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2582-06. Black dots of a fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) on a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 26, 2019

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Fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) on a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 26, 2019
Gray-white crust fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) on a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 15, 2019
Gray-white crust fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, January 26, 2019
Gray-white crust fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) with slug tracks on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, January 26, 2019
Close up of black dots of a fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, December 2, 2017
Black crust fungus Biscogniauxia mediterranea erupting through bark of a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 1, 2019
Gray-white smooth sheet with black dots of a fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) on a dry oak tree in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, December 2, 2017
Texture of crust fungus Biscogniauxia mediterranea on a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 26, 2019
Close up of crust fungus Biscogniauxia mediterranea on a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 26, 2019
Crust fungus Biscogniauxia mediterranea erupting through bark of a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 26, 2019
Jelly mushrooms Exidia growing over a black fungus Hypoxylon(?) on a recently fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 8, 2019
Crust fungus Biscogniauxia mediterranea erupting through bark of a fallen oak branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 26, 2019
Close-up of mushrooms Entoloma parasiticum(?) on a fallen elm with black Hypoxylon canker fungus on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 17, 2020
Gray-white crust fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest, near Huntsville. Texas, April 8, 2018
Tiny caps of mushrooms Entoloma parasiticum(?) on a fallen elm with black Hypoxylon canker fungus on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 17, 2020
Tan to brown asexual stroma of a fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata on a fallen tree on Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 17, 2018
Ascomycete mushrooms Hyalorbilia inflatula (Orbilia inflatula) on a trunk of a fallen elm with black Biscogniauxia fungus on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 17, 2020
White to brown asexual stage of crust fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata on a fallen tree on Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 17, 2018
Black corticioid fungus Biscogniauxia on a tree on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, January 26, 2019
Close-up of Ascomycete mushrooms Hyalorbilia inflatula (Orbilia inflatula) on a trunk of a fallen elm with black Hypoxylon canker fungus on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 17, 2020
Pleurotoid mushrooms Entoloma parasiticum (Claudopus parasiticus)(?) on old Biscogniauxia fungus on a fallen elm on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 11, 2020
Cup mushrooms Hyalorbilia inflatula (Orbilia inflatula) on old crust of Biscogniauxia fungus on a fallen elm tree on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 26, 2020
Ascomycete mushrooms Hyalorbilia inflatula (Orbilia inflatula) on old crust fungus Biscogniauxia on a fallen elm tree on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 26, 2020
Black Sordariomycetes crust fungus on a fallen oak branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 26, 2020
Close-up of Ascomycete mushrooms Hyalorbilia inflatula (Orbilia inflatula) on old crust fungus Biscogniauxia on a fallen elm tree on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 26, 2020
Amber jelly roll fungus Exidia crenata (Exidia recisa) together with Hypoxylon on a twig on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 8, 2019
Crust fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) on a dry oak on Kiwanis Nature Trail. College Station, Texas, December 7, 2017
Tarcrust fungus (Biscogniauxia) on a fallen branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville, Texas, April 22, 2018
Yellow corticioid fungus under a fallen pine on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 15, 2019
White hyphae of some fungus under a fallen pine on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 15, 2019
White resupinate fungus on a fallen oak branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 14, 2019
Black saddle fungus Helvella atra(?) on black background on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 5, 2021
Close up of tarcrust fungus (Biscogniauxia) on a fallen branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville, Texas, April 22, 2018
Thin white corticioid fungus under a fallen pine on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 15, 2019
Tarcrust fungus (Biscogniauxia) with stereum mushrooms on a fallen branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville, Texas, April 22, 2018
A fallen tree branch wuth tarcrust fungus (Biscogniauxia) on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville, Texas, April 22, 2018
Some corticioid (crust) fungus on underside of a fallen pine on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 6, 2021
Corticioid fungus Steccherinum robustius(?) on a thin fallen tree on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 29, 2019
Some jelly fungus (Exidia) over blackened bark of a recently fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 16, 2019
Common tarcrust fungus (Diatrype stigma)(?) on a branch of a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 27, 2019
Gray-white crust fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, January 15, 2020
Crustose lichens and crust fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, January 23, 2020
Yellow spot fungus (Nectria peziza) on a barkless log covered by Hypoxylon on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 17, 2020
Hydnoid crust fungus Steccherinum robustius on a fallen tree branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 15, 2019
Patches of hydnoid crust fungus Steccherinum robustius on a fallen tree branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 15, 2019
Orange texture of hydnoid crust fungus Steccherinum robustius on a fallen tree branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 15, 2019
Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) and a tan resupinate polypore fungus on oak s bark in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, December 2, 2017
Gray-white crust fungus Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, December 2, 2017
Close-up of black saddle fungus Helvella atra(?) on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 5, 2021
