Korela Fortress in Priozersk, 80 miles north from Saint Petersburg, Russia. September 8, 2002
 A park near Korela Fortress in Priozersk, 80 miles north from Saint Petersburg, Russia. September 8, 2002
 A park near Karela Fortress in Priozersk, 80 miles north from Saint Petersburg, Russia. September 8, 2002
 Long Hermann tower in Medieval Hermann s castle in Narva Fortress, view from a wall of Ivangorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 17, 2005
 A.S. at Vladimirskaya Bukhta (harbor) near Priozersk, 80 miles north from Saint Petersburg, Russia. September 8, 2002
 View of red sandstone cliffs of Oredezh River. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Meadow in Golmdorfov Forest, view from Krasnaya Street. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 View of Masada Fortress from the north. The Middle East, December 7, 2000
 Sandy area at sunrise near Sealine Beach Resort near Mesaieed, view to south-east. Southern Qatar, July 10, 2015
 Sand texture at sunrise near Sealine Beach Resort near Mesaieed, view to south-east. Southern Qatar, July 10, 2015
 Sandy area at sunrise near Mesaieed, view to south-east, with Sealine Beach Resort in background. Southern Qatar, July 10, 2015
 Path in a forest south-east from Arsenal in Alexander Park. Pushkin (former Tsarskoe Selo), south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 24, 2015
 View of Peter and Paul Fortress from Kronverkskaya Embankment. Saint Petersburg, Russia, April 6, 1999.
 View of Peter and Paul Fortress from Troitskiy Bridge. Saint Petersburg, Russia, April 13, 1999.
 Redbud foliage in a forest south-east from Arsenal in Alexander Park. Pushkin (former Tsarskoe Selo), south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 24, 2015
 Sand mounds (habitat of Seidlitzia rosmarinus) near Mesaieed, with Sealine Beach Resort in background, view to south-east. Southern Qatar, July 10, 2015
 Masada fortress on the top of a hill, view from Roman road 1 mile north from Masada at evening. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
 View of a hill with Masada fortress on the top from the Roman road 1.5 miles north from Masada at evening. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
 View of the city beach of Peter and Paul Fortress from Dvortsovy Bridge. Saint Petersburg, Russia, April 6, 1999.
 Churches of Ivangorod Fortress, view from a wall near Vorotnaya (Gate) Tower. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 17, 2005
 Golovin Tower of Shlisselburg Fortress, view from a boat. Orekhovy Island, Leningradskaya Region, Russia, July 27, 2012
 Milkweed Glossonema varians in sand in Al Ghariya on north-western coast, view from south. Qatar, July 3, 2015
 Blooming milkweed Glossonema varians in Al Ghariya on north-western coast, view from south. Qatar, July 3, 2015
 Lighthouse on a beach in Al Ghariya (Ra s Umm Hasah Light) on north-western coast, view from south. Qatar, July 3, 2015
 Ruins of a fortress (?) and walls of Bet Atab village, 4 miles east from Beit Shemesh. The Middle East, July 5, 2001
 View from east part of Third South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 5, 2016
 View from meadow area in Alexander Park. Pushkin (former Tsarskoe Selo), south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 24, 2015
 View of Lamskiy Bridge in Alexander Park. Pushkin (former Tsarskoe Selo), south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 24, 2015
 Naval Cathedral of Saint Nicholas, view from south. Kronstadt (part of Saint Petersburg), Russia, July 11, 2009
 Crusader s fortress in Atlit, now a military camp of marines(?), view from a train. The Middle East, April 25, 2002
 Railroad crossing near Marienburg, view from a window of a train. South from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 25, 2012
 Old toad in a forest in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Green moss in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Marble Bridge from east in Catherine Park. Pushkin (former Tsarskoe Selo), south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 24, 2015
 View of northern section of Lower Lamskiy Pond in Alexander Park. Pushkin (former Tsarskoe Selo), south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 24, 2015
 Longhorn borer beetle on a log in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Pine trees in a forest in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Red sandstone cliff near Oredezh River. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Oredezh River near red sandstone cliffs. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Bridge over Oredezh River near Kezevo. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Lichens on a tree stump in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 View from a foot bridge of Oredezh River near Kezevo in Siverskaya, 50 miles south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 13, 2017
 Seeds of dock (Rumex) near Oredezh River. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Golmdorfov Forest near Oredezh River near Kezevo. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Red sandstone cliff at a bend of Oredezh River. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Long-horned borer beetle on a log in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Star sedge (Carex echinata) with fly in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Common cow-wheat (Melampyrum pratense) in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Star sedge (Carex echinata) in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Pet cat in a summer house at 18 Sashi Nikiforova Street. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Summer house with flowers on Krasnaya Street. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Red sandstone cliff facing Oredezh River. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Tall pine trees in a forest in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Side view of coral mushrooms Ramaria eumorpha(?) in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
