A wooden cabin near World War II soldiers memorial in Myasnitskiy Bor (?), north from Novgorod. Russia, August 1, 2001
 A Russian cabin in the museum of wood. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Vitoslavlitsy museum of wooden architecture. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Vitoslavlitsy museum of wooden architecture under open air. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Dorms(?) and Krestovozdvizhensky Cathedral, view from Yuriev Monastery. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 A World War II soldiers memorial in Myasnitskiy Bor (?), north from Novgorod. Russia, August 1, 2001
 Museum of wood. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 City walls. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Sofiyskiy Cathedral in Novgorod. Russia, August 1, 2001
 A bell tower. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Streets of Gorodishche Quarter. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Vitoslavitsy (Vitoslavlitsy) Museum of wood. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 A Russian church in the museum of wood. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 An Orthodox cathedral in Gorodishche Area. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Volkhov River and Gorodishche Area. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Sophiyskiy Cathedral (Church of Holy Wisdom). Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 A church in Gorodishche Area (Yaroslav Courtyard). Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 A monastery in Gorodishche Area (Yaroslav Courtyard). Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Sophiyskiy Cathedral (Church of Holy Wisdom). Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Efimovskaya Chapel opposite to Sophiyskiy Cathedral. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 An Orthodox cathedral in Gorodishche Area (Yaroslav Courtyard). Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Church of Saint Paraskevy Pyatnicy in Gorodishche Area. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 An Orthodox church in Gorodishche Area (Yaroslav Courtyard). Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 An Orthodox church remotely seen from entrance of Yuriev Monastery. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Interior of Church of Saint George in Yuriev Monastery. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Church of Saint Paraskevy Pyatnicy in Gorodishche Area (Yaroslav Courtyard). Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Vitoslavlitsy open-air wooden architecture museum (folk art). Novgorod, Russia, December 18, 2005
 People on a street, view from a window of a tourist bus. Novgorod, Russia, August 11, 2007
 People near a bus stop, view from a window of a tourist bus. Novgorod, Russia, August 11, 2007
 Wooden house in Ozerki, view from a window of a train. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 5, 2012
 Stone bridge bearings of a railroad from Novgorod to Valday. Novgorod, Russia, May 7, 2016
 Krestovozdvizhensky Cathedral, view from Yuriev Monastery. Novgorod, Russia, July 3, 2003
 Krestovozdvizhensky Cathedral, view from Yuriev Monastery. Novgorod, Russia, July 3, 2003
 Krestovozdvizhensky Cathedral, view from entrance of Yuriev Monastery. Novgorod, Russia, July 3, 2003
 Wooden pathway for fishing in southern part of Kavgolovskoe Lake between Oselki and Toksovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 13, 2024
 - Pecos Wilderness, near Beatti Cabin, August 30, 31 (New Mexico mountains, August 30 - September 1, 1997)
 - Pecos Wilderness, near Beatti Cabin, August 30, 31 (New Mexico mountains, August 30 - September 1, 1997)
 - Pecos Wilderness, near Beatti Cabin, August 30, 31 (New Mexico mountains, August 30 - September 1, 1997)
 - Pecos Wilderness, near Beatti Cabin, August 30, 31 (New Mexico mountains, August 30 - September 1, 1997)
 Orange oyster mushrooms (Phyllotopsis nidulans) on a thrown away wooden door in Lembolovo, 35 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 31, 2016
 Old railroad station of Miass, view from a train. Southern Ural, Russia, August 15, 2001
 View of Zagorsk city from walls of monastery of Sergiev Posad near Moscow. Russia, August 29, 2001
 A slave cabin(?) near Evergreen Plantation in fog, view from Old River Road. Vacherie, Louisiana, December 15, 2006
 View of Kremlin from Moscow River embankment. Moscow, Russia, August 30, 2001
 Wooden house on Keppa Street. Vyborg, Russia, August 12, 2012
 Wooden church on Krutaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, August 12, 2012
 Old bat observation cabin in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 17, 2022
 Old bat observation cabin in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 7, 2022
 Wooden sculptures in Russian Museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 11, 2012
 Overgrown bat observation cabin in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 7, 2022
 Hunter s cabin near a new cutting in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 2, 2018
 Fedor Dostoevsky Academic Theater of Drama, with Makarevich Column in background (built by Institute "Giproteatr", 1987). Novgorod, Russia, August 11, 2007
