Brick wall at 11 Krepostnaya Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Ruins of Old City from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Ruins of Dome Cathedral (old city church). Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Granits near Intendantsky Proezd. Vyborg, Russia, June 21, 2014
 One of granite bears from a demolished train station near Intendantsky Proezd. Vyborg, Russia, June 21, 2014
 Stone ruins at Parkovaya Street in Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 One of granite bears from a demolished train station on a children s playground near Intendantsky Proezd. Vyborg, Russia, June 21, 2014
 Lenin Monument on Red Square in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Vodnoy Zastavy Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 House at 2 Vokzalnaya Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Old house at Krasnoarmeyskaya Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 House at 9 Krasnoarmeyskaya Street in old city in Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Rusty gate at Kosoy Lane in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Medieval house at 13 Krepostnaya Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Handbag shop at Lenina Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Corner house on Vyborgskaya Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Tabby cat in a window at Krepostnaya Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 House entrance at Storozhevoy Bashni Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Ruins of old Mary and Olaf Cathedral (1494) north-west from Clock Tower, with Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle in background. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 The city from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Old City from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Old city from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Old City from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 City view from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Area of Old City from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 View of Old City from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Area in old city from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Roofs of Old City from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 City Archive from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Roofs of Old City from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Roofs of the city from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Roofs of Old City from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Tire Montage Service near Lutheran church at 13 Vyborgskaya Street in old city in Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Birch growing on a stone fence at Storozhevoy Bashni Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Old City south-west from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Old city and North Harbor from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Old City south-east from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Lutheran Church (Viipurin maaseurakunnan kirkko, 1481) at 13 Vyborgskaya Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Old coutyard of a brick house at 12 Krasina Street. Vyborg, Russia, August 5, 2024
 Embankment of 40 Anniversary of Komsomol (Young Communists) and old city from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Old service building near a brick house at 12 Krasina Street. Vyborg, Russia, August 5, 2024
 Ruins at 15 Krepostnaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, June 21, 2014
 Old brick houses under restoration from a lookout platform at 11 Krasina Street. Vyborg, Russia, August 5, 2024
 Section of a brick house at 11 Krasina Street from an observation platform. Vyborg, Russia, August 5, 2024
 Stone ruins on Tverdysh Island. Vyborg, Russia, June 23, 2017
 Ruins of a factory at 20a Morskaya Naberezhnaya. Vyborg, Russia, June 21, 2014
 Ruins between Krasnoarmeyskaya and Krasina streets. Vyborg, Russia, June 21, 2014
 Ruins of Old Cathedral at 6 Storozhevoy Bashni Street. Vyborg, Russia, August 5, 2024
 Old City and south harbor terminal south from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Commandant House with gates, fortress bridge, yacht marina, and Tervaniemen puisto Park with city archive west from Saint Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Clock Tower and old city from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Overgrown ruins where saprobic mushrooms Sarcoscypha austriaca (small red caps) are growing, in area of an old brick factory between Pesochnaya and Dibuny north-west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, April 3, 2017
 Commandant House with gates, fortress bridge, yacht marina, and Tervaniemen puisto Park with city archive and old powder bunker west from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Ruins of Victor Goving House (1903 - 1904) at 11 Krepostnaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, August 12, 2012
 Paradise Tower of Vyborg Castle, Naberezhnaya 40-letiya Komsomola (40th Anniversary of Young Communist League Embankment) and Old City south-east from St. Olaf Tower. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Ruins at 15 Krepostnaya Street from an observation platform at 11 Krasina Street. Vyborg, Russia, August 5, 2024
 Ruins of a bridge to Kubensky Island near Stony Trail (Kamenistaya Tropa) in Kivi Park south from Chulkovo, west from Vyborg. Russia, July 27, 2024
 Ruins of a house at the beginning of Stony Trail (Kamenistaya Tropa) near Kubenskoe in Kivi Park south from Chulkovo, west from Vyborg. Russia, July 27, 2024
 Brick ruins at Lizardi Street, a corner with North Prieur Street in Lower 9th Ward. New Orleans, Louisiana, March 17, 2006
 Bankovsky Pereulok at morning. Saint Petersburg, Russia, February 8, 2013
 Bankovsky Bridge of Griboedov Canal. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 23, 2014
 Lion s face on Bankovsky Pereulok. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 20, 2016
 Admiralty Proezd at morning. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 22, 2016
 Square in Old City. Vyborg, Russia, September 1, 2007
 Clock Tower in Old City. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Nevsky Prospect from Admiralty Proezd. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 22, 2016
 Tortoiseshell (black with chocolate) cat in Old City. Vyborg, Russia, May 27, 2011
 Round Tower in Old City. Vyborg, Russia, September 1, 2007
 Gryphon s paws on Bankovsky Bridge of Griboedov Canal. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 11, 2012
 Gryphon s wings on Bankovsky Bridge of Griboedov Canal. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 11, 2012
 Gryphon s snout on Bankovsky Bridge of Griboedov Canal. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 11, 2012
 Easter pediment of Admiralty from Dvortsovy Proezd. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 29, 2016
 City prison from a window of a train. Vyborg, Russia, June 21, 2014
 Chapel of Iverskaya Icon of a god s mother on Tsaritsynsky Proezd. Saint Petersburg, Russia, January 2, 2017
 Old city prison, view from a window of a train. Vyborg, Russia, August 12, 2012
 Old city of Vyborg, view from the castle. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 23, 2004
 Old city of Vyborg and port, view from the castle. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 23, 2004
 Vyborgskaya Street, with old Tower of City Hall in background. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Old city quarter between Krasnoarmeyskaya and Krasina streets (under restoration). Vyborg, Russia, June 21, 2014
 XVI century Dwelling House at 8 Krepostnaya Street in Old City. Vyborg, Russia, August 5, 2024
 City Hall Tower (Ratusha) from Vyborgskaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, August 12, 2012
 City Hall Tower (Ratusha) from Vyborgskaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013
 Old city quarter between Krasnoarmeyskaya and Krasina streets (under restoration). Vyborg, Russia, September 14, 2013
 Old city of Vyborg and Clock Tower, view from the castle. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 23, 2004
 Monument of Russian revolutioner V. I. Lenin on central city square. Vyborg, Russia, August 12, 2012
 Brick building of City Hall (1915) at 600 Railroad Street in Calvert. Texas, July 24, 2022
 Tower of City Hall (Bashnya Ratushi), view from Vyborgskaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, June 7, 2009
 Vodnoy Zastavy Street, St. Hyacinth Catholic Church and Clock Tower in Old City. Vyborg, Russia, September 1, 2007
 Ruins of a synagogue in Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, October 7, 2001
 Ruins opposite to Abu Christo restaurant of Old City of Akko. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
 Ruins of Zubara City (archeology site) on northwest coast. Qatar, March 13, 2010
 Excavations of ruins of Zubara City (archeology site) on northwest coast. Qatar, March 13, 2010
 Ruins of boathouses and City Yacht Harbor in West End at moonrise. New Orleans, Louisiana, October 7, 2006
 Underside of brick cap mushrooms (Hypholoma lateritium, Hypholoma sublateritium) in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 31, 2019
 Old house at 2 Okruzhnaya Street in Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Brick cap mushrooms (Hypholoma lateritium, Hypholoma sublateritium) on a tree utilization site in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 31, 2019
 Granite grotto in Monrepos Park in Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Railroad from a bridge above granite cliffs in Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Parking in front of railway station in Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019