Caps of polypore mushrooms Phellinopsis conchata on a willow in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Polypore mushrooms Phellinopsis conchata on a willow in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Small mossy maple polypore mushrooms (Oxyporus populinus) on a willow(?) in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Young mossy maple polypore mushrooms (Oxyporus populinus) on a willow(?) in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Smoky polypore mushrooms (smoky bracket, Bjerkandera adusta) on a fallen willow in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Smoky polypore mushrooms (smoky bracket, Bjerkandera adusta) with water drops on a fallen willow in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Rosy crust mushrooms (Peniophora incarnata) on a dry burnt willow in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 A road in alder and willow forest in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Bleeding Broadleaf Crust fungus (Stereum rugosum mushrooms) on a willow in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Bleeding Broadleaf Crust fungus (Stereum rugosum mushrooms) on a large willow in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Young hairy bracket mushroom (Trametes hirsuta) on a willow in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Fomitiporia punctata corticioid fungus (Phellinus punctatus mushroom) on a willow tree in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 False tinder conk mushrooms (Phellinus igniarius) on willow tree in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Fungus (mushroom) Hymenochaetopsis tabacina (Pseudochaete tabacina) on a willow in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Fungus (mushroom) Hymenochaetopsis tabacina (Pseudochaete tabacina) with moss on a willow in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Fungus (mushroom) Hymenochaetopsis tabacina (Pseudochaete tabacina) on in willow bushes in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Last year oyster mushrooms on a mossy log in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Rosy crust mushrooms (Peniophora incarnata) on a tree in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Mushrooms Panellus ringens on a fallen alder tree in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Yellowing curtain crust mushrooms (Stereum subtomentosum) in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Tinder mushrooms Stereum hirsutum with yellow underside in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Chornaya River in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Mushrooms Sarcoscypha austriaca in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 30, 2017
 Hairy bracket mushroom (Trametes hirsuta) in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 False conk mushroom (Phellinus igniarius) in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Toothed crust fungus (Xylodon radula) in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Yellowish corticioid mushroom on an alder(?) tree in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Saprobic mushrooms Sarcoscypha austriaca in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 30, 2017
 Red cups of mushrooms Sarcoscypha austriaca in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 30, 2017
 Yellowish corticioid mushroom on a trunk of a dry alder(?) tree in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Some cracked rosy corticioid mushroom on a lower side of a log in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Brown witches butter mushroom (jelly fungus, Exidia cartilaginea(?)) on a log in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 White-egg bird s nest mushrooms (Crucibulum laeve) on a tree in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 30, 2017
 Overgrown ruins where saprobic mushrooms Sarcoscypha austriaca (small red caps) are growing, in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Old false puffball (Reticularia lycoperdon, Enteridium lycoperdon) on an alder(?) tree in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 26, 2017
 Polypore mushrooms Phellinopsis conchata on a willow west from Kavgolovo Lake near Toksovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, February 12, 2018
 Polypore mushroom Phellinopsis conchata taken from a willow tree on roadside near Kavgolovskoe Lake. North from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 3, 2017
 Mushrooms Panellus ringens on a dry willow near Chornaya River between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Caps of mushrooms Panellus ringens on a dry willow near Chornaya River between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Caps of polypore mushrooms Phellinopsis conchata(?) east from Kuzmolovo, near Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 25, 2017
 Corticioid mushroom Corticium roseum on a roadside willow or alder near Chornaya River between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Corticioid mushroom Ceriporiopsis resinascens on a roadside willow or alder near Chornaya River between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Brown witches butter mushroom (jelly fungus, Exidia cartilaginea) on a dry willow near Chornaya River between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Polypore mushroom Phellinopsis conchata(?) east from Kuzmolovo, near Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 25, 2017
 Winter polypore mushrooms (Lentinus brumalis, Polyporus brumalis) found between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Hymenophore of winter polypore mushrooms (Lentinus brumalis, Polyporus brumalis) found between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Phellinopsis conchata tinder mushrooms on elm tree in Sablino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 25, 2017
 Close up of a polypore mushroom Phellinopsis conchata(?) on a lilac (Syringa) bush in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, February 21, 2017
 Crust of a polypore mushroom Phellinopsis conchata(?) on a lilac (Syringa) bush in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, February 21, 2017
