Blooming bird cherry (Adus avium, Cheriomukha in Russian) in Sablino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 21, 2011
 Blooming bird cherry (Adus avium, Cheriomukha in Russian) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 15, 2015
 Bird cherry (Russian name Cheriomukha) in Sobstvennaya Dacha Park. Old Peterhof, west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 17, 2019
 Long Hermann tower in Medieval Hermann s castle in Narva Fortress, view from a wall of Ivangorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 17, 2005
 Wall of Kaybolovskoe Gorodishche (old Estonian settlement). Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 View from a wall of Kaybolovskoe Gorodishche (old Estonian settlement). Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 Blooming cherry in Peter the Great Botanical Garden of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 7, 2019
 Mysterious passage under a wall of Ivangorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 17, 2005
 Some tinder clumpy mushroom on a bird cherry near Lisiy Nos, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 27, 2017
 Some white tinder mushroom on a bird cherry near Lisiy Nos, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 27, 2017
 Bird cherry (Adus avium, Cheriomukha in Russian) in Lisiy Nos, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 1, 2017
 White clumps of some tinder mushroom on a bird cherry near Lisiy Nos, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 27, 2017
 Flowers of bird cherry (Adus avium, Cheriomukha in Russian) in Sablino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 21, 2011
 Churches of Ivangorod Fortress, view from a wall near Vorotnaya (Gate) Tower. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 17, 2005
 Hydnoid mushrooms Gloiodon strigosus on a fallen bird cherry near Lisiy Nos. West from Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 23, 2017
 Tooth mushrooms Gloiodon strigosus on a fallen bird cherry near Lisiy Nos. West from Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 26, 2018
 Town Hall tower in Narva (now on Estonian territory) as seen from a wall of Ivangorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 17, 2005
 Tooth mushrooms Gloiodon strigosus on a side of a fallen bird cherry near Lisiy Nos. West from Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 26, 2018
 Timber hydnoid mushrooms Gloiodon strigosus on a fallen bird cherry near Lisiy Nos. West from Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 23, 2017
 Blushing bracket mushrooms (Daedaleopsis confragosa) on a fallen bird cherry(?) near Lisiy Nos, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 17, 2018
 Tiny globular mushrooms Lasiosphaeria ovina on a fallen bird cherry(?) near Lisiy Nos, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 17, 2018
 Golden scalycap mushrooms (Pholiota aurivella) on a bird cherry tree near Lisiy Nos, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 16, 2016
 Cap texture of red-belted bracket mushrooms (Fomitopsis pinicola)(?) in bushes of bird cherry in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 16, 2017
 Pores of red-belted bracket mushrooms (Fomitopsis pinicola)(?) in bushes of bird cherry in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 16, 2017
 Tiny globular mushrooms Lasiosphaeria ovina on bark of a fallen bird cherry(?) near Lisiy Nos, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 17, 2018
 Young fenugreek stalkball mushrooms (Phleogena faginea) on a fallen bird cherry near Lisiy Nos. West from Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 23, 2017
 Unusual caps of red-belted bracket mushrooms (Fomitopsis pinicola)(?) in bushes of bird cherry in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 16, 2017
 Hydnoid mushroom Gloiodon strigosus on a fallen bird cherry in Blizhnie Dubki area near Lisiy Nos, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 11, 2017
 Unusual form of red-belted bracket mushrooms (Fomitopsis pinicola)(?) in bushes of bird cherry in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 16, 2017
 Railway bridge across Luga River in Kingisepp. Russia, May 5, 2019
 Church of Icon of God s Mother (1858) in Cemetery No. 1 in Kingisepp. Russia, May 5, 2019
 Mansion of Rotkirkh - Lelong in Mikhaylovskoe - Novopyatnitskoe near Kingisepp. Russia, May 5, 2019
 A pond opposite to Mansion of Rotkirkh - Lelong near Kingisepp. Russia, May 5, 2019
 Old pond opposite to Mansion of Rotkirkh - Lelong near Kingisepp. Russia, May 5, 2019
 Blooming cherry(?) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 21, 2015
 Blooming cherry(?) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 14, 2011
 Bolete mushroom Xerocomellus ripariellus (Xerocomus ripariellus) (Russian name Mokhovik Pribrezhniy) under a root of bird cherry near Lisiy Nos, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 12, 2016
 Blooming cherry (Sakura(?)) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 22, 2017
 Narva Fortress from walls of Ivan Gorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Blooming cherry Cerasus kurilensis (Miyabe, Russian name Vishnia Kurilskaya) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 22, 2011
 Blooming cherry like tree in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, March 7, 2009
 Blooming coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) on a sand wall of Quarry in Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 16, 2017
 Mud wall gallery of Bird Market in Souq Jaidah behind Souq Waqif. Doha, Qatar, April 6, 2012
 Blooming black cherry in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, March 17, 2022
 Blooming cherry like tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, March 5, 2009
 Blooming balloon cherry (cutleaf groundcherry, Physalis angulata) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Blooming balloon cherry (cutleaf groundcherry, Physalis angulata) on Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. South-western Qatar, October 25, 2014
