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204-04. Solomon Pillars in Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001

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Solomon Pillars in Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Eastern side of Solomon Pillars in Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Rocks east from Solomon Pillars in Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Ancient Egyptian Temple right from Solomon Pillars in Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Rocks east from Solomon Pillars in Timna Park, near Eilat at evening. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Edge of Solomon Pillars in Timna Park at morning (front view of the Pillars is shadowed at morning). 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Edge of Solomon Pillars in Timna Park at morning. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Lizard-like sandstone formation over Solomon Pillars in Timna Park at morning. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
A parking site east from Solomon Pillars in Timna mountains. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
Ancient copper mining area near Solomon Pillars in Timna Park from Berekh ascent, 13 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, November 7, 2002
A short trail north from Solomon Pillars through Timna mountains. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
Solomon Pillars and Hill of Slaves in Timna Valley from Berekh ascent, 13 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, November 7, 2002
Solomon Pillars and Hill of Slaves in Timna Valley from Berekh ascent, 13 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, November 7, 2002
Solomon Pillars and Hill of Slaves (zoomed) in Timna Valley from Berekh ascent, 13 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, November 7, 2002
View of copper mines from a small pass north from Solomon Pillars in Timna mountains. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
Imperfect version of Solomon Pillars, view from a trail going from Mount Shelomo, 2.5 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
Rainbow-like glow over Timna cliffs in Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Walls of Timna Cliffs in the area of canyons in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
White sand and caves at the foot of Timna cliffs in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
View to the north from the entrance to Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, Morning of April 25, 2001
A wadi near copper mines in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
A wadi near copper mines in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Sasgon Hill to the north from the entrance to Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, Morning of April 25, 2001
A wadi in copper mining area in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
A wadi approaching Slaves Hill in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Pink Canyon (blue trail) in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Roman Cave (?) (blue trail) in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Pink Canyon (blue trail) in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
View from a wadi near copper mines in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
View from a wadi near copper mines in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
A wadi approaching Slaves Hill in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
A small creek north from Solomon Pillars, view to the north-west. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
Approaching Roman Cave (?) (blue trail) in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Caves and arches in a wadi near copper mines in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
A wadi along the blue trail (area of canyons) in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Ancient caves in sandstone for mining of copper in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
A wadi approaching Pink Canyon (blue trail) in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
White sands from eroded cliffs along the blue trail in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Southern side of Timna Mountains, near Eilat at evening. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Timna Cliffs and Timna Stream north from Timna Park. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Copper minerals in white sand from eroded cliffs along the blue trail in western Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Timna River in northern Timna Park. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Area of Timna River in northern Timna Park. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
Area of Timna River in northern Timna Park. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
View of Timna Cliffs from Timna Stage in Timna Park. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
View to the north-west along Timna Stream from the entrance to Timna Park. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
View of Timna Cliffs from Timna Stage in Timna Park at early morning around 6:40. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
View of Timna Cliffs from Timna Stage in Timna Park at early morning around 7:00. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
View of Timna Cliffs from Timna Stage in Timna Park at early morning around 6:50. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
View of Timna Cliffs from Timna Stage in Timna Park at early morning around 6:50. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Ghostly forms in white sand at the foot of Timna cliffs in western Timna Park. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
View of terrain south from the tabletop of Mount Timna (Timna Stage) in Timna Park at early morning around 6:40. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
View of Timna Stream and Timna Cliffs north from Timna Park gate. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
