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2233-01. Shaggy ink cap mushrooms (Coprinus comatus) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 4, 2018

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Inkcap mushrooms Coprinus comatus in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 12, 2018
Shaggy ink cap mushrooms (Coprinus comatus)(?) on roadside near Lisiy Nos, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 16, 2016
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Fomes fasciatus mushrooms in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 18, 2018
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Masses of fieldcap mushrooms Agrocybe sororia in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 26, 2018
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Brain puffball mushrooms (Calvatia craniiformis) on a lawn in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, October 23, 2018
Orange Gliophorus mushrooms in a stand of small cedar elm trees in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 26, 2018
Fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms on a lawn in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 30, 2020
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Fieldcap mushrooms Agrocybe sororia on wood chips from recently cut bushes in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 26, 2018
Side view of mushrooms Chlorophyllum hortense(?) on a lawn in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 30, 2020
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Various lichens in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 18, 2018
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Creek in mist in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 18, 2018
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Creek and trees in mist in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 18, 2018
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Small pleated inkcap mushrooms (Parasola plicatilis, Coprinus) on Iron Bridge in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, June 8, 2010
Hyphodontia fungus on rotten wood in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 18, 2018
Chestnut brittlestem mushrooms (Homophron spadiceum) at the base of large living elm on a lawn (spore print light brown) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, March 8, 2024
Wolf s milk slime mold (Lycogala epidendrum) on Kiwanis Nature Trail. College Station, Texas, March 1, 2018
Sow thistle-like plant in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 19, 2020
Blooming mulberry in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 31, 2021
Shoot of poison ivy in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 31, 2021
Shoot of blackberry in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 19, 2020
Physarum polycephalum(?) slime mold (Mycetozoa) on a stump in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 26, 2018
Wolf s milk slime mold (Lycogala epidendrum) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 25, 2018
Large wolf s milk slime mold (Lycogala flavofuscum) on a tree stump in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 27, 2021
Brown cat on a tree near the creek in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 30, 2020
Flower buds of some tree in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 31, 2021
Young leaves of live oak in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 19, 2020
Pleated inkcap mushrooms (Parasola plicatilis, Coprinus plicatilis) on Iron Bridge in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, June 8, 2010
Broken large wolf s milk slime mold (Lycogala flavofuscum) on a tree stump in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 27, 2021
Close-up of large wolf s milk slime mold (Lycogala flavofuscum) on a tree stump in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 27, 2021
Small pleated inkcap mushrooms (Parasola plicatilis, Coprinus plicatilis) on Iron Bridge in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, June 8, 2010
Common vetch (Vicia sativa)(?) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 24, 2019
Coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 30, 2023
Young leaves and flowers of mulberry in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 31, 2021
Eastern poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 24, 2019
View of wildflowers and a shopping mall in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 30, 2020
Canada garlic (Allium canadense) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 24, 2019
Coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 19, 2020
Indian paintbrush (Castilleja indivisa) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 24, 2019
Mediterranean lineseed (Bellardia trixago) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 19, 2020
Eastern poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 19, 2020
False dandelion (Pyrrhopappus carolinianus) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 24, 2019
Blooming Huisache (Acacia farnesiana) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 19, 2020
Chinaberry flowers (Melia azedarach) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 30, 2023
Pleated inkcap mushrooms (Parasola plicatilis, Coprinus plicatilis, Little Japanese Umbrella) on Post Oak Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, October 15, 2019
Showy evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 24, 2019

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