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1821-19. Monument of millennium of creation of Russian state. Novgorod, Russia, May 7, 2016

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Underground river Poneretka emerging from a cave and meeting whitewater area of Msta River near Borovichi. Novgorod Region, Russia, July 3, 2016
Heads of Bronze Horseman Monument on Senate Square. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 22, 2016
St. Isaac Cathedral and Nicholas I monument from Blue Bridge. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 17, 2016
M. V. Lomonosov monument on Mendeleev Line of Vasilievsky Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 18, 2016
Heads of Peter the Great monument on Konnetabl Square Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 29, 2016
Tail of Bronze Horseman Monument on Senatskaya Square. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 17, 2016
Bronze Horseman Monument on Senatskaya Square at morning. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 17, 2016
Front legs of Bronze Horseman Monument on Senate Square. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 22, 2016
Left side of Bronze Horseman Monument on Senatskaya Square. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 17, 2016
Front section of Bronze Horseman Monument on Senate Square. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 22, 2016
Bronze plague on Peter the Great monument on Konnetabl Square Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 29, 2016
Bronze Horseman Monument of Peter the Great at Admiralty Embankment. Saint Petersburg, Russia, November 19, 2016
Horse head of Bronze Horseman Monument on Senate Square. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 22, 2016

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