White flowers of snowy orchid (Platanthera nivea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Snowy orchid (Platanthera nivea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Blooming snowy orchid (Platanthera nivea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Flowers of snowy orchid (Platanthera nivea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Snowy orchid (Platanthera nivea) in a swamp in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Blooming snowy orchid (Platanthera nivea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Flower spike of snowy orchid (Platanthera nivea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Details of a blooming snowy orchid (Platanthera nivea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 White flowers of snowy orchid (Platanthera nivea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Close up of white flowers of snowy orchid (Platanthera nivea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Chapman s Fringed Orchid (Platanthera chapmanii) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Chapman s Fringed Orchid (Platanthera chapmanii) with flowers in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Flowers of Chapman s Fringed Orchid (Platanthera chapmanii) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Chapman s Fringed Orchid (Platanthera chapmanii) on a boardwalk in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Close up of Chapman s Fringed Orchid (Platanthera chapmanii) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Orange flowers of Chapman s Fringed Orchid (Platanthera chapmanii) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Flower spike of Chapman s Fringed Orchid (Platanthera chapmanii) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Close up of flower spike of Chapman s Fringed Orchid (Platanthera chapmanii) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) on Chapman s Fringed Orchid (Platanthera chapmanii) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Grass pink orchid (Calopogon tuberosus) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 12, 2021
 Grass pink orchid (Calopogon tuberosus) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Close-up of grass pink orchid (Calopogon tuberosus) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 12, 2021
 Close up of grass pink orchid (Calopogon tuberosus) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Grass pink orchid (Calopogon tuberosus) from a boardwalk in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Flower of grass pink orchid (Calopogon tuberosus) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 12, 2021
 Stropharia(?) mushroom in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Pitcher plant (Sarracenia alata) near a pond in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Yellow seed pod of some swamp orchid in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 2, 2022
 Brown seed pod of some swamp orchid in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 2, 2022
 Flower receptacles of pitcher plant (Sarracenia alata) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Ripening fruits of pitcher plant (Sarracenia alata) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Flowers of Cyrilla racemiflora in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Red milkweed (Asclepias rubra) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Flowers of red milkweed (Asclepias rubra) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Golden colicroot (Aletris aurea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Maryland milkwort (Polygala mariana) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Water Spider Orchid (Habenaria repens) near a pond in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Death cap mushrooms (Amanita sect. Phalloideae) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Flower of Barbara s buttons (Marshallia tenuifolia) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Coastal false asphodel (Tofieldia racemosa) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Geraldine Watson s cabin in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Flowers of Water Spider Orchid (Habenaria repens) near a pond in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Close up of Water Spider Orchid (Habenaria repens) near a pond in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Pine-woods rose-gentian (Sabatia gentianoides) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Flower spike of golden colicroot (Aletris aurea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Cushion of dixie reindeer lichen (Cladonia subtenuis) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Flower spikes of Water Spider Orchid (Habenaria repens) near a pond in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Seed capsules of Calopogon tuberosus (grass pink orchid) near a pond in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, August 2, 2014
 Dixie reindeer lichen (Cladonia subtenuis) forming cushions near a bog in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Dixie reindeer lichen (Cladonia subtenuis) under lonleaf pines in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Long spike of small flowers of golden colicroot (Aletris aurea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Yellow bell-shaped flowers of golden colicroot (Aletris aurea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Earthfan fungus (Thelephora terrestris) on a dry path in a longleaf pine forest in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Analysis of collected mushrooms at mushroom walk with Gulf States Mycological Society in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Bolete mushrooms Suillus hirtellus at mushroom walk with Gulf States Mycological Society in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Demonstrating death cap mushrooms by President of Gulf States Mycological Society David Lewis in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Upper view of earthfan mushrooms (Thelephora terrestris) on a dry path in a longleaf pine forest in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Dissected bolete mushrooms Suillus hirtellus at mushroom walk with Gulf States Mycological Society in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Grouping, identifying, and labelling collected mushrooms at mushroom walk with Gulf States Mycological Society in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Joe-Pye weed (Eutrochium fistulosum) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Red milkweed (Asclepias rubra) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Red milkweed (Asclepias rubra) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 12, 2021
 Identifying mushrooms after a walk in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Identifying Amanita mushroom in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Discussion after a mushroom walk in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 12, 2021
 Orange waxcap (Hygrocybe) mushrooms in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
 Bolete mushroom Xanthoconium affine in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
 Milkcap mushrooms Lactarius imperceptus in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
 Milkcap mushrooms Lactarius scrobiculatus in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
 Milkcap mushrooms Lactarius imperceptus in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
 Milkcap mushroom Lactarius xanthydrorheus in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
 Enjoying a collection of destroying angel mushrooms with President of Gulf States Mycological Society David Lewis in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Side view of bolete mushrooms Suillus hirtellus at mushroom walk with Gulf States Mycological Society in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Discussing collected mushrooms after a walk in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Marsh at the edge of Hyatt Lake in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Blooming Joe-Pye weed (Eutrochium fistulosum) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Golden colicroot (Aletris aurea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Low pinebarren milkwort (Polygala ramosa) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Swamp dodder (Cuscuta gronovii) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Golden colicroot (Aletris aurea) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 12, 2021
 Marsh fleabane (Pluchea foetida) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 12, 2021
 Flowers of red milkweed (Asclepias rubra) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 12, 2021
 Swamp titi (Cyrilla racemiflora) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Flowers of red milkweed (Asclepias rubra) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Blooming red milkweed (Asclepias rubra) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 12, 2021
 Blooming red milkweed (Asclepias rubra) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 25, 2022
 Gills of milkcap mushroom Lactarius xanthydrorheus in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
 Young Leucocoprinus mushroom at the base of a tree in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
 Milkcap mushrooms Lactarius imperceptus under pines in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
 Gelatinous puffball mushrooms (Calostoma cinnabarinum) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
 Cushion of dixie reindeer lichen (Cladonia subtenuis) under pines behind a pitcher plant bog in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019
 Side view of cinnamon navel mushrooms (Omphalina pyxidata) at mushroom walk with Gulf States Mycological Society in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Polypore mushroom Microporellus dealbatus at mushroom walk with Gulf States Mycological Society in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Underside of Microporellus dealbatus mushroom at mushroom walk with Gulf States Mycological Society in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Dissected Microporellus dealbatus mushroom at mushroom walk with Gulf States Mycological Society in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
 Side view of a webcap mushroom Cortinarius lewisii(?) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
 Gelatinous stalked-puffball mushrooms (Calostoma cinnabarinum) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, November 10, 2018
 Blooming swamp titi (Cyrilla racemiflora) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 12, 2021
 Texture of pincushion moss (Leucobryum glaucum) in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 22, 2019