Biscogniauxia atropunctata (Hypoxylon atropunctatum) and some light brown corticioid fungus on a dry oak tree in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, December 2, 2017
Young mossy maze polypore mushrooms (Cerrena unicolor)(?) together with jelly fungus Exidia on a recently fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 8, 2019
Corticioid fungus Leucogyrophana olivascens (Penttilamyces olivascens, or Serpula, Coniophora) under a fallen pine on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 15, 2019
Oysterling mushrooms Hohenbuehelia on a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 1, 2019
Stereum complicatum mushrooms on a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 8, 2019
Black saddle fungus Helvella atra(?) on partially burned forest floor on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 5, 2021
Black saddle fungus Helvella atra(?) on burned pine needles on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 5, 2021
Black saddle fungus Helvella atra(?) grown after a prescribed burn on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 5, 2021
Black saddle fungus Helvella atra(?) among charred pieces of wood on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 5, 2021
Some corticioid fungus on underside of a log on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 29, 2019
Beard lichen (Usnea) fallen from an oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 10, 2020
Oysterling mushrooms Hohenbuehelia with Stereum on a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 1, 2019
Jelly mushrooms Exidia on a recently fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 8, 2019
Yellow crust fungus under a fallen pine on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, January 12, 2020
Yellow mycelium of a fungus on a pine log on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 14, 2019
Corticioid fungus Steccherinum robustius on a log on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 29, 2019
Corticioid fungus on rotting wood on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 14, 2019
Mushrooms Pholiota polychroa on a fallen twig on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 6, 2021
Underside of Stereum complicatum mushrooms on a fallen oak twig on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 8, 2019
Some brown resupinate polypore mushroom on a fallen branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 14, 2019
Corticioid fungus Penttilamyces olivascens on underside of a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 4, 2023
Crust fungus Sebacina epigaea(?) on a fallen tree on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 20, 2021
Mushrooms Entoloma parasiticum(?) on a fallen elm with some hydnoid fungus on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 17, 2020
Thin powdery corticioid fungus on a fallen pine on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 4, 2023
Some yellow corticioid fungus on rotting wood on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 14, 2019
Fungus Wrightoporia avellanea or may be W. austrosinensis on a pine log on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, July 13, 2019
Close up of yellow mycelium of a fungus on a pine log on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 14, 2019
Cross section of some black Daldinia like fungus growing on Hypoxylon crust on a fallen tree on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 26, 2021
Caps of mushrooms Pholiota polychroa on a fallen twig on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 6, 2021
Conidia and conidiophores of anamorph (asexual stage) of crust fungus Hypoxylon rubiginosum growing as soft tiny granules on elm wood under a microscope in KOH, collected on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2023
Conidiophores and tissue of anamorph (asexual stage) of crust fungus Hypoxylon rubiginosum growing as soft tiny granules on elm wood under a microscope in KOH, collected on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2023
Conidia and conidiophores of anamorph (asexual stage) of crust fungus Hypoxylon rubiginosum growing as brown fluffy granules on elm wood under a microscope in KOH, collected on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2023
Caps of Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) on a fallen oak tree on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 29, 2019
Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) on a thin fallen tree on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 29, 2019
Some thick resupinate polypore mushroom on a fallen pine branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 8, 2019
Conifercone cap mushrooms (Baeospora myosura) on a fallen pine cone on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 8, 2019
False Turkey Tail mushrooms (Stereum ostrea) on a fallen oak on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 8, 2019
Mushrooms Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum on a thin half-fallen pine on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 16, 2019
Close-up of thin powdery corticioid fungus on a fallen pine on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 4, 2023
Mushrooms Entoloma parasiticum(?) on a fallen elm with some resupinate tooth fungus on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 17, 2020
Split porecrust fungus (Schizopora paradoxa)(?) on a fallen pine on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 12, 2021
Cross section of smoky-headed cheese fungus (Tyromyces fumidiceps) on an oak(?) log without bark in a dry creek on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 10, 2020
Elastic fungus Wrightoporia avellanea or may be W. austrosinensis on a pine log on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 14, 2019
Close up of fungus Wrightoporia avellanea or may be W. austrosinensis on a pine log on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, July 13, 2019
Flexible fungus Wrightoporia avellanea or may be W. austrosinensis on a pine log on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 14, 2019
Flexible fungus Wrightoporia avellanea or may be W. austrosinensis on a pine log on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, July 13, 2019
Frost pattern of corticioid fungus Steccherinum robustius on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 29, 2019
Details of fungus Wrightoporia avellanea or may be W. austrosinensis on a pine log on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, July 13, 2019
Fallen fruits of trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) with citrus blue mold fungus Penicillium italicum both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight from Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 10, 2024
Conifer mazegill mushrooms (Gloeophyllum sepiarium) on a fallen pine on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 21, 2021

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