 Tinder conk mushroom (polypore fungus Fomes fomentarius) in spruce forest near Chornaya River between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Caps of mushrooms Panellus ringens found between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Jelly mushrooms Dacrymyces lacrymalis on a twig found between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Yellow jelly mushrooms Dacrymyces lacrymalis on a twig found between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Funnel cap mushrooms Rhizocybe pruinosa (Clitocybe pruinosa) found between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Funnel cap mushrooms Rhizocybe pruinosa (Clitocybe pruinosa) found in spruce forest between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Funnel cap mushrooms Rhizocybe pruinosa (Clitocybe pruinosa) under spruce trees near Chornaya River between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Funnel cap mushrooms Rhizocybe pruinosa (Clitocybe pruinosa) in a spruce forest near Chornaya River between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Pores of Fragrant Bracket fungus (Trametes suaveolens mushroom) found between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Upper view of purple toothed polypore mushrooms (Trichaptum biforme) on a birch log in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 20, 2017
 Polypore mushroom Diplomitoporus flavescens on a pine near Pesochnaya north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 30, 2017
 Polypore mushroom Diplomitoporus flavescens on a pine tree near Pesochnaya north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 30, 2017
 Mushroom Gloiodon strigosus on a willow stump grown on a willow stump and taken from area of Kavgolovskoe Lake in Toksovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 14, 2017
 Fallen female willow catkin near Lenin Trail in area of Razliv near Dibuny, north-west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 21, 2019
 Upper view of woolly velvet polypore mushrooms (Onnia tomentosa)(?) in fire ditch in Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 5, 2017
 Winter polypore mushrooms (Lentinus brumalis) near Dibuny, north-west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29, 2017
 Phellinus(?) polypore mushrooms on a mossy log near Dibuny, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 15, 2017
 Purple toothed polypore mushrooms (Trichaptum biforme)(?) on a tree in area of Dibuny - Pesochny near Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 4, 2017
 Purple toothed polypore mushrooms (Trichaptum biforme) on a fallen birch in area of Dibuny - Pesochny near Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 4, 2017
 Small purple toothed polypore mushrooms (Trichaptum biforme)(?) on a tree in area of Dibuny - Pesochny near Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 4, 2017
 Mushrooms Tubaria confragosa in moss near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Last year tooth mushrooms (Hydnellum) near Pesochnaya north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 30, 2017
 Gills of mushrooms Tubaria confragosa near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Sprucecone cap mushrooms (Strobilurus esculentus) near Pesochnaya north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 30, 2017
 Earth fibrecap mushrooms (Inocybe geophylla) near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Dissected rustgill mushrooms Gymnopilus picreus(?) near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Mushrooms Tubaria confragosa on a tree stump near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Menthol brittlegill mushrooms (Russula albonigra) near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Saprobic mushrooms Sarcoscypha austriaca Taken from a roadside near Pesochnaya north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 30, 2017
 Horsehair parachute mushrooms (Gymnopus androsaceus) near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Candelabra coral mushrooms (Artomyces pyxidatus) on a stump near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Caps of horsehair parachute mushrooms (Gymnopus androsaceus) near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Close up of horsehair parachute mushrooms (Gymnopus androsaceus) near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Horsehair parachute mushrooms (Gymnopus androsaceus) on a twig near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Abandoned village of Kirpichny Zavod (Brick Factory) near Posiolok, north from Vyritsa, 50 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 18, 2012
 Horsehair parachute mushrooms (Gymnopus androsaceus) on forest litter near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Spring funnel mushrooms (Bonomyces sinopicus, Clitocybe sinopica) near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Worker s dorms in village of Kirpichny Zavod (Brick Factory) near Posiolok, north from Vyritsa, 50 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 18, 2012
 Rotten polypore mushroom on a birch tree west from Dibuny - Pesochny area near Saint Petersburg. Russia, February 4, 2017
 Horsehair parachute mushrooms (Gymnopus androsaceus) collected in a spruce forest near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Horsehair parachute mushrooms (Gymnopus androsaceus) together with some small grey Mycena near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Brick tuft mushrooms (Hypholoma lateritium) in Blizhnie Dubki area near Lisiy Nos, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 21, 2017
 Porodaedalea pini (Phellinus pini) bracket fungus (polypore mushrooms) on a pine tree near Dibuny, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 18, 2017
 Group of horsehair parachute mushrooms (Gymnopus androsaceus) collected in a spruce forest near Pesochnaya, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 23, 2017
 Birch polypore mushroom Fomitopsis betulina (Piptoporus betulinus) in area of Dibuny - Pesochny near Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 4, 2017
 Tinder conk mushroom (polypore fungus Fomes fomentarius) on a log in area of Dibuny - Pesochny near Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 4, 2017
 Side view of false morel mushrooms (Gyromitra esculenta, Russian name Strochok) near Lenin Trail in area of Razliv near Dibuny, north-west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 21, 2019
 Polypore fungus Junghuhnia pseudozilingiana on a fallen aspen near Dibuny, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 18, 2017
 Spores of brown bracket polypore mushroom Phellinopsis conchata(?) (Hymenochaetaceae) from a thin hawthorn(?), collected a day before in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, January 2, 2024
 Tinder conk mushroom (polypore fungus Fomes fomentarius) on a birch in area of Dibuny - Pesochny near Saint Petersburg. Russia, March 4, 2017