Arabian primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Arabian primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Arabian primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) with yellow flowers on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Arabian primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Blooming plant of Arabian primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Blooming Arabian primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) on the slope of limestone hills in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Plant of Arabian primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) on the slope of limestone hills in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Yellow flowers of Arabian primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) on the slope of limestone hills in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) on sand dunes near the spring in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Blooming Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) on sand dunes near the spring in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Blooming Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) on sand dunes near the spring in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Small yellow flower of Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima). Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2010
 Yellow flower of Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) in desert. Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2010
 Yellow flowers of Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) in desert on hills of Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 5, 2010
 Cluster of yellow spring flowers of Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima, local name Hasheshat al arneb) in desert on hills of Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 5, 2010
 Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) in area of Jabal Al Jassasiya, on north-eastern coast. Qatar, February 12, 2016
 Blooming Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) in area of Jabal Al Jassasiya, on north-eastern coast. Qatar, February 12, 2016
 Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) on white background in area of Jabal Al Jassasiya, on north-eastern coast. Qatar, February 12, 2016
 Yellow flowers of Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) in area of Jabal Al Jassasiya, on north-eastern coast. Qatar, February 12, 2016
 Various vegetation on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Skull of a camel on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Milkvetch Astragalus eremophilus on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Astragalus eremophilus with fruits on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Weathered wood in sand on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Plant of Fagonia ovalifolia(?) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Plant of Seetzenia lanata on a gravel plane near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Cornulaca aucheri (local name thalj) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Scarlet pea (Indigofera intricata) with fruits on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Sandy area near a limestone arch in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Scarlet pea (Indigofera intricata, local name humeira) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Dry plantain (Plantago ciliata, local name Rablah) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Plantain (Plantago ciliata, local name Rablah) with fruits on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Pile of camel poop (dung pellets, feces) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Flowers of Seetzenia lanata (Zygophyllum lanatum, local name Habyan) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Blooming Seetzenia lanata (Zygophyllum lanatum, local name Habyan) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Seetzenia lanata (Zygophyllum lanatum, local name Habyan) with a fruit on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Flowers of bushy bindweed (Convolvulus prostratus, morning glory) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Plantain with wooly cover (Plantago ciliata, local name Rablah) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Seetzenia lanata (Zygophyllum lanatum, local name Habyan) with a flower on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Various dry seeds accumulated under a plant of bushy bindweed (Convolvulus prostratus, morning glory) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Blooming Seetzenia lanata (Zygophyllum lanatum, local name Habyan) on white background on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Mat of purslane-leaved aizoon (Aizoon canariense) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Distaff-thistle (Atractylis carduus, local names jalwa, laymoony, shuwwaykh) on a gravel plane near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Star-shaped plant of purslane-leaved aizoon (Aizoon canariense) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Plant of Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local name Daa, harm, hureim) with flowers on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Plant of purslane-leaved aizoon (Aizoon canariense) partially covered by sand on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Blooming plant of Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local name Daa, harm, hureim) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Flat plant of Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local name Daa, harm, hureim) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Carpet of plants of Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) on a beach in the area of Al Hamala (Al Hamlah) Water Well near Umm Bab in south-western Qatar, April 15, 2016
 Blooming plant of Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) on sand dunes in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 8, 2016
 Sunrise from a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Limestone arch in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Sandy wadi from cliffs in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 Compact bushy plant of Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) on sand dunes in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 8, 2016
 Old water well in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Area of a limestone arch in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 View from limestone cliffs in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Sandy path from a mountain slope in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 Sandy runnel from a mountain slope in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 Seetzenia lanata plant near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Dry plant of Ifloga spicata near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Pebbles deposited on the top of limestone cliffs in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 View of desert from limestone cliffs in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Grass Pennisetum divisum under limestone cliffs in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Cornulaca aucheri (local name thalj) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Blooming fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) in a kitchen garden in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Launaea mucronata (local name Huwa ghazal) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Flowers of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) in a kitchen garden in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Haplophyllum tuberculatum (local name Meseika) in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Bushy bindweed (Convolvulus prostratus, morning glory) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 White phenotype of Fagonia indica on the slope of limestone hills in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Globular plant of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) in a kitchen garden in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 White flowers of Fagonia indica on the slope of limestone hills in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 White flowering of Fagonia indica on the slope of limestone hills in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 White phenotype of Fagonia indica on the slope of limestone hills in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Blooming plant of Fagonia indica on the slope of limestone hills in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Bush of Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Bushy bindweed (Convolvulus prostratus, morning glory) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Stork s bill (Monsonia nivea, Erodium neveum) with seeds near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) near Ziziphus bushes in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Blooming bushy bindweed (Convolvulus prostratus, morning glory) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Yellow flowers of Launaea mucronata (local name Huwa ghazal) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 White flowering phenotype of Fagonia indica on the slope of limestone hills in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 White blooming plant of Fagonia indica on the slope of limestone hills in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Dry plant of plantain with wooly cover (Plantago ciliata, local name Rablah) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 White flowers of bushy bindweed (Convolvulus prostratus, morning glory) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Dry flower spikes of plantain with wooly cover (Plantago ciliata, local name Rablah) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Yellow-white chlorotic leaves of bindweed (morning glory, Convolvulus pilosellifolius)(?) in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Tetraena qatarense (Zygophyllum qatarense) plant on a surface of limestone rock in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) with green fruits in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Flowers of thorn acacia (Acacia ehrenbergiana, local name Salam) in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Plant of Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local name Daa, harm, hureim) on the top of limestone cliffs in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Round plant of Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local name Daa, harm, hureim) near limestone cliffs in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Blooming Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
 Plant of Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
 Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) in sand on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
 Arnebia hispidissima (Lithospermum hispidissimum, local names kahal, hasheshat al arnab) with flowers in sand on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
 Blooming Ogastemma pusillum (Anchusa spinocarpos, Echinospermum spinocarpos, Lappula spinocarpos) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016