Winged fruits of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) on roadside of a road to Zubara. Northern Qatar, November 28, 2014
 Winged fruits of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) taken from roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Qatar, November 27, 2015
 Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) in windblown sand at sunrise on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Qatar, November 27, 2015
 Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) on sand mound on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Shoot of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
 Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance local names remith, hamd) on sand in area of Jebel Al-Nakhsh in south-western Qatar, February 7, 2014
 Prostrate bush of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 29, 2016
 Pinkish bush of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) on a limestone plane in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Bush of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance local names remith, hamd) on the slope of limestone cliffs in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Pinkish plant of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) on a limestone plateau in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) growing on layers of gypsum crystals (selenite) in area of Jebel Al-Nakhsh in south-western Qatar, February 7, 2014
 Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) growing in cracks of gypsum pavement (selenite) in area of Jebel Al-Nakhsh in south-western Qatar, February 7, 2014
 Twig of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) taken from roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 10, 2015
 Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
 Plant of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
 Large bush of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
 Twig of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) with flower galls (bird-beak-shaped galls) taken from roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
 Colorful fruit-like galls (flower, or bird-beak-shaped galls) on Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) taken from roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
 Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) with flower galls (bird-beak-shaped galls) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
 Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) with bird-beak-shaped galls (flower galls) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
 Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) with tiny yellow flowers and a bird-beak-shaped galls near chalk cliffs near Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
 Branch of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) with flower galls (bird-beak-shaped galls) taken from a roadside of Salwa Highway. Southern Qatar, April 8, 2016
 Hanging plant of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 8, 2016
 Bush of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) on limestone rocks in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, June 25, 2016
 Purple tinged plant of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 8, 2016
 Sand mound with a plant of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Dry bush of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) on sand dunes near the spring in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Green shoots of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance) emerging from the base of dry wood on a gravel plane in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Flowers of Launaea capitata (Zollikoferia glomerata, local names huwa, hazan) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Anchusa hispida (Gastrocotyle hispida, local names ainbacees, rims) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Thaghab Al Majda. North-western Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Rosin Weed (Cressa cretica, local names Senebiera, didyma, nedaiwa) growing in a silty depression Thaghab Al Majda near a road to Zubara. Qatar, December 5, 2015
 Cutleaf Heron s bill (Erodium laciniatum, Geranium laciniatum, local names qarnawah, ibrat al rahib) on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Flowers and seeds of Cutleaf Heron s bill (Erodium laciniatum, Geranium laciniatum, local names qarnawah, ibrat al rahib) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Thaghab Al Majda. North-western Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Flowers and seeds of Cutleaf Heron s bill (Erodium laciniatum, Geranium laciniatum, local names qarnawah, ibrat al rahib) on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Seedling of Pulicaria undulata (Francoeruria crispa, Pulicaria crispa, local names jithjath, yethyas) in a silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Thaghab Al Majda. North-western Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Blooming eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) with a flower in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Suaeda aegyptiaca (Chenopodium aegyptiacum, Suaeda hortensis, Suaeda baccata, Schanginia aegyptiaca, local names juliman, guluman, ikhreet, hamd) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Fruits of Texas Indian-mallow (Abutilon fruticosum, Abutilon denticulatum, local name gargadan) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Spear grass (Stipa capensis, local names samma, safa) growing in a roadside depression of a road to Zubara. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Althaea ludwigii (local name khatma) in silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Thaghab Al Majda. North-western Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Narrow-leaved asphodel (Asphodelus tenuifolius, local name Bwraq or barwaq) on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Flowers of false sowthistle (Reichardia tingitana, local name Hawzan or mureer, Hawdhan) on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Shoot of Corchorus depressus with fruits taken from a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Shoot of Corchorus depressus with fruits in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Red berries (masie) of Desert Thorn (Lycium shawii, Lycium arabicum, local name Awsaj) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Pallenis hierochuntica (Asteriscus pygmaeus, Asteriscus hierochunticus, Odpntospermum pygmaeum, local name Jahwayan) in silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Thaghab Al Majda. North-western Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Althaea ludwigii (local name khatma) in caked mud in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Virgin s Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Distaff-thistle (Atractylis carduus, local names jalwa, laymoony, shuwwaykh) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Texas Indian-mallow (Abutilon fruticosum, Abutilon denticulatum, local name gargadan) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Parasitic plant Desert Hyacinth (Cistanche tubulosa) with a host plant Haloxylon salicornicum in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
