-like fruits (Plantago amplexicaulis, local names rablat al mistah, lesan al hamal) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Mat of common salt grass (Aeluropus lagopoides) on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
 Close up of Salsola drummondii with clavate and club-shaped leaves taken from roadside in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, April 25, 2015
 Close up of leaves of Salsola drummondii taken from a beach in Abu Samra. Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Large grain-like fruits of desert plantain Plantago amplexicaulis (local names rablat al mistah, lesan al hamal) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Twig of Salsola drummondii with clavate and club-shaped variation of leaves taken from roadside in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, April 25, 2015
 Round leaf variety of seablite (Suaeda vermiculata) taken from roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
 Seablite (Suaeda vermiculata) with round leaf variation on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
 Twig of Salsola drummondii with clavate and club-shaped leaves on dark background taken from roadside in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, April 25, 2015
 Close up of Salsola drummondii with clavate and club-shaped variation of leaves on dark background taken from roadside in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, April 25, 2015
 Flowers of Silver Nailroot (Paronychia arabica, Illecebrum arabicum) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Masses of fossilized oyster shells on the ground in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 29, 2016
 Yellow flowers of Ochradenus baccatus (local names qardi, Qurdi) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Masses of leathery fruits of mangrove washed out on a beach of Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim). Al Khor, Qatar, August 29, 2015
 Bienertia sinuspersici plant with fruits near Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim). Al Khor, Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Flowers of Leptadenia pyrotechnica on the border of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Fruits of Bienertia sinuspersici plant on a shore near Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim) in Al Khor. Qatar, November 28, 2015
 Bienertia sinuspersici plant with fruits on a shore near Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim) in Al Khor. Qatar, November 28, 2015
 Twigs of Bienertia sinuspersici plant with fruits near Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim). Al Khor, Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Branch of Bienertia sinuspersici plant with fruits near Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim). Al Khor, Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Close up of Bienertia sinuspersici plant with fruits near Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim). Al Khor, Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Bienertia sinuspersici with seeds on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Seeds of Bienertia sinuspersici on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Salt tolerant plant Bienertia sinuspersici(?) on a beach north from Umm Bab. Western Qatar, April 4, 2014
 Green fruits of Bienertia sinuspersici plant on a shore near Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim) in Al Khor. Qatar, November 28, 2015
 Fruits of Bienertia sinuspersici plant on sand on a shore near Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim) in Al Khor. Qatar, November 28, 2015
 Close up of fruits of Bienertia sinuspersici plant taken from a shore near Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim) in Al Khor. Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Flowers of Zilla spinosa (Bunias spinosa, local name shabram) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Masses of rabbit-foot grass (Polypogon monspeliensis) near a desert spring of Qulmat Al Maszhabiya in Al Mashabiya Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Masses of smooth flatsedge (Cyperus laevigatus) growing in a desert spring of Qulmat Al Maszhabiya in Al Mashabiya Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, January 22, 2016
 Close up of a salt tolerant plant Bienertia sinuspersici(?) on a beach north from Umm Bab. Western Qatar, April 4, 2014
 Star shaped flowers of Leptadenia pyrotechnica on the border of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Close up of flowers of Zilla spinosa (Bunias spinosa, local name shabram) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 White flowers of Malva parviflora (Malva flexuosa, local name khubaiza) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Dense flowers of Zilla spinosa (Bunias spinosa, local name shabram) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Fruits of tamarisk (Tamarix aucheriana) on roadside of Salwa Road near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Shoots of Bienertia sinuspersici plant with fruits on sand on a shore near Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim) in Al Khor. Qatar, November 28, 2015
 Close up of twigs of Bienertia sinuspersici plant with fruits taken from a shore near Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim) in Al Khor. Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Twigs and fruits of a plant Traganum nudatum taken from Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Fall colors of shoots of Bienertia sinuspersici plant with fruits on a shore near Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim) in Al Khor. Qatar, November 28, 2015