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1570-02. Flowers of fodder radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Ammouriya Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 29, 2015

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Fodder radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Ammouriya Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 29, 2015
Plant of fodder radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Ammouriya Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 29, 2015
Flowers of fodder radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Al Furqan Street in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, February 24, 2016
Fodder radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Al Furqan Street in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, February 24, 2016
Blooming fodder radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Al Furqan Street in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, February 24, 2016
Inflorescence of fodder radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) with aphids on Al Furqan Street in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, February 24, 2016
Flowers of radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
Radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
Radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya Farms. South-western Qatar, March 29, 2014
Bee like fly on flowers of radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
Flower of radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya Farms. South-western Qatar, March 29, 2014
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Clouded Yellow butterfly (Colias croceus) on flowers of radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
Radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
Back lit Clouded Yellow butterfly (Colias croceus) on flowers of radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
Clouded Yellow butterfly (Colias croceus) sitting on flowers of radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
Clouded Yellow butterfly (Colias croceus) on a flower of radish (Raphanus sativus, local names ruweid, fijil) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
Pink flowers of fodder radish (Raphanus sativus) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 26, 2016
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Red flowers of Jatropha integerrima on United Nations Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, May 4, 2015
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Flowers of hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa) on Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 19, 2015
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Flowers of henna tree (Lawsonia inermis) on Wadi Al Sahl Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 27, 2015
Flowers of rainbow gum tree (Eucalyptus deglupta) on Wadi Al Sahl Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 8, 2015
Flowers of yellow sweet clover (Melilotus indicus) taken from Onaiza area near Al Sham Street. Doha, Qatar, February 19, 2015
Some plant of pea family taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
Silky flowers of frywood tree (Albizia lebbeck) on Al Shatt Street near Saha 15 in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, June 17, 2015
Flowers of glory bower (Volkameria inermis, Clerodendrum inerme) near Al Sham Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 30, 2015
Blooming Rosin Weed (Cressa cretica, local names Senebiera, didyma, nedaiwa) with stone fence background in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
Violet flowers of petunia in a park at Al Rafiei Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2016
Sweet corn (Zea mays)(?) on Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2015
Flowers of drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera) on Ibn Zaidoun Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 28, 2016
Lamb s quarters (Chenopodium album) with flowers taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 17, 2016
Flowers of nightshade (Solanum luteum or may be S. nigrum) taken from Al Rafiei Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2016
Spikelet of sweet corn (Zea mays)(?) on Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
Flowers of Dahlberg daisy (Thymophylla tenuiloba var. tenuiloba) on Saha 3 Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, May 4, 2015
Leaf of common vetch (Vicia sativa) taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
White sweet clover (Melilotus albus) on Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 19, 2015
Cudweed (Gnaphalium pensylvanicum) on Al Jood Street near corner with Saha 16 in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 8, 2015
Yellow vetchling (pea, vetch, Lathyrus aphaca) taken from Mareb(?) Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 29, 2015
Shoot of common vetch (Vicia sativa) taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
Flowers of blue pansy (Viola tricolor) planted in a park at Al Rafiei Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2016
Wandering cudweed (Gnaphalium pensylvanicum, Gamochaeta pensylvanica) with flowers taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 17, 2016
Spikelet of sweet corn (Zea mays)(?) on white background taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
Wandering cudweed (Gnaphalium pensylvanicum, Gamochaeta pensylvanica) taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 25, 2015
Spikelet of sweet corn (Zea mays)(?) on white background taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
White sweetclover (Melilotus albus) taken from Al Jood Street near a corner with Saha 16 in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
Spikelet of sweet corn (Zea mays)(?) on Al Jood Street near corner with Saha 16 in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 8, 2015
Back lit yellow vetchling (pea, vetch, Lathyrus aphaca) taken from Mareb(?) Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 29, 2015
Wandering cudweed (Gnaphalium pensylvanicum, Gamochaeta pensylvanica) on Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 10, 2015
Close up of white sweet clover (Melilotus albus) taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 19, 2015
Flowers of Benghal dayflower (tropical spiderwort, Commelina benghalensis) on a lawn in shade near HSM Villa on Al Eithar Street in Onaiza area near West Bay. Doha, Qatar, December 1, 2015
Bright pink flowers of orchid tree (Bauhinia variegata) in a park at Al Rafiei Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2016
Blooming common vetch (Vicia sativa) under a palm tree on Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2015
Yellow vetchling (pea, vetch, Lathyrus aphaca) on white background taken from Mareb(?) Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 29, 2015
Shoot of common vetch (Vicia sativa) on white background taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
Fruit of common vetch (Vicia sativa) under a palm tree on Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
Fruits of white sweetclover (Melilotus albus) taken from Al Jood Street near a corner with Saha 16 in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 25, 2015
Close up of Wandering cudweed (Gnaphalium pensylvanicum, Gamochaeta pensylvanica) on Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 10, 2015
Yellow flowers of Pulicaria undulata (local names jithjath, yethyas) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
Wilted plant of wandering cudweed (Gnaphalium pensylvanicum, Gamochaeta pensylvanica) taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
Dahlberg daisy (Thymophylla tenuiloba var. tenuiloba) on Al Jihad Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 9, 2015
Flower of Dahlberg daisy (Thymophylla tenuiloba var. tenuiloba) on Al Jihad Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 9, 2015
Flowers of dill (Anethum graveolens, local names ein jarada, shabat) on the periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
Seeds and a flower of Dahlberg daisy (Thymophylla tenuiloba var. tenuiloba) taken from Al Jihad Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 9, 2015
Flower and leaves of Dahlberg daisy (Thymophylla tenuiloba var. tenuiloba) taken from Al Jihad Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 9, 2015

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