Wild onions (?) in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
A small yellow anemone in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Wild flowers in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2001
Wild pea flowers in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2001
Wild flowers in Negev Desert. Northern Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, February 24, 2001
Garlic-like flowers in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Peas-like flowers in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Spring flowers in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Wild onion flowers in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2001
Spring flowers in Negev Desert (with military junk) in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Wild flowers (with leaves eaten by Bedouin sheep) in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2001
Desert plants after a rainy season in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2001
Plants in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Caterpillars in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
A dwarf flower in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Red anemones with bugs in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Red anemones (adonis) in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Red anemones and asphodel in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Red anemones (adonis) in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Red anemones (adonis) in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
A dwarf iris in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
A dwarf iris in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Yellow anemone in Negev Desert 1 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
The most common winter flower in Negev Desert, asphodel, in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 27, 2001
Spring flowers in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2002
Wild flowers after rains in Negev Desert 2 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 27, 2001
Wild onion flowers in Negev Desert in Mount Karkor area, 3 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 27, 2001
Ben Gurion Boulevard, with Negev Desert on background. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, February 8, 2001
Grazing sheep in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2002
A Bedouin village in Negev Desert 2 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 27, 2001
A big insect under a rock in Negev Desert 2 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
A cave (with a small pool) in Negev Desert 2 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Stapelia-like starry succulent flowers of Caralluma europaea var. judaica taken from Negev Desert near Yeroham. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, March 16, 2001
A camel on a hill near a Bedouin village in Negev Desert 2 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Camels on a hill near a Bedouin village in Negev Desert 2 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Camels on a hill near a Bedouin village in Negev Desert 2 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Early red anemone flower in Negev Desert in Givot Lahav South Reserve, 3 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 27, 2001
Camels on a hill near a Bedouin village in Negev Desert 2 miles north from Beer-Sheva, with Southern Hebron hills on the background. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
A parched garden in Negev Desert opposite to northern railway station (the desert is as arid as ever despite D. Ben Gurion s vision). Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, May 19, 2000
Blooming plants in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, October 28, 2000
A rough mushroom popping in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, March 4, 2000
A hill in Negev Desert near Ramot neighborhood in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 16, 2000
Wild flowers in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Spring flowers with caterpillars in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Hills in Negev Desert 1.5 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2002
A Bedouin village in Negev Desert 1.5 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2002
A Bedouin village in Negev Desert 1.5 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2002
A Bedouin village in Negev Desert 1.5 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2002
A Bedouin village in Negev Desert 1.5 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2002
Flowers of northern Negev Desert at spring in Eshkol Park 10 miles west from Ofakim. The Middle East, February 27, 2001
Bunches of barbed wire in Negev Desert in northern Beer-Sheva, west from the road to Tel Aviv (probably around a military installation). The Middle East, April 21, 2000
Illegal(?) Bedouin crops in Negev Desert 2 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2002
Illegal(?) Bedouin crops in Negev Desert 1.5 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 26, 2002
Colchicum flowers in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 29, 2001
Top security Nafha Prison in Negev Desert north from Mitzpe Ramon, holds around 200 Palestinians sentenced for life, view from a bus on Road 40 (destination of half of the bus passengers going from Beer-Sheva). The Middle East, March 22, 2001
Red anemones in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Negev Desert 1-2 miles north-east from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, April 14, 2000
Negev Desert 1-2 miles north-east from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, April 14, 2000
Pine forest in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, January 27, 2001
Poppies in Negev Desert 1-2 miles north-east from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, April 14, 2000
Red anemone (adonis) in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Dwarf iris in Negev Desert 1-2 miles north-east from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, April 14, 2000
A bronze likeness of a Zionist leader D. Ben Gurion powdered by dust from the Negev Desert in front of the library of Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, July 15, 2000
A new road through Negev Desert, 1.5 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 16, 2000
After rain in Negev Desert 1 mile north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, November 11, 2000
Hills in Negev Desert 2 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 16, 2000
Sunset in northern Beer-Sheva, view from a window of a bus. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
A country road to Bedouin settlements in Negev Desert 1-2 miles north-east from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, April 14, 2000
Bedouin villages in Negev Desert, 2 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 16, 2000
Fallen Bedouin cow in Negev Desert in north-eastern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, March 10, 2000
Pine forest in Negev Desert 1 mile north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, November 11, 2000
New road through chalkstone of Negev Desert 1 mile north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, November 11, 2000
Avraham Well used as an emblem of Beer-Sheva, now almost neglected. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, January 18, 2001
Hills with planted pines in Negev Desert, 1.5 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 16, 2000
Negev Desert near N. Lahav Nature Reserve, 4 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 16, 2000
A donkey (?) bone in Negev Desert, west from road to Tel Aviv. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, April 21, 2000
Sunrise over Negev Desert north from Beer-Sheva, view from a train to Tel Aviv. The Middle East, June 7, 2002
Bedouin sheep behind Hanegev Palmakh memorial in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
Blooming northern Negev Desert in Eshkol Park 10 miles west from Ofakim. The Middle East, February 27, 2001
An ant mound in northern Negev Desert in Eshkol Park 10 miles west from Ofakim. The Middle East, February 27, 2001
Drying olive trees in Negev Desert from Eilat Road south from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, November 7, 2002
Decayed Israeli (?) flag over BGU soccer field, Palmach Memorial is seen behind, in Negev Desert. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, May 7, 2000
A fleshy spring flower cropped by Bedouin sheep in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
A dwarf iris in northern Negev Desert in Eshkol Park 10 miles west from Ofakim. The Middle East, February 27, 2001
Asphodel flower in northern Negev Desert in Eshkol Park 10 miles west from Ofakim. The Middle East, February 27, 2001
Meadow flowers. Lahav Forest (8 miles north from Beer-Sheva), the Middle East, February 3, 2001
Sun rose flowers in Lahav forest, 10 miles north from Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, February 2, 2001
Meadow flowers. Lahav Forest (8 miles north from Beer-Sheva), the Middle East, February 3, 2001
View of Ramot neighborhood of Beer-Sheva from a northern hill with Hanegev Palmach Brigade Memorial. The Middle East, January 26, 2001
Poppy-like red anemone flowers. Lahav Forest (8 miles north from Beer-Sheva), the Middle East, February 3, 2001
Rare succulent plant Caralluma europaea var. judaica going to bloom by starry flowers in Negev Desert, on a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
Big agave flowers on intersection of Itzhak Rager and Derekh Meshahrerim Street. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, January 26, 2001
A garden in northern Beer-Sheva opposite to railway station after a rain, with Hanegev Palmach Brigade Memorial on background. The Middle East, January 26, 2001
Smooth dark green leaves of Mediterranean squill in northern Negev Desert in Eshkol Park 10 miles west from Ofakim. The Middle East, February 27, 2001
View of railroad, university swimming pool, and central Beer-Sheva from a northern hill with Hanegev Palmach Brigade Memorial. The Middle East, January 26, 2001
A colchicum flower in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 29, 2001
A.S. in a garden near Palmach Memorial in Northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 29, 2001
A.S. inside Palmach Memorial in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 29, 2001
Ben Gurion Boulevard in Beer-Sheva. Flowers of cacti symbolize the Zionist utopian vision of a blooming Negev. The Middle East, April 24, 2000