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1762-18. Mediterranean amaranth (short-tepalled pigweed, Amaranthus graecizans) on white background taken from Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 23, 2016

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Mediterranean amaranth (short-tepalled pigweed, Amaranthus graecizans) taken from Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 23, 2016
Leaf of Mediterranean amaranth (short-tepalled pigweed, Amaranthus graecizans) taken from Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 23, 2016
Mediterranean amaranth (short-tepalled pigweed, Amaranthus graecizans) on dark background taken from Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 24, 2016
Close up of Mediterranean amaranth (short-tepalled pigweed, Amaranthus graecizans) taken from Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 24, 2016
Mediterranean amaranth (short-tepalled pigweed, Amaranthus graecizans) on sidewalk in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 24, 2016
Back side of leaves of Mediterranean amaranth (short-tepalled pigweed, Amaranthus graecizans) taken from Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 24, 2016
Red amaranth (Amaranthus hybridus)(?) on Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 2, 2016
Amaranth (Amaranthus hybridus)(?) on the median strip of Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, May 22, 2016
Amaranth (Amaranthus hybridus)(?) on the median strip of Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 13, 2016
Amaranth (Amaranthus hybridus)(?) on a median strip of Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 24, 2016
Seedlings of red amaranth (Amaranthus hybridus)(?) on the median strip of Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 13, 2016
Slender amaranth (Amaranthus viridis)(?) on the median strip of Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 13, 2016
Slender amaranth (Amaranthus viridis)(?) grown on the median strip of Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 13, 2016
Flower spikes of Slender amaranth (Amaranthus viridis) taken from the median strip of Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 13, 2016
Close up of flower spikes of Slender amaranth (Amaranthus viridis) taken from the median strip of Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 13, 2016
Large plant of slender amaranth (Amaranthus viridis)(?) grown on the median strip of Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 13, 2016
Flamboyant-de-jardin (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) on white background in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, April 27, 2016
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Peacock flower (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) on white background in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, December 1, 2015
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Foxtail amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus)(?) in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 10, 2015
Leaves of sacred fig (Ficus religiosa) on Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 3, 2016
Slender amaranth (Amaranthus viridis) found under a palm in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, November 18, 2015
Brown seeds of coffeeweed (Senna occidentalis) taken from Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 3, 2016
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Fruits of slender amaranth (Amaranthus viridis) found under a palm in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, November 18, 2015
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Narrow-leaf form of Graceful Sandmat spurge (Euphorbia hypericifolia) on sidewalk on Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 23, 2016
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Flowers of narrow-leaf form of Graceful Sandmat spurge (Euphorbia hypericifolia) taken from sidewalk of Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 23, 2016
Branch of narrow-leaf form of Graceful Sandmat spurge (Euphorbia hypericifolia) taken from sidewalk of Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 23, 2016
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Branch of narrow-leaf form of Graceful Sandmat spurge (Euphorbia hypericifolia) with fruits taken from sidewalk of Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 23, 2016
Amaranthus hybridus taken from the median strip of Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 13, 2016
Flowers of Amaranthus hybridus taken from the median strip of Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 13, 2016
Amaranthus hybridus grown on the median strip of Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 13, 2016
Coffeeweed (Senna occidentalis) on Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, January 18, 2016
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Large amaranth plant Amaranthus hybridus(?) on Zurara Bin Amir Street in Al Doha Al Jadeeda area. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2014
Coffeeweed (Senna occidentalis) with flowers and fruits on Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, January 18, 2016
Yellow trumpetbush (Tecoma stans or may be smithii) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, February 2, 2016
Desert fan palm (Washingtonia filifera or may be robusta) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, February 2, 2016
Indian love grass (Eragrostis pilosa) on dark background taken from a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, December 3, 2015
Bark structure of desert fan palm (Washingtonia filifera or may be robusta) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, February 2, 2016
Bark texture of desert fan palm (Washingtonia filifera or may be robusta) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, February 2, 2016
