Yellow stagshorn fungus (Calocera viscosa) in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Yellow stagshorn mushroom (Calocera viscosa) in Kannelyarvi, 45 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 11, 2017
 Yellow stagshorn mushroom (Calocera viscosa) near Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 13, 2016
 Yellow stagshorn mushroom (Calocera viscosa) in area of Kavgolovskoe Lake near Oselki - Toksovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 9, 2017
 Yellow stagshorn mushrooms (Calocera viscosa) near Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 19, 2016
 Yellow stagshorn mushroom (Calocera viscosa) in moss west from Kannelyarvi, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 7, 2012
 Yellow stagshorn fungus (Calocera viscosa) taken from a forest near Okhta River in Toksovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 1, 2017
 Yellow stagshorn fungus (Calocera viscosa) near Dibuny, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 25, 2018
 Yellow stagshorn mushrooms (Calocera viscosa) in Lindulovskaya Larch Grove, near Roshchino, 30 miles north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 4, 2018
 Yellow stagshorn fungus (Calocera viscosa) extracted from soil near Dibuny, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 25, 2018
 Yellow stagshorn mushroom (Calocera viscosa) in area of Old Sylvia in Pavlovsk Park. Pavlovsk near Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 28, 2016
 Yellow stagshorn mushrooms (Calocera viscosa) near Lisiy Nos, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 1, 2018
 Yellow false truffle fungus (Rhizopogon luteolus) on the site of old campfire in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Tiger s eye mushroom (Coltricia perennis) in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Sweetbread mushroom (Clitopilus prunulus) in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Young sweetbread mushroom (Clitopilus prunulus) in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Chanterelle mushrooms (Cantharellus cibarius) in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Tiger s eye fungus (Coltricia perennis) in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Pine firefungus (Rhizina undulata) in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Wood cudweed (Gnaphalium sylvaticum) in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Bark bonnet mushrooms (Phloeomana speirea) in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Scaly rustgill mushrooms (Gymnopilus sapineus) in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Velvety milkcap mushrooms Lactarius lignyotus in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Zoned tooth mushrooms (Hydnellum concrescens)(?) in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Brown fibrecap mushrooms (Inocybe) near an old campfire place in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Dense colony of cup fungus Sphaerosporella brunnea on a site of old campfire in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Dense cluster of cup fungus Sphaerosporella brunnea among charcoal on a site of old campfire in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Brown discs of cup fungus Sphaerosporella brunnea with tiny hairs on burnt soil in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Shards of glass on ground (pieces of broken shattered windshield car glass) in area of Lembolovo - Orekhovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Red cap Bolete mushroom Leccinum vulpinum(?) between Lembolovo and Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2012
 Small stagshorn mushrooms (Calocera cornea) on a log in Posiolok near Vyritsa, 50 miles south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 29, 2017
 Bare teeth brittlegill mushrooms (Russula vesca) between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
 Pores of a pine bolete mushrooms (Boletus pinophilus) between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
 Greying brittlegill mushroom (Russula decolorans) between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 30 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 19, 2004
 Tall brittlegill mushroom (Russula paludosa) between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 30 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 19, 2004
 Silky webcap mushroom (Cortinarius evernius)(?) taken from area of Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
 Gills of some brown oily mushrooms on a sandy road in pine forest between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
 Slimy webcap mushrooms Cortinarius mucosus on a sandy road in pine forest between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
 Small stagshorn mushroom (Calocera cornea) in Tarkhovka Park, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 2, 2024
 Small fairy ring of small stagshorn mushrooms (Calocera cornea) on a log in Posiolok near Vyritsa, 50 miles south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 29, 2017
 Pine bolete mushrooms (Boletus pinophilus) (with worms) on a camping site in a pine forest between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
 Sahaoja (Prytkiy) Creek between Lembolovo and Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 27, 2017
 Funnel mushroom Clitocybe squamulosa in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Tiger s eye mushroom (Coltricia perennis) in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Road near Sahaoja (Prytkiy) Creek between Lembolovo and Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 27, 2017
 Fragile brittlegill mushroom (Russula fragilis) near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Boletus edulis mushrooms in moss between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 30 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 19, 2004
 A birch grove near Prytkiy Creek between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 30 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 19, 2004
