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2450-26. Close up of apothecia of golden eye lichen (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus) on a huisache(?) tree in abandoned TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 22, 2019

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Golden eye lichen (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus) on a huisache(?) tree in abandoned TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 22, 2019
Tuft of golden eye lichen (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus) on a huisache(?) tree in abandoned TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 22, 2019
Golden eye lichen (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus) with other lichens on a branch of huisache(?) tree in abandoned TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 22, 2019
Spotted rosette lichen (Physcia pumilior) with brown apothecia on a huisache(?) tree in abandoned TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 22, 2019
Spotted rosette lichen (Physcia pumilior) on a huisache(?) tree in abandoned TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 22, 2019
Smooth shadow-crust lichen (Hyperphyscia syncolla) on a huisache(?) tree in abandoned TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 22, 2019
Olive rosette of smooth shadow-crust lichen (Hyperphyscia syncolla) on a huisache(?) tree in abandoned TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 22, 2019
Spotted rosette lichen Physcia pumilior with apothecia on a tree bark in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 12, 2019
Apothecia of golden-eye lichen (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus) on a twig on a trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, March 2, 2024
Shrubby body of Golden eye lichen (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus) on a tree branch in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 28, 2008
Lichen Phaeophyscia kairamoi in wet condition on an iron sculpture in abandoned TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 22, 2019
Various bark dwelling lichens on a tree in abandoned TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 22, 2019
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Golden eye lichen (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus) on a fallen oak branch in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 26, 2017
Golden eye lichen (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus) on a twig in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 28, 2008
Spotted rosette lichen Physcia pumilior on a tree bark in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 12, 2019
Gold colored reproductive organs surrounded by "eye lashes" of Golden eye lichen (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 28, 2008
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Blooming Huisache (Acacia farnesiana) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 27, 2009
Lichen Phaeophyscia kairamoi on an iron sculpture in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 12, 2019
Golden-eye lichen (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus) on a twig on a trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, March 2, 2024
Spotted rosette lichen Physcia pumilior on an iron sculpture in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 12, 2019
Golden eye lichen (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus)(?) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, July 1, 2012
Various lichens on acacia(?) tree bark in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 12, 2019
Golden-eye lichen (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus) when exposed to regular daylight as well as when illuminated by a 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight from a trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, September 1, 2024
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Abandoned TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 24, 2013
Physcia lichen with brown apothecia on a tree in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 3, 2019
Abandoned Lou Cashion Memorial Garden in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 24, 2013
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Golden shower thryallis (Galphimia glauca) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 1, 2009
Golden shower thryallis (Galphimia glauca) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 2, 2008
Young Golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, January 27, 2009
Daffodil (narcissus) close up showing a central trumpet shaped corona surrounded by a ring of six floral leaves in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 19, 2009
Close up of hummingbird hawk-moth (White-lined sphinx, Hyles lineata) drinking nectar of daffodils after sunset in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 12, 2009
Slender orange bush lichen (Teloschistes exilis) on a twig of elm tree in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 15, 2019
Close up of a flower of lantana in dew in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 19, 2009
Close-up of red passiflora in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, June 7, 2008
Close up of sunflower in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, September 10, 2012
Close-up of bougainvillea in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 28, 2008
Apothecia of slender orange bush lichen (Teloschistes exilis) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, January 23, 2019
Close up of red hibiscus flower in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 23, 2009
Green lynx spider on flowers of Chaste Tree (hemp tree, Vitex agnus-castus) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 16, 2009
Golden-eye (Teloschistes chrysophthalmus) and other fruticose lichens when exposed to regular daylight as well as when illuminated by a 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight from a trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, September 1, 2024
Close up of Turk s cap (Malvaviscus drummondii) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 1, 2014
Close-up of ice crystals on a cabbage leaf in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, January 29, 2009
Close-up of red passion flower (passiflora) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 17, 2008
Close up of back lit red hibiscus flower in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 11, 2009
Close up of a flower of Southern cassia in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 30, 2009
Close up of berries of possum haw holly in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 30, 2009
Buds on a fig tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 3, 2011
Close up of rosettes of bluebonnet leaves in freeze in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, January 3, 2014
Close up of male flowers of sotol (Dasylirion) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, June 17, 2010
Slender orange-bush lichen (Teloschistes exilis) together with T. chrysophthalmus, Ramallina and Parmotrema on a fallen oak twig at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 24, 2021
Bud of sweet gum tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, March 12, 2009
Shoots on eucalyptus tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 5, 2009
Blooming holly tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 1, 2009
Close up of gulf fritillary caterpillar on passion flower in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 30, 2009
Close up of Puncturevine (Caltrop, Tribulus terrestris) on a path in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 1, 2014
Close-up of berries of yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, November 21, 2008
Young leaves on an oak tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, March 17, 2009
Blooming holly tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 21, 2009
Blooming cherry like tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, March 5, 2009
Flowers on redbud tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, March 22, 2010.
Blooming redbud tree in dew in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, March 17, 2009
Holly tree(?) in bloom in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 10, 2009
Red apothecia of sunken bloodspot lichen (Haematomma persoonii) on bark of hackberry tree in Lemontree Park. College Station, Texas, January 2, 2019
Golden star shaped flowers of Dwarf Yellow Mussaenda (Pseudomussaenda flava, Mussaenda lutea, luteola, glabra, incana) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, June 13, 2008
Close up of Dirinaria lichen on a tree on Kiwanis Nature Trail, College Station, Texas, February 26, 2019
Close up of a flower of bottle gourd (calabash, Lagenaria siceraria) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 10, 2014
Close up of a tender young pad of prickly pear cactus (opuntia) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 26, 2018
Close-up of staminate flower of Chinese Pistache (Pistacia chinensis) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 10, 2009
Silk tree (Mimosa, Albizia julibrissin) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 11, 2012
Texture of a palm tree trunk in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, November 19, 2012
White flowers on acacia like tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 28, 2009
Fringe tree (Chionanthus retusus) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 12, 2010
Catkins and young leaves on an oak tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, March 12, 2009
Fringe tree (Chionanthus retusus) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 9, 2010
Chaste tree (Vitus agnus-castus) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 11, 2012
Fringe tree (Chionanthus retusus) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, March 20, 2009
Young leaves of a maple tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, March 24, 2009
Tobacco tree (Nicotiana glauca) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, September 11, 2009
Fringe tree (Chionanthus retusus) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 3, 2009
Texture of palm tree trunk in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, January 2, 2012
Fire ants on flowers of holly tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 1, 2009
Close up of fringe lichen (Heterodermia) on acacia (huisache) tree in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, January 23, 2019
Fruit of Fringe tree (Chionanthus retusus) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 23, 2010
Flowers of fringe tree (Chionanthus retusus) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 9, 2010
Leaf of silk tree (Albizia julibrissin) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 29, 2012
Shoot of Water Ash (Hop Tree, Ptelea trifoliata) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 17, 2009
Bark of lacebark elm tree (Ulmus parvifolia) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, December 27, 2012
Fruits of Fringe tree (Chionanthus retusus) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, September 22, 2010
Flower of silk tree (Mimosa, Albizia julibrissin) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 12, 2009
Catkin on sweetgum tree (Liquidambar styraciflua) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, March 22, 2010.
Net-like iron sculpture in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 13, 2019
Container Nursery in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 13, 2019
Water Garden in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 13, 2019

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