Dry fruits of dishrag gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca, Luffa cylindrica) near a central pole of one of fields on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Dishrag gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca, Luffa cylindrica) at Al Jassasiya Street in Musheirib neighborhood. Doha, Qatar, December 25, 2015
 Dishrag gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca, Luffa cylindrica) in area of West Bay. Doha, Qatar, November 27, 2014
 Dishrag gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca, Luffa cylindrica) in West Bay, in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, December 20, 2014
 Dishrag gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca, Luffa cylindrica) near Zubara exit of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
 Flower of dishrag gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca, Luffa cylindrica) near Zubara exit of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
 Dishrag gourd (Luffa cylindrica)(?) on roadside of Salwa Road near Mukaynis. Qatar, November 27, 2015
 Water pipes on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Amaranthus hybridus(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Small brown grasshopper on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Yellow garden spider (Argiope) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Stalk of reeds (Phragmites australis)(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Spikelets of reeds (Phragmites australis)(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Black pigweed (Trianthema portulacastrum) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Kleingrass (blue panicgrass, Panicum coloratum)(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Close up of a yellow garden spider (Argiope) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Black pigweed (Trianthema portulacastrum) with a flower on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Khaki Burr weed (Alternanthera pungens) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Egyptian crowfoot grass (Dactyloctenium aegyptium) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Carpet of Khaki Burr weed (Alternanthera pungens) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Close up of Khaki Burr weed (Alternanthera pungens) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Blue Pansy (Junonia orithya) butterfly on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Spikelet of Egyptian crowfoot grass (Dactyloctenium aegyptium) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Close up of black pigweed (Trianthema portulacastrum) with a flower on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Flowers of Kleingrass (blue panicgrass, Panicum coloratum) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Close up of leaves of black pigweed (Trianthema portulacastrum) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Black pigweed (Trianthema portulacastrum) with unopened flower on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Leaves of dishrag gourd (Luffa cylindrica)(?) on Umm Wishad Street in Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Dense infestation by Khaki Burr weed (Alternanthera pungens) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Compact stand of Kleingrass (blue panicgrass, Panicum coloratum)(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Fruits of desert spurge (summer poinsettia, Euphorbia heterophylla) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, October 9, 2015
 Green algae mats in a pond of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
 Mixed weeds on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Morning dew on grasses on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, August 21, 2015
 Reichardia intermedia(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 20, 2015
 Mat of Tribulus pentandrus(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, August 21, 2015
 Spurge (Euphorbia prostrata) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Watering a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
 Water pipes on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 Water pipes on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, December 18, 2015
 Various pebbles washed out on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 Waterwheels at sunrise on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, December 18, 2015
 Green algae mats on surface of a pond of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
 Spiderling (Boerhavia erecta) on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Fruits of Ochradenus aucheri taken from periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 River pebbles washed out on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 Staggerweed (Stachys arvensis) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
 Multicolored pebbles washed out on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 Bush of Ochradenus aucheri on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Barley (Hordeum vulgare) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
 Flower bud of Reichardia intermedia(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 20, 2015
 Seedlings of weeds on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
 Water sprinkles on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
 Staggerweed (Stachys arvensis) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 20, 2015
 Fruits of Leptadenia pyrotechnica taken from periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Green seeds of curly dock (Rumex crispus) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 20, 2015
 Plants of staggerweed (Stachys arvensis) on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Carpet of staggerweed (Stachys arvensis) on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Annual meadow grass (Poa annua)(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
 Mat of spiderling (Boerhavia erecta) near a pond on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
 Staggerweed (Stachys arvensis) with flowers on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Spiderling (Boerhavia erecta) near a pond on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
 Blooming bush of Ochradenus aucheri on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Ochradenus aucheri with flowers and fruits on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Blooming Reichardia intermedia on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
 Spanish Needle (Bidens pilosa) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
 Spurge (Euphorbia prostrata) on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
 Reeds (Phragmites australis)(?) on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
 Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, December 18, 2015
 Segments of pipes with water sprinkles on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, December 18, 2015
 Segments of watering pipes at sunrise on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, December 18, 2015
 Staggerweed (Stachys arvensis) on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 10, 2015
 Segments of pipes watering crops on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, December 18, 2015
 Argentine peppercress (Lepidium bonariense) on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Segments of pipes on wheels at sunrise on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, December 18, 2015
 Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Clustered yellowtop (Flaveria trinervia) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
 Blooming staggerweed (Stachys arvensis) on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Shoots of spiderling (Boerhavia erecta) on a field on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, May 1, 2015
 Rabbitsfoot grass (Polypogon monspeliensis) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
 London rocket (Sisymbrium irio) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 20, 2015
 Flower heads of Reichardia intermedia(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 20, 2015
 Bushy bindweed (Convolvulus prostratus) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 20, 2015
 Spare tires for agricultural machinery on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 Straw walker of a combine harvester on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 Smooth sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 20, 2015
 Malva parviflora (local name khubaiza) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 20, 2015
 Atriplex leucoclada subsp. turcomanica on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, August 21, 2015
 Straw walker and other agricultural equipment on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 Black pigweed (Trianthema portulacastrum) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, August 21, 2015
 Transmission equipment for agricultural machinery on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 Spare parts for agricultural equipment on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 Case IH Tractor and other agricultural machinery on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 Curly dock (Rumex crispus) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
 Silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, June 5, 2015
 Spikes of rabbitsfoot (Polypogon monspeliensis) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
 Bushy bindweed (Convolvulus prostratus) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 20, 2015
 Rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015