Stand of southern cattail (Typha domingensis) near a pond outside of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Southern cattail (Typha domingensis) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 26, 2016
 Reed (southern cattail, Typha domingensis) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 26, 2016
 Tall grass southern cattail (Typha domingensis) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 26, 2016
 Back lit leaf of southern cattail (Typha domingensis) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 26, 2016
 Shoots of reed (southern cattail, Typha domingensis) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 26, 2016
 Close up of base of a leaf of southern cattail (Typha domingensis) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, February 26, 2016
 Green algae in a pond outside of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Sandy island in a pond outside of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Wading birds in a pond outside of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Dry meadow on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Astragalus sieberi on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Green seed pod of Astragalus sieberi taken from a depression on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Group of bird watchers from QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) near a pond outside of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Segments of pipes with water sprinkles on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Arfaj (Rhanterium epapposum) on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Branch of Astragalus sieberi on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Plant of Astragalus sieberi on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Half dry plant of Astragalus sieberi on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Astragalus sieberi in a sandy depression on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Leaves of prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Silvery leaves of Astragalus sieberi on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Half dry plant of Astragalus sieberi in a depression on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Sidra tree (Ziziphus spina-christi) with fruits on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Blooming bush of Arfaj (Rhanterium epapposum) on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Ground view of plant of Astragalus sieberi on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Algae in an irrigation pond near Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya Farms. South-western Qatar, March 29, 2014
 Wire grass Ochthochloa compressa (local name Hamrah) on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Yellow-spotted Agama (Trapelus flavimaculatus) lizard on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Yellow-spotted Agama (Trapelus flavimaculatus) lizard on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Spikes of wire grass Ochthochloa compressa (local name Hamrah) on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Yellow-spotted Agama (Trapelus flavimaculatus) lizard on a stone on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Close up of yellow-spotted Agama (Trapelus flavimaculatus) lizard on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Yellow-spotted Agama (Trapelus flavimaculatus) lizard on sand on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Southern cattail (Typha domingensis) in area of sewage ponds near Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, June 3, 2016
 Taking pictures of yellow-spotted Agama (Trapelus flavimaculatus) lizard on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Masses of Southern cattail (Typha domingensis) in area of sewage ponds near Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, June 3, 2016
 Spike of Southern cattail (Typha domingensis) taken from area of sewage ponds near Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, June 3, 2016
 People from QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) taking pictures of a lizard on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Flowering spikes of Southern cattail (Typha domingensis) in area of sewage ponds near Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, June 3, 2016
 Southern cattail (Typha domingensis) with flowering spikes in area of sewage ponds near Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, June 3, 2016
 Group of bird watchers from QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Sahara mustard (Asian mustard, wild-turnip, Brassica tournefortii) on periphery of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, March 5, 2016
 Reichardia intermedia on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Brown grasshopper on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Reichardia intermedia on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Big grasshopper found on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Spikelet of some grass on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Launaea nudicaulis on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Fat green grasshopper on a leaf of Chenopodium murale on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Blooming Tribulus pentandrus(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Bindweed Convolvulus prostratus(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Rapeseed (Brassica napus)(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Spider with a nest on some grass on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Blooming Reichardia intermedia(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Staggerweed (Stachys arvensis) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Fruit of Tribulus pentandrus(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 rapeseed (Brassica napus)(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Mat of spurge Euphorbia prostrata on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Fat grasshopper on a leaf of Chenopodium on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Spiderling (Boerhavia erecta) near a pond on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, April 22, 2016
 Atriplex leucoclada subsp. turcomanica(?) in dew on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Silver Nailroot (Paronychia arabica) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Bush of Leptadenia pyrotechnica on the border of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Black pigweed (Trianthema portulacastrum) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Argentine peppercress (Lepidium bonariense) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Atriplex leucoclada subsp. turcomanica(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Close up of a flower of Reichardia intermedia(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Dandelion like flower of Reichardia intermedia(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Hoverfly on a flower of Reichardia intermedia(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Clustered yellowtop (Flaveria trinervia) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Flowers of Leptadenia pyrotechnica taken from area of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Flowers of bindweed Convolvulus prostratus(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Hairy crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis)(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Flowers of Leptadenia pyrotechnica on the border of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Back lit flower of Tribulus pentandrus(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Smooth sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Brilliant red leaves of spurge Euphorbia prostrata on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Flowers of silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Reichardia seedling among a mat of spurge (Euphorbia prostrata) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Egyptian crowfoot grass (Dactyloctenium aegyptium) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Kleingrass (blue panicgrass, Panicum coloratum) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Nettle-leaf goosefoot (Chenopodium murale)(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Khaki Burr weed (Alternanthera pungens) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Blooming silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Seeds of Argentine peppercress (Lepidium bonariense) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Reddish leaves of spurge Euphorbia prostrata on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Reichardia intermedia(?) growing among burr weed on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Flowers of clustered yellowtop (Flaveria trinervia) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium) with flowers on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Yellow dandelion like flowers of Launaea mucronata(?) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Plant of clustered yellowtop (Flaveria trinervia) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Flowers of Smooth sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, November 15, 2014
 Fruits of silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014