 Downy milk cap mushroom (Lactarius pubescens) on roadside near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Chanterelle mushrooms (Cantharellus cibarius) in moss between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 30 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 19, 2004
 Some small serrated omphaloid mushroom taken from a swamp near Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
 Boletus edulis mushrooms (Russian name Belyi Grib) between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 30 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 19, 2004
 False chanterelle mushrooms (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca) taken from area of Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
 Twisted deceiver mushroom (Laccaria tortilis)(?) with red berries of Fly honeysuckle on roadside near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Pholiota mixta(?) mushrooms on sandy soil in forest cutting area near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Penny bun mushroom (Boletus edulis) (wormed) near Figurnoe Lake in Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
 Group of mushrooms Pholiota mixta(?) on sandy soil in forest cutting area near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Cinnabar polypore mushroom (Pycnoporus cinnabarinus) from a fallen birch taken from area near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 27, 2017
 Cracked cap if red-banded webcap mushroom (Cortinarius armillatus) near Olonets Creek between Lembolovo and Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 7, 2007
 Yellow crust fungus (Antrodia xantha)(?) on a cut surface of a log in Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 5, 2017
 Yellow crust fungus (Antrodia xantha)(?) on a cut surface of a barkless log in Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 5, 2017
 Grey veiled amanita mushroom (Amanita porphyria) in Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
 Lentinus brumalis (Polyporus brumalis) mushroom from a fallen birch taken from area near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 27, 2017
 Toad s face in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Toad s profile in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Pinesap (Monotropa hypopitys) in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Yellow crust fungus (Antrodia xantha) on a cut surface of a spruce(?) near Orekhovo, 45 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 30, 2018
 Timber mushrooms Lentinellus ursinus in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Webcap mushrooms Cortinarius armeniacus(?) near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Orange cup fungus (Melastiza cornubiensis) in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Blusher mushrooms (Amanita rubescens) near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Bay cup fungus (Peziza badia) on roadside near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Cup fungus Scutellinia crucipila(?) on wet soil in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Bracket mushrooms Pycnoporellus fulgens near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Yellow coral mushroom Ramaria flava (Russian name Rogatik) near Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 16, 2016
 Birches in a forest between Lembolovo and Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 7, 2007
 Olonets Creek between Lembolovo and Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 7, 2007
 Olonets creek between Lembolovo and Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2003
 Young panthercap mushroom (Amanita pantherina)(?) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
 Mushrooms Tricholoma inamoenum in a spruce forest near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Conifer mazegill fungus (Gloeophyllum sepiarium) near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Whitelaced shank mushrooms (Megacollybia platyphylla) in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Toothed toughshank mushrooms (Rhodocollybia prolixa)(?) near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Rusty bolete mushrooms (Boletus ferrugineus) near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Bear cockleshell mushrooms (Lentinellus ursinus) near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2017
 Pale brittlestem mushrooms (Psathyrella candolleana) in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Cup fungus Scutellinia crucipila(?) on wet soil on road in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Russet toughshank mushrooms (Gymnopus dryophilus) in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
 Penny bun mushroom (Boletus edulis) near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
 Fly agaric mushroom (Amanita muscaria) near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
 Close up of yellow coral mushroom Ramaria flava (Russian name Rogatik) near Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 16, 2016
 Fragments of yellow coral mushroom Ramaria flava (Russian name Rogatik) near Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 16, 2016
 Young yellow coral mushroom Ramaria flava (Russian name Rogatik) near Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 16, 2016
 Yellow knight mushrooms (Tricholoma equestre, Zelenushka) between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 28, 2016
 Yellow knight mushrooms (Tricholoma equestre, Zelenushka) between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 28, 2016
 Yellow stem bonnet mushrooms (Mycena epipterygia)(?) between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 28, 2016
 Ferns near Olonets Creek between Lembolovo and Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 7, 2007
 Olonets Creek in a forest between Lembolovo and Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 7, 2007
 Layered cup fungus (Peziza varia) on a log in Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017