 Burned wooden house at Fermskoe Shosse, Litera A, view from a platform of Udelnaya train stop. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 22, 2024
 Wooden sculpture of J. Christ in Russian Museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 11, 2012
 Wooden sculpture in Tarkhovka Park, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 26, 2017
 Wooden boardwalk at Eco Trail Sestroretskoye Swamp near Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 11, 2024
 Decorated wooden closet in Hermitage museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 14, 2007
 View to the north from the ridge north from Mount Shelomo, 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, November 4, 2001
 Bat observation cabin near Deer Run Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 7, 2022
 Bat observation cabin near Deer Run Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 2, 2022
 Bat observation cabin near Deer Run Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 22, 2023
 Wooden house near Pargolovo Train Station in a suburb of Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 5, 2012
 Decorated wooden sewing machines(?) in Russian Museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 13, 2007
 Public wooden sculpture in Tarkhovka near Sestroretsk. West from Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 15, 2017
 Overgrown bat observation cabin near Deer Run Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 22, 2023
 Kavgolovo Lake 9 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 26, 2001
 Kavgolovo Lake 9 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 26, 2001
 Wooden stairs in Museum of Political History (Kshesinskaya Mansion). Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 25, 2007
 Wooden house at 11 Rubakina Street in Lomonosov (Oranienbaum). West from Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 16, 2007
 A plant in a forest near Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 4, 2001
 A marsh of Kavgolovo Lake 9 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 26, 2001
 A lake Chiortovo (?) near Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 4, 2001
 Fir forest near Kavgolovo Lake 9 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 26, 2001
 View of a cathedral in Kremlin from Moscow River embankment. Kremlin was closed at Thursday. Moscow, Russia, August 30, 2001
 View of Vasiliy Blazhennyi (?) cathedral in Kremlin from Moscow River embankment. Kremlin was closed at Thursday. Moscow, Russia, August 30, 2001
 A small lake north from Kavgolovo Lake 9 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 26, 2001
 View to the north from Mount Yehoram, 3.5 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, November 4, 2001
 A small creek north from Solomon Pillars, view to the north-west. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
 A puffball mushroom near Kavgolovo Lake 9 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 26, 2001
 A forest on hills west from Petiayarvi, 50 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 19, 2001
 A lake in a marshy forest near Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 4, 2001
 A lake in a marshy forest near Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 4, 2001
 Ryzhik mushroom near Kavgolovo Lake 9 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 26, 2001
 A lake in a marshy forest near Orekhovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 4, 2001
 View of the Dead Sea Works from the opening of Nahal Peres Canyon 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona, view to the north-east. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 Shores of a small lake 1 mile west from Petiayarvi, 50 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 19, 2001
 A saddle and a trail to the main summit of Mount Shelomo (view from north), 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
 Wooden sculpture of a saint(?) in Russian Museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 11, 2012
 View from a trail on Mount Sdom to the north. The Middle East, December 27, 2001
 View from a lookout of Mount Sdom to the north. The Middle East, December 27, 2001
 View to the north-west from Timna Stage. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
 View from a lookout of Mount Sdom to the north. The Middle East, December 27, 2001
 View to the north from the entrance to Timna Park. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
 View of the Dead Sea from the opening of the lower Nahal Peres Canyon 1 mile north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona, view to the east. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 A lake 2 miles west from Petiayarvi, 50 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 19, 2001
 View to north-east from Mount Shelomo, 2.5 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, November 4, 2001
 View to north-east from Mount Shelomo, 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
 View to north-west from Mount Yehoram, 3.5 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, November 4, 2001
 View to north-east from Mount Shelomo, 2.5 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, November 4, 2001