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2953-01. Close-up of black earthfan mushroom Thelephora cuticularis in a bamboo grove in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021

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Side view of black earthfan mushroom Thelephora cuticularis in a bamboo grove in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021
Black earthfan mushrooms Thelephora cuticularis at the base of a juniper tree in a bamboo grove in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021
Black earthfan mushrooms Thelephora cuticularis covering base of a juniper tree in a bamboo grove in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021
Underside of black fan-shaped mushrooms Thelephora cuticularis at the base of Yaupon bush in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, July 8, 2021
Mushroom Thelephora cuticularis at the base of Yaupon bush in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, July 8, 2021
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Mushroom (Thelephora cuticularis) enveloping grass stalk in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, September 25, 2018
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Close-up of urchin earthfan fungus (Thelephora penicillata) near Pole Creek on North Wilderness Trail of Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 8, 2021
Close-up of gills of indigo milkcap mushroom (Lactarius indigo) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021
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Cross section of milkcap mushroom Lactarius subpalustris in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021
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Giant cane (bamboo, Arundinaria gigantea) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, August 3, 2022
Shoot of fishpole bamboo (Phyllostachys aurea) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, April 23, 2019
Coral mushrooms Ramaria under bamboo near a creek in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, October 19, 2018
Brown coral mushrooms Ramaria under bamboo in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, October 19, 2018
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Urchin earthfan fungus (Thelephora penicillata) on sandy soil under pine trees near Pole Creek on North Wilderness Trail of Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 8, 2021
Mustard yellow polypore mushroom (Phellinus gilvus)(?) on rotting wood in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 23, 2021
Resupinate polypore mushroom together with white tubelets (Henningsomyces) on underside of a fallen oak in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021
Close-up of resupinate polypore mushroom Cerioporus mollis (Datronia mollis) on a dry branch of Japanese privet bush in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, March 25, 2021
Radulomyces confluens(?) fungus on leaves in a bamboo forest in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, February 28, 2018
Brown coral mushrooms Ramaria under bamboo and oaks in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, October 19, 2018
Brown coral mushrooms Ramaria under oaks and bamboo in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, October 19, 2018
Brown coral mushrooms Ramaria in shade under bamboo in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, October 19, 2018
Young leaves of fishpole bamboo (Phyllostachys aurea) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, April 23, 2019
Dry leaves of giant cane (bamboo, Arundinaria gigantea) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, August 3, 2022
Crust fungus on a small dry tree in a bamboo forest in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, December 9, 2017
White corticioid fungus spreading on a bamboo stem in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, December 9, 2017
Earthfan fungus (Thelephora terrestris) on a dry path in a longleaf pine forest in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
Rosette-like clusters of urchin earthfan mushrooms (Thelephora penicillata) with grass and pine needles near Pole Creek on North Wilderness Trail of Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 8, 2021
Close-up of bracket mushrooms Inonotus cuticularis in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 16, 2024
Cross section of pale violet bitter bolete mushroom (Tylopilus violatinctus) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021
Resupinate polypore mushroom together with smoked oysterling (Resupinatus applicatus) on underside of a fallen oak in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021
Coral mushrooms Ramaria under bamboo near a creek on white background in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, October 19, 2018
Encrusting fungus Radulomyces confluens(?) on leaves in a bamboo forest in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, February 28, 2018
Side view of coral mushrooms Ramaria under bamboo near a creek in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, October 19, 2018
Details of crust fungus on a small dry tree in a bamboo forest in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, December 9, 2017
Brown coral mushrooms Ramaria growing around a bamboo stem in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, October 19, 2018
Close-up of clustered bracket mushrooms (Inonotus cuticularis) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2024
Upper view of earthfan mushrooms (Thelephora terrestris) on a dry path in a longleaf pine forest in Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve. Warren, Texas, June 23, 2018
Underside of indigo milkcap mushroom (Lactarius indigo) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021
Blue cap of indigo milkcap mushroom (Lactarius indigo) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021
Spores (in KOH) of earthfan mushrooms (Thelephora terrestris) collected a day before in Bastrop State Park. Texas, May 18, 2024
Cross section of indigo milkcap mushroom (Lactarius indigo) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021
Blue gills of indigo milkcap mushroom (Lactarius indigo) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 3, 2021
Earthfan fungus Thelephora penicillata in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 4, 2018
Spores (in KOH) of dark earthfan mushrooms (Thelephora terrestris) collected a day before in Bastrop State Park. Texas, May 18, 2024
Leaves of yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) with black spots caused by rust like fungus in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, June 5, 2019
Close-up of green moss on a side of a trail in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, February 27, 2021
Mushrooms Leucocoprinus viridiflavoides (Leucoagaricus viridiflavoides) under bamboo in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, September 19, 2018
Close-up of resupinate polypore mushroom on a log in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, April 28, 2022
Close-up of earthfan mushrooms (Thelephora terrestris) near Pole Creek on North Wilderness Trail of Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 25, 2024
Close-up of a broken dyeball mushroom (Pisolithus arhizus) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, June 30, 2021
Close-up of mushrooms Omphalina pyxidata on the edge of a grassy field in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, October 7, 2021
Close-up of a cap of aromatic earthfan mushroom (Sistotrema confluens) on Sand Branch Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Montgomery. Texas, December 5, 2021
Close up of spreading tooth mushroom (Steccherinum robustius) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, April 4, 2018

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