Dark grey saxicolous crustose lichen on a rock near the lake near old army bathhouse south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Close up of dark grey saxicolous crustose lichen on a rock near the lake near old army bathhouse south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Details of dark grey saxicolous crustose lichen on a rock near the lake near old army bathhouse south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Overlapping dark grey saxicolous crustose lichens on a rock near the lake near old army bathhouse south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Texture of various grey saxicolous crustose lichens on a granite rock near the lake near old army bathhouse south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Details of grey saxicolous crustose lichen on a rock near the lake near old army bathhouse south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Various grey saxicolous crustose lichens on a granite rock near the lake near old army bathhouse south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Various grey and brown saxicolous crustose lichens on a granite rock near the lake near old army bathhouse south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Various saxicolous crustose lichens on a rock near the lake near old army bathhouse south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Pattern of saxicolous crustose lichens on a rock near the lake near old army bathhouse south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Multicolored saxicolous crustose lichens on a granite rock near the lake near old army bathhouse south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Various saxicolous crustose lichens on a granite stone near the lake near old army bathhouse south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Granite stone with saxicolous crustose lichens near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Grey reindeer lichen (Cladonia rangiferina) in haircap moss (Polytrichum piliferum) in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Texture of blue-gray rosette lichen Physcia caesia on a granite stone in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Reindeer lichen (Cladonia portentosa) in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Fruticose lichen Evernia prunastri on a birch in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Slender Cladonia lichen in a dry pine forest in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Downy land coral lichen (Stereocaulon tomentosum) in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Star-tipped reindeer lichen (Cladonia stellaris)(?) in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Downy land coral lichen (Stereocaulon tomentosum) among moss in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Salted shield lichen (crottle, Parmelia saxatilis) on a granite stone in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Blue-gray rosette lichen Physcia caesia on a granite stone in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Close up of blue-gray rosette lichen Physcia caesia on a granite stone in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Script lichen Graphis scripta on a tree near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Close up of script lichen Graphis scripta on a tree near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Haircap moss (Polytrichum piliferum) in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Tau emperor moth (Aglia tau, Saturniidae) south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Mushrooms Sarcoscypha austriaca near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Spring brittlestem mushrooms (Psathyrella spadiceogrisea) south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Spring brittlestem mushrooms (Psathyrella spadiceogrisea) at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Fir clubmoss (Huperzia selago, Russian name Baranets) at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Spring pinkgill mushrooms Entoloma vernum at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Scurfy twiglet mushrooms (Tubaria furfuracea) at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Early spring pinkgill mushrooms Entoloma vernum near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Long-stemmed wrinkled thimble-cap mushrooms (Verpa bohemica) south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Wrinkled thimble-cap mushrooms (Verpa bohemica) among dry aspen leaves at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Wrinkled thimble-cap mushrooms (Verpa bohemica) with long stems near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Wrinkled thimble-cap mushrooms (Verpa bohemica) in a wet aspen forest at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 False puffball slime mold (Reticularia lycoperdon) on a tree at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Mountain brownie mushrooms (Deconica montana, Psilocybe montana) on haircap moss (Polytrichum piliferum) in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Close up of false puffball slime mold (Reticularia lycoperdon) on a tree at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Side view of mountain brownie mushrooms (Deconica montana, Psilocybe montana) on haircap moss (Polytrichum piliferum) in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Ladoga Lake near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 26, 2017
 Morel mushrooms Morchella esculenta var. conica (Morchella conica) near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Side view of a morel mushroom Morchella esculenta var. conica (Morchella conica) south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Dissected morel mushrooms Morchella esculenta var. conica (Morchella conica) near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Morel mushroom Morchella esculenta var. conica (Morchella conica) among dry leaves near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Group of morel mushrooms Morchella esculenta var. conica (Morchella conica) near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Fringed polypore mushrooms Lentinus substrictus (Lentinus ciliatus, Polyporus ciliatus, Russian name Trutovik Maysky) south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Underside of fringed polypore mushrooms Lentinus substrictus (Lentinus ciliatus, Polyporus ciliatus, Russian name Trutovik Maysky) south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Some grey crustose lichen on a stone in Zakhodskoe (Lounatjoki), 50 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 9, 2019
 Some dark-green crustose lichen on a limestone rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Sunken button lichen (Buellia spuria, ashy grey with black dots) and Aspicilia (grey) crustose lichens in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
