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2160-23. Resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) on a pine stump near a train stop in Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 20, 2017

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Underside of resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) on a pine stump near a train stop near Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 20, 2017
Resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) on a pine stump near a railroad stop in Orekhovo, 45 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) on a mossy stump north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Young resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) on a spruce stump in area of Lisiy Nos - Olgino west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 21, 2017
Resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) in Orekhovo, 45 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Hymenophore resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum)(?) taken from an oak stump in Dubki Park in Sestroretsk, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 11, 2017
Old caps of resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum)(?) on an oak stump in Dubki Park in Sestroretsk, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 11, 2017
Close up of resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum)(?) taken from an oak stump in Dubki Park in Sestroretsk, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 11, 2017
Resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) in area of Lisiy Nos - Olgino west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 21, 2017
Old brown cap of resinous polypore mushroom (Ischnoderma resinosum)(?) taken from an oak stump in Dubki Park in Sestroretsk, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 11, 2017
Caps of resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) in area of Lisiy Nos - Olgino west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 21, 2017
Resinous polypore mushroom (Ischnoderma resinosum) in Tarkhovka Park near Sestroretsk, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 22, 2017
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Underside of resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) on an oak stump in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 14, 2020
Velvety surface of resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) on an oak stump in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 8, 2020
Brown caps of resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) on an big oak stump in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 8, 2020
Cross section of resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) on an oak stump in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 8, 2020
Resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) on an big oak stump in low lying area of oxbows in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 8, 2020
Thick brown velvety caps of resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) on an oak stump in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 8, 2020
Pore surface of resinous polypore mushrooms (Ischnoderma resinosum) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 14, 2020
Polypore mushroom Diplomitoporus flavescens on a pine near Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 20, 2017
Polypore fungus Diplomitoporus flavescens on a pine near Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 20, 2017
Young veiled oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus dryinus) near Tarkhovka train stop near Sestroretsk, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 22, 2017
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Flaming scalycap mushrooms (Pholiota flammans) on an old stump in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Dibuny train stop, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, October 2, 2017
Dibuny train stop, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 18, 2017
Daisy flower near the train stop in Petiayarvi, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 21, 2017
Rusty gilled polypore mushrooms (Gloeophyllum sepiarium) on a stump of a spruce tree on a logging site near Hallojarvi (Gorynskoe) Lake near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 27, 2017
Rusty gilled polypore mushrooms (Gloeophyllum sepiarium) on a stump of a spruce tree on a logging site near Hallojarvi (Gorynskoe) Lake near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 27, 2017
Smooth rupturewort (Herniaria glabra) near the train stop in Petiayarvi, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 21, 2017
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Blue flowers of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) near train stop in Petiayarvi, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 21, 2017
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Caps of polypore mushrooms Pycnoporellus fulgens on a spruce log in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Underside of polypore mushrooms Pycnoporellus fulgens on a spruce log in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Top view of polypore mushrooms Pycnoporellus fulgens on a spruce log in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Young black-footed polypore mushrooms (Picipes badius) on a mossy log in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Underside of young black-footed polypore mushrooms (Picipes badius) in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Whitelaced shank mushrooms (Megacollybia platyphylla) near a stump in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
Pine root on a sandy road near Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 20, 2017
Pine firefungus (Rhizina undulata) near Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 20, 2017
An alley near Universitet train stop in Sergievka Park. Old Peterhof, west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 5, 2017
Alley near Universitet train stop in Sergievka Park. Old Peterhof, west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 5, 2017