 Brick wall at 11 Krepostnaya Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Trees in Kingisepp. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Orthodox Church in Kingisepp. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Saint Catherine Church in Kingisepp. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 17, 2005
 Interior of Saint Catherine Church in Kingisepp. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 17, 2005
 Gardens in Kotly Village. Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 Stone arch in Kotly Estate. Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 Snowy gardens in Kotly Village. Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 Stone mansion in Albrecht Kotly Estate. Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 Albrecht family crypt near a church in Kotly Villae. Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 Stone columns of a mansion in Albrecht Kotly Estate. Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 Colonel Shemiot stone mill on Suma River. Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 Field road to Kaybolovskoe Gorodishche (old Estonian settlement). Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 St. Nicolas the Miracle-Worker Church in Kotly Village. Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 Blooming bushes "Bird-of-paradise" at Senesh Hanna Street in front of a house populated by Russian immigrants. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, June 2, 2001
 Front view of a stone mansion in Albrecht Kotly Estate. Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 Side view of a stone mansion in Albrecht Kotly Estate. Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 Interior of St. Nicolas the Miracle-Worker Church in Kotly Village. Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
 Blooming branch with fruits (fleshy, inflated, subglobose follicle) of Sodom Apple (Calotropis procera, local name ashkhar) growing from a wall of Dar Al Salam Compound, Abu Hamour area. Doha, Qatar, April 11, 2012
 A five-horse statue "The Day the Wall Came Down" showing a piece of the Berlin Wall with painted graffiti near George Bush Presidential Library Center. College Station, Texas, January 20, 2007
 Milkcap mushrooms Lactarius subserifluus in deep shade under black cherry, old Maclura and oaks near a pond in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, July 6, 2019
 The Bird s Nest house (Samuels family - Cyndi Bird and Don Howell - W. P. Townsend) at 301 East Logan, a corner of South Pine street. Calvert, Texas, January 27, 2013
 The Bird s Nest house (Samuels family - Cyndi Bird and Don Howell - W. P. Townsend) at 301 East Logan, a corner of South Pine streets. Calvert, Texas, December 25, 2009
 The Bird s Nest house (Samuels family - Cyndi Bird and Don Howell - W. P. Townsend) at 301 East Logan, a corner of South Pine streets. Calvert, Texas, January 7, 2012
 The Bird s Nest house (Samuels family - Cyndi Bird and Don Howell - W. P. Townsend) at 301 East Logan, a corner of South Pine streets. Calvert, Texas, December 27, 2011
 The Bird s Nest house (Samuels family - Cyndi Bird and Don Howell - W. P. Townsend) at 301 East Logan, a corner of South Pine streets. Calvert, Texas, September 12, 2009
 The Bird s Nest house (Samuels family - Cyndi Bird and Don Howell - W. P. Townsend) at 301 East Logan, a corner of South Pine streets. Calvert, Texas, January 28, 2007
 The Bird s Nest house (Samuels family - Cyndi Bird and Don Howell - W. P. Townsend) at 301 East Logan, a corner of South Pine streets. Calvert, Texas, December 13, 2009
 Blooming goat willow in Tarkhovka near Sestroretsk. West from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 13, 2019
 Gazebo remaining from the Bird s Nest house (Samuels family - Cyndi Bird and Don Howell - W. P. Townsend) at 301 East Logan, a corner of South Pine streets. Calvert, Texas, July 29, 2018
 Christmas decorations of the Bird s Nest house (Samuels family - Cyndi Bird and Don Howell - W. P. Townsend) at 301 East Logan, a corner of South Pine streets. Calvert, Texas, December 27, 2011
 Fruit of balloon cherry (cutleaf groundcherry, Physalis angulata) at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, November 17, 2019
 Young leaves of black cherry Prunus serotina(?) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, March 30, 2019
 Back lit leaf of black cherry Prunus serotina on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, April 16, 2019
 Blooming bog violet (Viola) in Dubki Park in Sestroretsk, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 20, 2019
 Lady bird s centaury (Centaurium texense) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 1, 2019
 Powder bunker of Vyborg Fortress. Russia, July 20, 2024
 Tower of Koporye Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Gate of a powder bunker of Vyborg Fortress. Russia, July 20, 2024
 Ivan Gorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Brown cat in Koporye Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Walls of Koporye Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Koporye Fortress in snow. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Peter and Paul Fortress. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 16, 2016
 The tower of Temnushka(?) of the ancient fortress Izborsk. Russia, August 8, 2004
 The tower of Lukovka of the ancient fortress Izborsk. Russia, August 8, 2004
 A church in Koporye Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013
 Gate of Koporye Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 17, 2005
 Wild cherry in a birch grove near Korkino in southern Ural. South from Cheliabinsk, Russia, August 12, 2001
 Cherry blossom (Sakura(?)) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 22, 2017
 Nikola Church of Ivangorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 17, 2005
 Narrow window of Koporye Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, February 9, 2013