 Dark brown crustose lichen Caloplaca growing on a yellow dispersed lichen Acarospora (cobblestone, or cracked lichen) in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
 Grey crustose lichen Aspicilia with firedot lichen Caloplaca on granite in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
 Common grey crustose lichen Aspicilia (sunken disk lichen) on granite in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
 Grey crustose lichen Aspicilia with orange firedot lichen Caloplaca on granite in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
 Gold cobblestone lichen Pleopsidium flavum (Pleopsidium oxytonum)(?) mixed with a grey crustose lichen on granite in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
 The most common grey crustose lichen Aspicilia in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
 Texture of peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on a rock on Lake Somerville Trailway near Nails Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 21, 2023
 Golden lichen Xanthoria parietina with another grey crustose lichen on a stone in Pavlovsk Park. Pavlovsk, suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 31, 2024
 Dark brown crustose lichen Caloplaca on granite in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
 Peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) and sunken rim-lichen (Lecanora oreinoides) on a rock at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 25, 2019
 Yellow crustose rock lichen at Lake Somerville Trailway near Nails Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 26, 2023
 Dark brown crustose lichen Caloplaca on pink granite in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
 Saxicolous lichen Lecidea lapicida(?) on a stone in Zakhodskoe (Lounatjoki), 50 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 9, 2019
 Peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on a rock at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 25, 2019
 Grey crustose lichen on limestone in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Apothecia of peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on a rock at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 25, 2019
 Dark-green crustose lichen on limestone in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Texture of peppered rock-shield lichen Xanthoparmelia conspersa on a sandstone outcrop at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020
 Black and grey map lichen Rhizocarpon petraeum on the surface of a rock in Zakhodskoe, 50 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 10, 2016
 Texture of peppered rock-shield lichen Xanthoparmelia conspersa on sandstone outcrop at the road descent at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 24, 2021
 Sunken rim-lichen (Lecanora oreinoides) and peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on sandstone outcrops in an oak and red cedar forest at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 25, 2019
 Grey crustose lichen Aspicilia on a granite boulder on shore of Gvardeysky Island. Vyborg, Russia, July 20, 2024
 Crustose lichen, Rinodina or Lecanora, on a back surface of a grey marble tomstone in cemetery at Mission de Cristo Jesus Church at road 259 in Port Sullivan, west from Hearne. Texas, January 8, 2019
 Wrinkled thimble-cap mushroom (Verpa bohemica) at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 26, 2017
 Spring brittlestem mushrooms (Psathyrella spadiceogrisea)(?) at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 26, 2017
 Close up of Rinodina or Lecanora crustose lichen on a back surface of a grey marble tomstone in cemetery at Mission de Cristo Jesus Church at road 259 in Port Sullivan, west from Hearne. Texas, January 8, 2019
 Wrinkled thimble-cap mushroom (early morel, Verpa bohemica) at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 26, 2017
 Wrinkled thimble-cap mushrooms (early morel, Verpa bohemica) at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 26, 2017
 Dark brown powdery lichen on a stone at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 21, 2019
 Close up of wrinkled thimble-cap mushroom (early morel, Verpa bohemica) at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 26, 2017
 Wrinkled thimble-cap mushrooms (early morel, Verpa bohemica) in aspen forest at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 26, 2017
 Peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on a rock on Lake Somerville Trailway near Nails Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 21, 2023
 Peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on a rock at Lake Somerville Trailway near Nails Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 14, 2024
 Peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) with moss on a rock at Lake Somerville Trailway near Nails Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 14, 2024
 Peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) with apothecia on a rock at Lake Somerville Trailway near Nails Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 14, 2024
 Growth of peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on a sandstone rock at Lake Somerville Trailway near Nails Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 14, 2024
 Round patch of peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on a rock at Lake Somerville Trailway near Nails Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 14, 2024
 Rosettes of peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on sandstone at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 25, 2019
 Soredia of peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on sandstone at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 25, 2019
 Grey folios lichen on a rotting wood post near Orekhovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 15, 2019
 Orange and dark brown crustose lichens Caloplaca on pink granite in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
 Powdered sunshine lichen (Vulpicida pinastri) and another crustose lichen on a conifer log in Petiayarvi, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 3, 2024
 Small rosette of peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on sandstone at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 25, 2019
 Peppered rock-shield lichen Xanthoparmelia conspersa on sandstone in an oak and red cedar forest at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 25, 2019
 Peppered rock-shield lichen Xanthoparmelia conspersa covering sandstone in an oak and red cedar forest at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 25, 2019