Birch alley near Universitet train stop in Sergievka Park. Old Peterhof, west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 5, 2017
Olive edge bonnet mushrooms (Mycena viridimarginata) on a mossy stump on roadside in Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 5, 2017
Pine bolete mushrooms (Boletus pinophilus) (with worms) on a camping site in a pine forest between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
Young stage of purple toothed polypore fungus (Trichaptum biforme) near Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 20, 2017
Red-belted bracket (polypore mushroom Fomitopsis pinicola) on a tree stump near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 28, 2005
Bleeding bonnet mushrooms (Mycena sanguinolenta)(?) in a pine forest in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
Pores of a pine bolete mushrooms (Boletus pinophilus) between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
Mitre inkcap mushroom (Coprinopsis episcopalis) on sandy soil near the train stop Orekhovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 15, 2019
Lemon disco fungus (Bisporella citrina) on a stump in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 8, 2017
Mushrooms Punctularia strigosozonata on a log in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Spring brittlestem mushrooms (Psathyrella spadiceogrisea) on wood chips near Tarkhovka train stop, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 10, 2021
Woolly velvet polypore mushrooms (Onnia tomentosa)(?) in fire ditch in Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 5, 2017
Webcap mushrooms Cortinarius croceus(?) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
The humpback mushrooms (Cantharellula umbonata) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Conifercone cap mushrooms (Baeospora myosura) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Brown Witch s Butter mushrooms (leafy brain fungus, Phaeotremella foliacea, Tremella foliacea, Russian name Drozhalka) near Dibuny train stop, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2016
Changle mushrooms (Ramaria flava) near Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 20, 2017
The humpback mushrooms (Cantharellula umbonata) near Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 20, 2017
Mushrooms Lacrymaria pyrotricha near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Gills of some brown oily mushrooms on a sandy road in pine forest between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
Slimy spike mushrooms (Gomphidius glutinosus) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Slippery Jack mushrooms (Suillus luteus) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Imperial webcap mushrooms (Cortinarius purpureus) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Orange mosscap mushrooms (Rickenella fibula) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Bovine bolete mushrooms (Suillus bovinus) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Piggyback shanklet mushrooms (Collybia cirrhata) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Menthol brittlegill mushrooms (Russula albonigra) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Orange webcap mushrooms (Cortinarius mucosus) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Some small dark gilled mushrooms in moss north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Downy milk cap mushrooms (Lactarius pubescens)(?) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Some half-dry brown funnel-like mushrooms in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Pale brittlestem mushrooms (Psathyrella candolleana) on mulch near Tarkhovka train stop near Sestroretsk, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 27, 2018
Webcap mushrooms Cortinarius croceus(?) in a sandy ditch north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Some small white-brown mushrooms on sandy roadside north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Close up of piggyback shanklet mushrooms (Collybia cirrhata) north from Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Orange webcap mushrooms (Cortinarius mucosus) near Lembolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 20, 2017
Some dark webcap (Cortinarius) mushrooms near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Deceiver mushrooms (Laccaria laccata) near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017
Slimy webcap mushrooms Cortinarius mucosus on a sandy road in pine forest between Orekhovo and Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 18, 2017
Upper view of woolly velvet polypore mushrooms (Onnia tomentosa)(?) in fire ditch in Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 5, 2017
Yellow webcap mushrooms (Cortinarius delibutus) in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Spring brittlestem mushrooms (Psathyrella spadiceogrisea) on remains of cut bushes and small trees near Tarkhovka train stop, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 10, 2021
Velvety milk cap mushrooms (Lactarius lignyotus) in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Underside of spring brittlestem mushrooms (Psathyrella spadiceogrisea) on wood chips from cut bushes near Tarkhovka train stop, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 10, 2021
Marsh webcap mushrooms (Cortinarius uliginosus) in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Violet webcap mushrooms (Cortinarius violaceus) in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Stumpy milkcap mushrooms (Lactarius flexuosus) in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Whitelaced shank mushrooms (Megacollybia platyphylla) in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Redleg jellybaby mushrooms (Cudonia circinans) in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Deceiving knight mushrooms (Tricholoma sejunctum) in a forest east from a train stop Platform 46 km near Semrino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 10, 2024
Pinewood gingertail mushrooms (Xeromphalina campanella) on the top of a pine stump near Dibuny, north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 15, 2017
Weeping widow mushrooms (Lacrymaria lacrymabunda) near Lembolovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 9, 2017

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