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1515-23. Small darkling beetle in Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, December 19, 2014

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Young leaves of Moltkiopsis ciliata on rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, December 12, 2014
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Darkling beetle Adesmia khaliensis in sands of Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 2, 2012
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Rosette of leaves of a desert plant Launaea mucronata on rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, December 12, 2014
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Sunrise from Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, November 21, 2014
Mat of some pillow like grass near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 6, 2014
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Stoneseed (Echiochilon jugatum) with small flowers on a rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, March 12, 2016
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Small plant of Lotus garcinii under cliffs on a rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
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Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
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Plant of Cleome noeana near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 6, 2014
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Cleome noeana growing on rocks near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 3, 2014
Leaves of Cleome noeana growing near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 3, 2014
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Shoot of Cleome noeana growing near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 3, 2014
Dry plant of Cleome noeana south from Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, November 21, 2014
Flower spike of Cleome noeana near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 6, 2014
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Glandular hairs of Cleome noeana near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
Rosette of leaves of Cleome noeana near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
Plant of Cleome noeana in desert near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 6, 2014
Pubescent leaves of Pulicaria gnaphalodes near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
Young plant of Cleome noeana near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 6, 2014
Blooming plant of Cleome noeana near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 6, 2014
Close up of flowers of Cleome noeana near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 6, 2014
Seed pods of Cleome noeana taken Fuwairit in Northern Qatar, October 4, 2014
Close up of a leaf of Cleome noeana near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 6, 2014
Close up of a leaf of Cleome noeana near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 3, 2014
Flowers and ovary of Cleome noeana growing near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 3, 2014
Seed pods of Cleome noeana growing near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, October 3, 2014

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