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1683-13. Fossil shark tooth (Galeocerdo(?)) embedded in a rock of Dammam Formation (Lower Dam limestones) in a site on flanks of Rawdat Al Heshaimiya(?) depression south from Trainah. Southern Qatar, November 6, 2015

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Eremobium aegyptiacum in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 10, 2015
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Cornulaca monacantha on stony ground on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
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Habitat of Dipterygium glaucum in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 25, 2015
Twig of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) taken from roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 10, 2015
Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 10, 2015
Tumbleweed (dry mature plants of Cornulaca aucheri) on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 25, 2015
Seeding of Eremobium aegyptiacum in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
Blooming Eremobium aegyptiacum in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
Fagonia indica with flowers in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
Plants of Eremobium aegyptiacum in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015

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