Fruit of raspberry (Rubus odoratus, Rubacer odoratum) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Flower of raspberry (Rubus odoratus, Rubacer odoratum, Russian name Malinoklion) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 4, 2017
 Purple flowering raspberry (Rubus odoratus, Rubacer odoratum) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 13, 2014
 Purple flowering raspberry (Rubus odoratus, Rubacer odoratum) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 27, 2009
 Back lit leaf of raspberry (Rubus odoratus, Rubacer odoratum, Russian name Malinoklion) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 10, 2016
 Purple flowering raspberry (Rubus odoratus, Rubacer odoratum, Russian name Malinoklion) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 22, 2013
 Purple flowering raspberry (Rubus odoratus, Rubacer odoratum) north from Orekhovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 11, 2010
 Solomon s seal (Polygonatum odoratum, Russian name Kupena) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 21, 2015
 Brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum odoratum on mushroom show in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 1, 2016
 Thyme in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Creeping raspberry (Rubus rolfei, Crinkle-leaf Creeper, Rubus hayata-koidzumii) in Mercer Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. Humble (Houston area), Texas, July 5, 2014
 Kuril tea (cinquefoil) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Goldenrod (Solidago) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Red beebalm (Monarda) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Goldenrod (Solidago) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Blue asters in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Coneflower (Echinacea) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Beebalm (Monarda) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Coneflower (Echinacea) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Fern like leaves in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Blooming thyme in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Redbud (Oenothera) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Flower bud of a daisy in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Some flower bracts in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Forget-me-not (Myosotis) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Some wrinkled berries in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Some white inflorescence in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Beebalm (Monarda) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Beardtongue (Penstemon)(?) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Daisy flower in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Maple leaves in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Pink rose in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Peony flower in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Speedwell (Veronica)(?) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Tiger lily in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Fruit of poppy in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Blue iris in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Geranium flower in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Orange lilies in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Peony fruits in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Flowers near greenhouses in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Paved path in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Flowers of linden tree in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Felwort (Swertia perennis) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Yellow flower of scabiosa in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Flower of blue thistle in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Orange flowers of pea family in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Yellow iris flower in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Some small daisy flowers in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Pink Spirea flowers in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Orange rosette of leaves in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Blue thistle flower in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Pokeweed (Phytolacca acinosa) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Pink flowers of pea family in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Orange calendula flower in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Fruits of globe onion in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Yellow flowers of Lysimachia in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Red columbine (Aquilegia) flowers in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Small marsh rhododendron(?) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Pink dianthus flowers in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Malformed crested form of a fern in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Green cones of Thuja occidentalis in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Yellow daisy in rock garden in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Purple flowers of mint family in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Elecampagne (Deviasil, Inula ensifolia) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Central part of coneflower (Echinacea) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Siberian Lettuce (Lactuca sibirica) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Goldilocks aster (Galatella linosyris) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Wormwood (Artemisia, Russian name Polyn) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Dahlia flower (Russian name Georgin) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Blue flowers of snapdragon family in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Skullcap (Scutellaria) in rock garden in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 St. John s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Blooming felwort (Swertia perennis) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Milfoil (Achillea millefolium, yarrow) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Blooming pokeweed (Phytolacca acinosa) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Heartleaf oxeye (Telekia speciosa) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 White flowers of stonecrop (Sedum) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Some flower buds with white rims in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 White flowers of stonecrop (Sedum) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis triplinervis) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Torch Lily (Kniphofia uvaria) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis triplinervis) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Flowers of Sempervivum plant (houseleek) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Blue inflorescence on a small bush in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Seeds of pasque flower (Pulsatilla) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Yellow flowers of mustard family in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Blue flowers of speedwell (Veronica)(?) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Purple flowers of mint family in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Inflorescence of felwort (Swertia perennis) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Some small white daisy flowers in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Pink flower of morning glory (Ipomoea) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Blue flower of morning glory (Ipomoea) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Cross-leaved heath (Erica tetralix) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 White flower of morning glory (Ipomoea) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Leaves of plantain lily (hosta T-Dawg ) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2015
 Orange dahlia flower (Russian name Georgin) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 White trumpet-shaped flowers of Gentiana in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015
 Pointed sepals of felwort (Swertia perennis) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 16, 2015