 Top view of polypore mushrooms Pycnoporellus fulgens on a spruce log in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
 View to north-east along southern side of Ramon Crater near Ammonites wall, 6 miles south-east from Mitzpe Ramon. The Middle East, May 3, 2001
 View of Arava Valley south-east from Mount Shehoret, north from Eilat. The Middle East, December 9, 2002
 Side view of marsh webcap mushrooms (Cortinarius uliginosus) in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
 Blueberry (Chernika, Vaccinium myrtillus) in a forest in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Peter and Paul orthodox church on Krasnaya Street. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Heather (Calluna vulgaris, Russian name Veresk) in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Morning glory (Ipomoea) near Oredezh River near Kezevo. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Golden trumpet mushrooms (Xeromphalina campanella) in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 View to the north from Mount Tzefahot, near Coral Beach 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 Side view of peppery bolete mushrooms (Chalciporus piperatus) in moss in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
 Fruits of blueberry (Chernika, Vaccinium myrtillus) in a forest in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 View to south-east from Maale Milehan ascent in Timna Park, 16 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 14, 2002
 Volkhov River near Staraya Ladoga, view from the site of Oleg mounds, 70 miles east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2005
 View of area of Timna copper mines south-east from Mount Berekh, 16 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 14, 2002
 Marienburg Train Station, view from a window of a train. South from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 25, 2012
 Fruit of blueberry (Chernika, Vaccinium myrtillus) on sphagnum moss in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Brown Knapweed (Centaurea jacea, Russian name Vasioliok) near Oredezh River. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Wood cranesbill (Geranium sylvaticum) on a field near Oredezh River near Kezevo. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Long leaf Speedwell (Veronica longifolia) near Oredezh River in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 White flowers of Morning glory (Ipomoea) near Oredezh River near Kezevo. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Willow-herb (Epilobium hirsutum, Russian name Kiprey) near Oredezh River. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Hoary plantain (Plantago media) on a meadow near train station in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 St. John s Wort (Hypericum perforatum, Russian name Zveroboy) near Oredezh River. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Narva Fortress from walls of Ivan Gorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Rocks south-east from Nikolsky Island, on Valaam Island. Karelia Region, Russia, July 23, 2015
 A marsh south-east from Orekhovo, 30 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 19, 2004
 Common haircap moss (Polytrichum commune, Russian name Kukushkin Lion) in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Willow-herb (Epilobium hirsutum, Russian name Kiprey) near Oredezh River in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Slow worm reptile (Anguis fragilis, Russian name Veretenitsa) in a forest in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Swamp blueberry (Bog Bilberry, Vaccinium uliginosum, Russian name Golubika or Gonobobel) in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Field of fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium, Russian name Ivan Chay) near Oredezh River. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 A plateau of Negev desert(view to south-east) 1.5 miles south from Ben Gurion College at Sde Boker. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 View of Har Mikhrot hill in northern Timna Park south-east from Maale Milehan ascent, 16 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 14, 2002
 A desert plateau covered by flint stones (view to south-east) 1.5 miles south from Ben Gurion College at Sde Boker. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 North-east part of Third South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 5, 2016
 Berries of swamp blueberry (Bog Bilberry, Vaccinium uliginosum, Russian name Golubika or Gonobobel) in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Creeping Thistle (Cirsium arvense, Russian name Bodiak) on a field near Oredezh River near Kezevo. Siverskaya south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2015
 Fruits of swamp blueberry (Bog Bilberry, Vaccinium uliginosum, Russian name Golubika or Gonobobel) in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 View of cliffs and bananas from a railroad south from Haifa. The Middle East, July 14, 2000
 View of Har Mikhrot hill in northern Timna Park south-east from Maale Milehan ascent, 16 miles north from Eilat, at evening. The Middle East, February 14, 2002
 A plateau of Negev desert covered by flint stones (view to south-east) 1.5 miles south from Ben Gurion College at Sde Boker. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 Ducks at north-east part of Third South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 5, 2016
 Spore capsules of common haircap moss (Polytrichum commune, Russian name Kukushkin Lion) in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015
 Golden calyptra of common haircap moss (Polytrichum commune, Russian name Kukushkin Lion) in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2015