 Fluffy seeds of Distaff-thistle (Atractylis carduus, local names jalwa, laymoony, shuwwaykh) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
 Seedling of Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local name Daa, harm, hureim) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Plantain with large grain-like fruits (Plantago amplexicaulis, local names rablat al mistah, lesan al hamal) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 European seaheath (Frankenia pulverulenta) on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Hood canarygrass (Phalaris paradoxa) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Thaghab Al Majda. North-western Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Prostrate desert spurge Euphorbia granulata (Euphorbia forsskaolii, local name lubaina) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Large grain-like fruits of desert plantain Plantago amplexicaulis (local names rablat al mistah, lesan al hamal) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Seedling of Texas Indian-mallow (Abutilon fruticosum, Abutilon denticulatum, local name gargadan) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Seedling of Texas Indian-mallow (Abutilon fruticosum, Abutilon denticulatum, local name gargadan) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Young shoots of Ziziphus nummularia (Sidra) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Thaghab Al Majda. North-western Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Buck s horn plantain (Plantago coronopus) on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Rostraria pumila(?) grass in silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Thaghab Al Majda. North-western Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Buck s horn plantain (Plantago coronopus), view from above, on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Dry bushes of Ziziphus nummularia in a silty depression Thaghab Al Majda near a road to Zubara. Qatar, December 5, 2015
 Fruits of Dyer s croton (giradol, Chrozophora tinctoria, local names Tanoom, zerraij, tannom) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, April 29, 2016
 Saltwort (Salsola vermiculata(?), local name hamd) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
 Seedling of Texas Indian-mallow (Abutilon fruticosum, Abutilon denticulatum, local name gargadan) with flower buds in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Plant of Cocculus pendulus (local names khuneigh, gurdhi) on roadside of Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
 Spikelets of purple false brome grass (Brachypodium distachyon)(?) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Thaghab Al Majda. North-western Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Cap of Cocculus pendulus on a dry bush of Ziziphus in a silty depression Thaghab Al Majda near a road to Zubara. Qatar, December 5, 2015
 Dyer s croton (giradol, Chrozophora tinctoria, local names Tanoom, zerraij, tannom) with flowers and fruits in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, April 29, 2016
 Plant of dyer s croton (giradol, Chrozophora tinctoria, local names Tanoom, zerraij, tannom) with fruits in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, April 29, 2016
 Plant of dyer s croton (giradol, Chrozophora tinctoria, local names Tanoom, zerraij, tannom) with fruits in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, April 29, 2016
 Cutleaf Heron s bill (Erodium laciniatum, Geranium laciniatum, local names qarnawah, ibrat al rahib) on roadside of a road to Zubara in Al Magdah farms area, in north-western Qatar, February 22, 2014
 Eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) on a roadside of a road to Al Numan. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Dry Eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) on a roadside of a road to Al Numan. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Cocculus pendulus growing on dry Ziziphus bushes in a silty depression Thaghab Al Majda near a road to Zubara. Qatar, December 5, 2015
 Green cap of Cocculus pendulus on a dry bush of Ziziphus in a silty depression Thaghab Al Majda near a road to Zubara. Qatar, December 5, 2015
 Suaeda aegyptiaca (Chenopodium aegyptiacum, local names juliman, guluman, ikhreet, hamd) on a beach in the area of Al Hamala (Al Hamlah) Water Well near Umm Bab. South-western Qatar, January 10, 2015
 Dry last year fruits of Purslane-leaved aizoon (Aizoon canariense) taken from a roadside of a road to Zubara. Qatar, February 6, 2015
 Fruits of woolly-winged milkwort (Polygala erioptera) in a roadside depression in Rawdat Rashed. Qatar, December 11, 2015
 Seedling of least snout-bean (Rhynchosia minima) with flowers and fruits in a silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2015
 Large plant of Suaeda aegyptiaca (Chenopodium aegyptiacum, local names juliman, guluman, ikhreet, hamd) on a beach in the area of Al Hamala (Al Hamlah) Water Well near Umm Bab. South-western Qatar, January 10, 2015
 Plant of woolly-winged milkwort (Polygala erioptera) with fruits taken from a roadside depression in Rawdat Rashed. Qatar, December 11, 2015
 Centaurea sinaica (local names birkan, murrar) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
 Lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) with fruits in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
 Caked mud in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Pink Mustard (Erucaria hispanica, Sinapis hispanica, Erucaria latifolia) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Large plant of Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Seedling of Salsola vermiculata (local name hamd) taken from area of ponds near the entrance of Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, November 13, 2015
 Texture of caked mud in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Flower and fruits of storkbill (Erodium glaucophyllum) on a roadside near Zubara. Qatar, March 28, 2015
 Shoot of Corchorus depressus in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Flowers of Zaleya pentandra in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
 Bush of Ochradenus baccatus (local names qardi, Qurdi) near a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014