Nest of sea birds Sterna (terns) on a beach near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Eggs of sea birds Sterna (terns) in Jazirat Umm Tays, barrier island at northern tip of Qatar, east from Ruwais. Qatar, April 12, 2013
 Eggs of sea birds terns on Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim). Al Khor, Qatar, April 24, 2015
 Al Kheriza beach plant (Halopeplis perfoliata) on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Bush of Al Kheriza beach plant (Halopeplis perfoliata) on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Shoot of Al Kheriza beach plant (Halopeplis perfoliata) on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Young Al Kheriza beach plant (Halopeplis perfoliata) on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Blooming Al Kheriza beach plant (Halopeplis perfoliata) on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Close up of blooming Al Kheriza beach plant (Halopeplis perfoliata) on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Back lit blooming Al Kheriza beach plant (Halopeplis perfoliata) on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Close up of leaves of Al Kheriza beach plant (Halopeplis perfoliata) on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Twig of Al Kheriza beach plant (Halopeplis perfoliata) with minute flowers on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Ain Mohamed Fort near Al Areesh Road north from Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Grass of Cymbopogon commutatus taken from roadside of a road to Zubara in Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) watching birds on a small peninsula. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, April 3, 2015
 QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) heading to watch birds on a small peninsula. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, April 3, 2015
 Grass spikes of Cymbopogon commutatus taken from roadside of a road to Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Grass of Cymbopogon commutatus on white background taken from roadside of a road to Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Camelthorn plants (Alhagi maurorum) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris) on roadside at the entrance of Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Fruits of bindweed (Convolvulus fatmensis) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Fruits of bindweed (Convolvulus fatmensis) taken from a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Desert gourd Citrullus colocynthis in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Yellow flowers of Pulicaria undulata in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Dense mat of Corchorus depressus in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Blooming eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris) on roadside at the entrance of Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 House of Rashid bin Mohammed Bogarb in Ain Mohamed Fort near Al Areesh Road north from Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Mat of spurge Euphorbia granulata in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Large eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris) on roadside at the entrance of Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris) with flowers on roadside at the entrance of Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Prostrate species of bindweed (Convolvulus fatmensis) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Desert plant Andrachne telephioides in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Bushy bindweed (Convolvulus prostratus) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Seaside heliotrope (Heliotropium curassavicum, local name ramram) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Spreading shoots of Andrachne telephioides in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Mat of Indian walnut (Aeluropus littoralis) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Trailing shoot of Zaleya pentandra in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Flower of bindweed Convolvulus fatmensis in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Blooming bindweed Convolvulus fatmensis in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Farm of a poet Mohammed bin Hamad bin al-Naimi in Ain Mohamed Fort near Al Areesh Road north from Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Brown jellyfish on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Thunderstorm clouds from a beach of Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, November 28, 2014
 Flowers of seaside heliotrope (Heliotropium curassavicum, local name ramram) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Shoot of camelthorn plant (Alhagi maurorum) with small leaves in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Blooming Pulicaria undulata (local names jithjath, yethyas) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Seedling of a desert bush Ziziphus nummularia in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Flower and fruits of bindweed Convolvulus fatmensis in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Blooming seaside heliotrope (Heliotropium curassavicum, local name ramram) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Plant of seaside heliotrope (Heliotropium curassavicum, local name ramram) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Accumulation of jellyfish and seaweeds on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Bienertia sinuspersici with seeds on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Seeds of Bienertia sinuspersici on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Pulicaria undulata (local names jithjath, yethyas) with a cattle bone in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Plant of Corchorus depressus with flower buds and fruits in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Yellow flowers of Pulicaria undulata (local names jithjath, yethyas) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Shoot of Corchorus depressus with flower buds and fruits in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Close up of Corchorus depressus with flower buds and fruits in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Large bush of Pulicaria undulata (local names jithjath, yethyas) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Button like fruits of Bienertia sinuspersici on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Brown sargassum seaweed with air bladders on a beach of Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, November 28, 2014
 Desert plant of Corchorus depressus with flower buds and fruits in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Sargassum seaweed (brown algae) with air bladders on a beach of Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, November 28, 2014
 Houses of Nasser bin Mohamed bin Mohammed Almkaona in Ain Mohamed Fort near Al Areesh Road north from Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Ruins of houses of Nasser bin Mohamed bin Mohammed Almkaona in Ain Mohamed Fort near Al Areesh Road north from Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Ancient ingenious intertidal stone fish traps on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Sanderling birds on Long Point Beach. Provincetown, Massachusetts, March 20, 2004
 Zubara Fort at sunrise. Northern Qatar, June 20, 2015
 A flock of sleeping sanderling birds on Long Point Beach. Provincetown, Massachusetts, March 20, 2004
 Zubara Fort in northern area (Shamal). Qatar, June 20, 2015
 Archeological display near Zubara Fort. Northern Qatar, January 24, 2015
 Desert gourd Citrullus colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, local names handal, shary, Handhal) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 28, 2015
 A flock of disturbed sanderling birds flying from Long Point Beach. Provincetown, Massachusetts, March 20, 2004
 Pottery at archeological display near Zubara Fort. Northern Qatar, January 24, 2015
 Cymbopogon commutatus grass on a roadside of a road to Zubara. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Antique glassware at archeological display near Zubara Fort. Northern Qatar, January 24, 2015
 Corchorus depressus in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, April 17, 2015
 Cemetery of Ain Mohamed Fort near Al Areesh Road north from Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 26, 2015
 Date palm seeds at archeological display near Zubara Fort. Northern Qatar, January 24, 2015
 Plant of Zaleya pentandra in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, January 8, 2015
 Branch of Zaleya pentandra in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, January 8, 2015
 Fruits of Zaleya pentandra taken from a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, January 8, 2015
 Flowers of Zaleya pentandra in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, January 8, 2015
 Caked mud in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Cemetery at rain in Ain Mohamed Fort near Al Areesh Road north from Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 26, 2015
 Close up of Zaleya pentandra in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, January 8, 2015
 Fresh pubescent leaves of Pulicaria gnaphalodes on a roadside of a road near Zubara. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Pulicaria undulata with seeds in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, April 17, 2015
 Zubara Fort in northern area (Shamal). Qatar, March 3, 2012
 Oil drum fence of a farm in Ain Mohamed Fort near Al Areesh Road north from Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 26, 2015
 Washed out clay walls in Ain Mohamed Fort near Al Areesh Road north from Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 26, 2015
 Camelthorn bush (Alhagi maurorum) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, January 8, 2015
 Texture of caked mud in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Woody stems of Zaleya pentandra in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, January 8, 2015
 Branch of Zaleya pentandra with fruits in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, January 8, 2015
 Bushy bindweed (Convolvulus prostratus) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, April 17, 2015
 Water stream after a rain on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, December 26, 2015
 Prostrate plant of Zaleya pentandra in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, January 8, 2015
 Cemetery tombs at rain in Ain Mohamed Fort near Al Areesh Road north from Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 26, 2015
 Old oil drum fence of a farm in Ain Mohamed Fort near Al Areesh Road north from Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 26, 2015