Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in a depression in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Water well in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Uwaynat Bin Husayn Water Well near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Blooming salt tolerant plant Anabasis setifera in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Ruins of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Spurry (Spergula fallax) in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, October 9, 2014
 Spurry (Spergula fallax) taken from Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Greater plantain (Plantago boissieri) in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Traditional columned peristyle (liwan) of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma at sunrise. Qatar, February 13, 2016
 Close up of spurry (Spergula fallax) taken from Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Seed capsules of spurry (Spergula fallax) in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Blooming Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Flowers of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Remains of a mosque in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, October 9, 2014
 Fruits and black seeds of spurry (Spergula fallax) taken from Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Back lit flowers of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Opened seed capsules of spurry (Spergula fallax) taken from Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Close up of black seeds of spurry (Spergula fallax) taken from Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Northern Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Close up of a flower of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Old mesquite tree (Prosopis juliflora) near Uwaynat Bin Husayn Water Well near Simaisma. Qatar, January 16, 2016
 Lycium shawii planted in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Shoot of Corchorus depressus in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Butterfly shaped flower of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Flower of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) with long stamens in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Big mesquite tree (Prosopis juliflora) in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn Water Well near Simaisma. Qatar, January 16, 2016
 Flower bud of bindweed (Convolvulus fatmensis) in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Flower buds of Corchorus depressus in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Bush of desert thorn Lycium shawii near Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, February 13, 2016
 Ruins of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Flower of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Blooming Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in bloom in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Stinkgrass (candy grass, Eragrostis cilianensis) in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Fruits of caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, October 9, 2014
 Fruit of caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, October 9, 2014
 Fruits of caper plant (Capparis spinosa) taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, October 9, 2014
 Large white flower of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) with long stamens in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Ruins of a barrack in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Large flower of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well)d near Simaisma. Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Dissected fruit of caper plant (Capparis spinosa) taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, October 9, 2014
 Yellow flower on a Acacia ehrenbergiana(?) in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Launaea capitata (Zollikoferia glomerata, local names huwa, hazan) in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Desert Indianwheat (Plantago ovata or may be boissieri) in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Cutleaf Heron s bill (Erodium laciniatum) in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Fruits of greater plantain (Plantago boissieri) or may be P. ovata in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Blooming Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Big flower of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Dissected fruit of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, May 29, 2015
 Cutleaf Heron s bill (Erodium laciniatum) with flowers and fruits in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 White flower of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Pink flower of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Long shoots of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Opened ripe fruits of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, May 29, 2015
 Thorny bush of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Spiny butterfly of a flower of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Butterfly shaped flower of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Greater plantain (Plantago boissieri or may be P. ovata) growing in a shallow depression in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Long stamens of a flower of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Spear grass (Stipa capensis, local names samma, safa) in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Red peeling of opened ripe fruit of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, May 29, 2015
 Red interior of opened ripe fruit of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, May 29, 2015
 Red peeled ripe fruit with seeds of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, May 29, 2015
 Red interior with seeds of opened ripe fruit of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, May 29, 2015
 Close up of red interior with seeds of opened ripe fruit of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, May 29, 2015
 Ripe fruit split to reveal its content of red flesh and seeds of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, May 29, 2015
 Opened ripe fruit of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) split to reveal its content of red flesh taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, August 7, 2015
 Ruins of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 13, 2016
 Water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) near a water leakage site near sand processing plant near Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 White flowers of water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) near a water leakage site near sand processing plant near Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 Habitat of water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) on northern corner of Housing Community near a hospital. Al Khor, Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Blooming water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) on northern corner of Umm Enaig Housing Community near a hospital (Jeri Al Ramli). Al Khor, Qatar, November 14, 2015
 White flowers of water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) on northern corner of Umm Enaig Housing Community near a hospital (Jeri Al Ramli). Al Khor, Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Two white flowers of water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) on northern corner of Umm Enaig Housing Community near a hospital (Jeri Al Ramli). Al Khor, Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Three white flowers of water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) on northern corner of Umm Enaig Housing Community near a hospital (Jeri Al Ramli). Al Khor, Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Close up of a white flower of water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) on northern corner of Umm Enaig Housing Community near a hospital (Jeri Al Ramli). Al Khor, Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Large white flowers of water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) on northern corner of Umm Enaig Housing Community near a hospital (Jeri Al Ramli). Al Khor, Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Masses of white flowers of water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) on northern corner of Umm Enaig Housing Community near a hospital (Jeri Al Ramli). Al Khor, Qatar, November 14, 2015
 Ain Numan water well in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya). Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Grass Sporobolus spicatus growing along small water stream north from Al Khor. Qatar, March 7, 2015
 Grass spikelet of Sorghum halepense(?) taken from a place with water leakage in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
 Cattle drinker section of Ain Numan water well in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya). Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Grass Sporobolus spicatus with narrow cylindrical spikes on small water stream north from Al Khor. Qatar, March 7, 2015
 Masses of cylindrical spikes of grass Sporobolus spicatus on small water stream north from Al Khor. Qatar, March 7, 2015
 Close up of cylindrical spikes of grass Sporobolus spicatus on small water stream north from Al Khor. Qatar, March 7, 2015
 Narrow cylindrical spikes of grass Sporobolus spicatus on small water stream north from Al Khor. Qatar, March 7, 2015
 Flower heads of prickly goldenfleece (Urospermum picroides) taken from a place with water leakage in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
 Water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) on a sewage pond near Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, June 3, 2016
 Leaves of water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) on a sewage pond near Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, June 3, 2016
 Shoots of water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) on a sewage pond near Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, June 3, 2016
 Spreading plant of water morning glory (water spinach, water convolvulus, Ipomoea aquatica) on a sewage pond near Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, June 3, 2016
 Mosque on a beach. Simaisma, Qatar, October 9, 2014
 Ain Numan water well in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya). Northern Qatar, April 17, 2015
 Ain Numan water well in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya). Northern Qatar, January 24, 2015
 Ain Numan water well in Al Nuaman (Naim tribe, Nuaimiya). Northern Qatar, December 26, 2015
 Water fountain and pool of Museum of Islamic Art at evening. Doha, Qatar, January 22, 2015