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2491-17. Texture of corticioid mushroom Leucogyrophana mollusca on a fallen mountain ash on east side of sandpit near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019

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Corticioid mushroom Leucogyrophana mollusca on a fallen mountain ash on east side of sandpit near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Red crust of corticioid mushroom Leucogyrophana mollusca on a fallen mountain ash on east side of sandpit near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Close up of corticioid mushroom Leucogyrophana mollusca on a fallen mountain ash on east side of sandpit near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Corticioid mushroom Leucogyrophana mollusca on a decaying trunk of mountain ash on east side of sandpit near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Wood decay mushroom Leucogyrophana mollusca on a fallen mountain ash on east side of sandpit near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
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Close up of wrinkled thimble-cap mushroom (Verpa bohemica) on east side of sandpit near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
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Ascomycete mushrooms Sarcoscypha austriaca on east side of sandpit near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
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Group of wrinkled thimble-cap mushrooms (Verpa bohemica) on east side of sandpit near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
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West side of a sandpit in Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 21, 2017
Sandpit pond near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
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Corticioid fungus Leucogyrophana mollusca on a lower side of a thick wet pine log on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 2, 2023
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Tiger beetle (Cicindela) in a sandpit in Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 21, 2017
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Merulioid crust fungus Leucogyrophana mollusca on a lower side of a thick wet pine log on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 2, 2023
Ochrolechia(?) lichen on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Lecanora(?) lichen on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Buellia lichen on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Some foliose lichen on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Corticioid mushroom Trechispora mollusca on the lower surface of true conk fungus in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 20, 2017
Lecanora or may be Physcia lichen on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Brown Lecanora(?) lichen on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Orange Lecanora(?) lichen on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
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Texture of corticioid mushroom Amyloporia sinuosa (Antrodia sinuosa) on a fallen pine tree in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 27, 2017
Bumpy texture of corticioid (crust) fungus Cylindrobasidium evolvens on a fallen tree in a spruce forest near Dibuny, north-west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 5, 2021
Ochrolechia(?) lichen with Xanthoria parietina on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Side view of a stunted cavalier mushroom (Melanoleuca brevipes) on an old railroad grade in Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 9, 2024
Springtail (Ptenothrix atra, Collembola) insects on white corticioid mushroom on a wet log on an old railroad grade in Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 9, 2024
Mountain ash in Urochishche Hianikiayze area near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 24, 2017
Hoary rosette lichen Physcia aipolia on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Bottlebrush frost lichen (Physconia detersa)(?) on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Hoary rosette lichen Physcia aipolia on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Hoary rosette lichen (Physcia aipolia) on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Maritime sunburst lichen (Xanthoria parietina) on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Texture of yellow corticioid fungus Leucogyrophana olivascens (Penttilamyces olivascens, or Serpula, Coniophora) on a pine log on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, October 19, 2019
Warped crust fungus Leucogyrophana mollusca on a fallen branch of elm or oak without bark on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 20, 2020
Warped crust fungus Leucogyrophana mollusca on underside of a fallen branch of elm or oak on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 20, 2020
Texture of corticioid fungus Phlebia centrifuga (Phlebia mellea) on underside of a fallen spruce near Dibuny, north-west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 5, 2021
Patch of maritime sunburst lichen (Xanthoria parietina) on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Details of hoary rosette lichen (Physcia aipolia) on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Apothecia of hoary rosette lichen Physcia aipolia on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Details of bottlebrush frost lichen (Physconia detersa)(?) on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Foliose lichen Hoary rosette (Physcia aipolia) on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Hoary rosette lichen Physcia aipolia with apothecia on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Close up of hoary rosette lichen Physcia aipolia on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Orange warped crust fungus Leucogyrophana mollusca on underside of a fallen branch on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 20, 2020
Side view of mountain brownie mushrooms (Deconica montana, Psilocybe montana) on haircap moss (Polytrichum piliferum) in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
Young oyster mushroom Pleurotus calyptratus on a fallen aspen north from Pole Chudes Garden in Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 21, 2021
Corticioid fungus Leucogyrophana olivascens (Penttilamyces olivascens, or Serpula, Coniophora) under a fallen pine on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 15, 2019
Resupinate polypore mushroom on a mossy fallen tree in Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 9, 2024
Texture of witches butter mushroom (jelly fungus, Exidia nigricans) on a fallen birch near Lisiy Nos, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 6, 2019
Texture of corticioid form of mushroom Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum on a fallen pine branch on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 8, 2019
Texture of corticioid mushroom Physisporinus(?) on a vertically cut surface of a fallen pine in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 20, 2019
Hoary rosette lichen (Physcia aipolia) together with red dots of Nectriaceae fungus on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
Snowy oysterling mushroom (Cheimonophyllum candidissimum) on an underside of a fallen willow near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 3, 2017
Texture of some white corticioid fungus on a fallen tree in wet area in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 8, 2021
Texture of wrinkled crust fungus (Phlebia radiata mushroom) on a mountain ash tree in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, February 17, 2017
Hoary rosette lichen (Physcia aipolia) mixed with red dots of Nectriaceae or Bionectriaceae fungus on a fallen aspen tree near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
False morel mushroom (Gyromitra esculenta) in moss on old railroad grade near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
False morel mushroom (Gyromitra esculenta) in sand on old railroad grade near Kuzmolovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2019
North-east side of Maloe Krasnopiorskoe Lake in Zakhodskoe (Lounatjoki), 50 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 9, 2019
North side of Kuzmolovo Quarry north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 8, 2017
Texture of corticioid fungus Steccherinum fimbriatum on underside of a fallen tree in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 8, 2021

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