View of Timna mountains, Spiral Hill, Timna Stream and Timna Cliffs to the north from Timna Stage. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
View of Timna Park south-east from Timna Cliffs, 17 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 14, 2002
In a yard of Khan el Umdan (Pillars Inn) in Old City of Akko, with ancient pillars taken from Caesarea. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
View of northern Timna Park south-east from Timna Cliffs, 17 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 14, 2002
View of Arava Valley and Timna Park south-east from Timna Cliffs, 16 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 14, 2002
View of an area of Spiral Hill in Timna Park south-east from Timna Cliffs, 17 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 14, 2002
Timna Cliffs from Timna Stage (a flat tabletop of Mount Timna) at morning around 7:10. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
View of Timna Cliffs from the flat tabletop of Mount Timna (Timna Stage). 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Surface of the flat tabletop of Mount Timna (Timna Stage), with Timna Cliffs at background. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Surface of the flat tabletop of Mount Timna (Timna Stage), with Timna Cliffs at background. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
View of Timna Cliffs from the flat tabletop of Mount Timna (Timna Stage) at early morning around 6:50. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Spiral Hill and Timna Cliffs from Timna Stage (a flat tabletop of Mount Timna) at morning around 7:10. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Timna Mushroom in Timna Park at morning at around 9:00. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Timna Mushroom in Timna Park at morning at around 9:00. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Foot of Timna Cliffs in western Timna Park, 13 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, December 12, 2002
Foot of Timna Cliffs in western Timna Park, 13 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, December 12, 2002
Foot of Timna Cliffs in western Timna Park, 13 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, December 12, 2002
View of Sasgon Hill along Timna Stream north-east from Timna Park gate. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
View of northern Timna Park south from Timna Cliffs, 17 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 14, 2002
Sand eroded from Timna Cliffs in western Timna Park, 13 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, December 12, 2002
Timna Stream and Cliffs in Timna Park, 13 miles north from Eilat, one hour before sunset. The Middle East, December 12, 2002
Timna Stream and Cliffs in Timna Park, 13 miles north from Eilat, one hour before sunset. The Middle East, December 12, 2002
View of to the south from Timna Stage in Timna Park at morning around 7:00. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Timna Stream in western Timna Park, 13 miles north from Eilat, one hour before sunset. The Middle East, December 12, 2002
Unidentified construction, may be for melting of copper near the Timna cliffs in western Timna Park. White sand is result of erosion of the cliffs. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
View of Timna Stream and Timna Cliffs to the north from Timna Stage. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
View of Timna Stream and Timna Cliffs to the north from Timna Stage. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
View of Timna wadi and cliffs from a road to the Mushroom in Timna Park, 13 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, November 7, 2002
A small wadi at foot of Timna Cliffs in western Timna Park, 13 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, December 12, 2002
Timna Stream and Cliffs in western Timna Park, 13 miles north from Eilat, one hour before sunset. The Middle East, December 12, 2002
A small wadi at foot of Timna Cliffs in western Timna Park, 13 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, December 12, 2002
View of Spiral Hill, Timna Stream and Timna Cliffs to the north from Timna Stage. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
View of Spiral Hill, Timna Stream and Timna Cliffs to the north from Timna Stage. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
Timna stream and cliffs near ancient copper mines in Timna Park at morning at around 9:00. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Timna stream and cliffs near ancient copper mines in Timna Park at morning at around 9:00. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
View of Timna Cliffs from a road to the Mushroom in western Timna Park, 13 miles north from Eilat, one hour before sunset. The Middle East, December 12, 2002
View of Timna Cliffs north from the flat tabletop of Mount Timna (Timna Stage). 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
View along Timna Stream from Timna Park gate. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
Timna River in northern part of Timna Park. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
View of Timna valley from northern road through Timna Park. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
View of Spiral Hill and Timna Cliffs north from the flat tabletop of Mount Timna (Timna Stage). 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
General view of hills and Timna Cliffs north from the flat tabletop of Mount Timna (Timna Stage). 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
View of Spiral Hill and Timna Cliffs north from the flat tabletop of Mount Timna (Timna Stage). 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Mushroom in western Timna Park. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
View of area of ancient copper mines from Timna Stage in Timna Park at early morning around 6:40. 13 miles north from Eilat, the Middle East, June 13, 2002
Massif Timna from Timna Stream, 13 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, December 12, 2002

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