Bark pattern of desert fan palm (Washingtonia filifera or may be robusta) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, February 2, 2016
Foxtail amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus, local name samghat reeh) on Umm Wishad Street in Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, March 14, 2014
Foxtail amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus, local name samghat reeh) on Al Sham Street in area of West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 17, 2014
White petunia flowers in a park at Al Rafiei Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 16, 2016
Spikelet of sweet corn (Zea mays)(?) on white background taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
Finger grass (Chloris virgata) on white background taken from Al Sham Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 20, 2015
Spikelet of sweet corn (Zea mays)(?) on white background taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
White leadtree (jumbay, Leucaena leucocephala) on Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 2, 2016
Lamb s quarters (Chenopodium album) on white background taken from Al Maha Street in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, February 24, 2016
Yellow vetchling (pea, vetch, Lathyrus aphaca) on white background taken from Mareb(?) Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 29, 2015
Shoot of common vetch (Vicia sativa) on white background taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 13, 2015
Fruits of Ashwagandha plant (Withania somnifera) on white background taken from Al Muhandiseen Street in Al Lejbailat area. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2016
Grass spikelet of Asian crabgrass (Digitaria bicornis) on white background taken near Al Sham Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, June 3, 2015
Spike of Hindi grass (Diaz bluestem, Dichanthium annulatum) on white background taken from Al Mawrid Street in Al Lejbailat area. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2016
Lamb s quarters (Chenopodium album) on dark background taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 17, 2016
Hard vetch (Vicia monantha) on dark background taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, January 26, 2016
Fukien tea tree (Ehretia microphylla) with a small white flower in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, May 3, 2015
Close up of a spike of Hindi grass (Diaz bluestem, Dichanthium annulatum) on white background taken from Al Mawrid Street in Al Lejbailat area. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2016
Hard vetch (Vicia monantha) with flowers on dark background taken from Ibn Nusaih Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, January 26, 2016
Flamboyant-de-jardin (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, May 16, 2016
Peacock flower (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, March 8, 2016
Flamboyant-de-jardin (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, April 27, 2016
Flowers of flamboyant-de-jardin (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, April 27, 2016
Leaf of chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, May 16, 2016
Flowers of weeping bottlebrush (Callistemon viminalis(?)) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, March 14, 2016
Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, April 27, 2016
Flowers of African tulip tree (Spathodea campanulata) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, May 16, 2016
Desert fan palm (Washingtonia filifera or may be robusta) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, March 8, 2016
Fruit of Madras thorn acacia (Pithecellobium dulce) taken from Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, May 11, 2015
Fruits of yellow trumpetbush (Tecoma stans or may be smithii) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, April 27, 2016
Ornamental bush Fukien tea tree (Ehretia microphylla) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, March 14, 2016
Foliage of Bengal almond tree (Terminalia catappa) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, March 14, 2016
Flowers of chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, April 27, 2016
Burgundy foliage of Bengal almond tree (Terminalia catappa) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, March 8, 2016
Flowers of coral, or night jasmine (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Parijat) with white corolla and an orange-red center in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, December 3, 2015
Burgundy color of a leaf of Bengal almond tree (Terminalia catappa) on grass in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, March 8, 2016
White clover (Trifolium repens) taken from Mareb Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 18, 2016
White flowers with orange bright stems of coral, or night jasmine (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Parijat) carpeting the ground in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, December 3, 2015
Golden Senna (Glaucous Cassia, Senna surattensis) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, March 14, 2016
White clover (Trifolium repens) under a palm tree on Mareb Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, May 2, 2016
White flowers of curry tree (Murraya koenigii) near Al Istiqlal Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, May 2, 2016
Grass Dactyloctenium aristatum (local name Najm) on dark background taken from Al Istiqlal Street Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 30, 2015
White clover (Trifolium repens) under a palm tree on Mareb Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 18, 2016
White clover (Trifolium repens) near a palm tree on Mareb Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 18, 2016
Petunia flowers in a park at Al Rafiei Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 16, 2016

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