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2187-29. Fall colors of trees on Saari island on 3-rd South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 7, 2017

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A canal of Elagin Island at fall. Sankt Petersburg, Russia, October 2, 2000
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Fall colors of poison ivy in south-western part of Lincoln Woods State Park. Providence, Rhode Island, October 10, 2004
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Right lion of Elagin Palace on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 23, 2013
Maples left from Elagin Palace on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 23, 2013
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Trees of Empty Island in Great Pond in Catherine Park. Pushkin (former Tsarskoe Selo), south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 24, 2015
Fall foliage of Empty Island in Great Pond in Catherine Park. Pushkin (former Tsarskoe Selo), south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 24, 2015
Fall foliage near Empty Island in Great Pond in Catherine Park. Pushkin (former Tsarskoe Selo), south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 24, 2015
Fall colors near Vittolovsky Canal in Alexander Park. Pushkin (former Tsarskoe Selo), south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 6, 2017
Fall colors near Vittolovsky Canal in Alexander Park. Pushkin (former Tsarskoe Selo), south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 6, 2017

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