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2979-14. Bolete mushrooms Pulchroboletus sclerotiorum under oaks, pines, Yaupon, on higher ground in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021

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Underside of a bright yellow bolete mushroom Retiboletus ornatipes under oaks, pines, Yaupon, on higher ground in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Cross section of bolete mushrooms Pulchroboletus sclerotiorum in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Side view of bolete mushrooms Pulchroboletus sclerotiorum in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Bolete mushrooms Retiboletus ornatipes under oaks and magnolia in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Upper view of Beeswax Russula mushrooms (Russula earlei) on a path under pines and oaks in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Ringless panther mushroom (Amanita albocreata) on higher ground in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, May 30, 2020
Bolete mushrooms Suillus decipiens under pines in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 28, 2018
Mushrooms Phleogena faginea on a stump of a broken tree, could be elm, 0.7 m above ground, from cracks of bark in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Long stems of bolete mushrooms Retiboletus ornatipes in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Yellowing section of bolete mushrooms Retiboletus ornatipes in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Pale violet bitter bolete mushrooms (Tylopilus) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Close-up of mushrooms Phleogena faginea on a large stump 0.7 m above ground, growing from cracks of bark in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Bolete mushrooms Boletus oliveisporus (Ceriomyces oliveisporus) under pines and magnolia in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, May 30, 2020
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Underside of a bitter bolete mushroom (Tylopilus) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Close-up of a bolete mushroom Retiboletus ornatipes in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Underside of a bolete mushroom Retiboletus ornatipes in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Patriotic bolete mushrooms (Boletus patrioticus) or may be Pulchroboletus sclerotiorum on Sand Branch Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, October 3, 2020
Scarlet waxcap mushrooms (Hygrocybe coccinea) under oaks in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest near Shepherd. Texas, December 21, 2021
Cross section of a bitter bolete mushroom (Tylopilus) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Yellow pores of a bolete mushroom Retiboletus ornatipes in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Bolete mushrooms Pulchroboletus sclerotiorum(?) with a cross section in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, October 26, 2021
Close-up of patriotic bolete mushrooms (Boletus patrioticus) or may be Pulchroboletus sclerotiorum on Sand Branch Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, October 3, 2020
Patriotic bolete mushrooms (Boletus patrioticus) or may be Pulchroboletus sclerotiorum with a cross section on Sand Branch Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, October 3, 2020
Some omphalinoid or may be Mycena mushrooms on a mossy tree not far from the ground, American beech or may be magnolia, in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest near Shepherd. Texas, October 3, 2021
Cross section of a bright yellow bolete mushroom Retiboletus ornatipes in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Underside and cross section of patriotic bolete mushrooms (Boletus patrioticus) or may be Pulchroboletus sclerotiorum on Sand Branch Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, October 3, 2020
Bitter bolete mushrooms Tylopilus williamsii in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 14, 2018
Snell s bolete mushrooms (Leccinum snellii) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 14, 2018
Gilled bolete mushrooms Phylloporus leucomycelinus in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 14, 2018
Cross section turning blue of patriotic bolete mushrooms (Boletus patrioticus) or may be Pulchroboletus sclerotiorum on Sand Branch Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, October 3, 2020
Underside of Snell s bolete mushrooms (Leccinum snellii)(?) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 14, 2018
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Pair of Snell s bolete mushrooms (Leccinum snellii)(?) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 14, 2018
Sphagnum moss under oaks on floodplain in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, March 20, 2021
Side view of Snell s bolete mushrooms (Leccinum snellii)(?) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 14, 2018
Snell s bolete mushrooms (Leccinum snellii)(?) in cross section in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 14, 2018
Microporellus dealbatus and chestnut bolete mushrooms Gyroporus smithii (formerly G. castaneus) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 14, 2018
Honey fungus (Armillaria mellea) on upper ground in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, November 21, 2021
Milkcap (Lactarius) mushrooms in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Pinkgill mushrooms Entoloma papillatum under pines, on higher ground (spore print pinkish) on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 18, 2023
Mushrooms Ripartitella brasiliensis on a rotting log in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Bolete mushrooms Pulchroboletus rubricitrinus under small oaks in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, July 15, 2021
Spore print of a bolete mushroom Pulchroboletus sclerotiorum(?) collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, October 27, 2021
Mushrooms Marasmius fulvoferrugineus near the creek in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Viscid pinkish milkcap (Lactarius) mushrooms in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Polypore mushrooms Trichaptum sector on a mossy log in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Underside of brittlegill mushrooms Russula earlei in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Peppery milkcap mushrooms (Lactarius piperatus) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Viscid milkcap mushrooms Lactarius subpalustris in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Caps of Clitocybe or may be Clitopilus mushrooms on a beech log in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Mushrooms Ripartitella brasiliensis on rotting wood in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Underside of viscid pinkish milkcap (Lactarius) mushrooms in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Dissected viscid pinkish milkcap (Lactarius) mushrooms in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Cross section of brittlegill mushrooms Russula earlei in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Dissected milkcap (Lactarius) mushrooms under chinquapin oaks near the creek in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, May 30, 2020
Zoned cap of Lactarius (milkcap) mushrooms under chinquapin oaks near the creek in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, May 30, 2020
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a big tree stump in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Light brown gills of Clitocybe or may be Clitopilus mushrooms on a beech log in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Tiny mushrooms Phleogena faginea on bark of a large elm(?) stump in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Cross section of viscid pinkish milkcap (Lactarius) mushrooms in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Close-up of gills of peppery milkcap mushrooms (Lactarius piperatus) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Cross section and gills of milkcap mushrooms Lactarius subpalustris in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Light grey-brown Tricholoma mushroom on a tall dry terrace over the creek, under oaks and beech, under dry leaves in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest near Shepherd. Texas, December 21, 2021
Bolete mushrooms Suillus hirtellus in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, May 30, 2020
Clitocybe or may be Clitopilus mushrooms on a vertically cut surface of a beech log, some are growing in a cavity, in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Bracket polypore mushrooms Trametes lactea on a fallen beech tree in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Cross section and milk on gills of milkcap mushrooms Lactarius subpalustris in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Details of tiny mushrooms Phleogena faginea on bark of a large elm(?) stump in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Cross section and underside of peppery milkcap mushrooms (Lactarius piperatus) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Bolete mushrooms Suillellus subluridus or may be Neoboletus in a pine forest in upper area in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 20, 2019
Bolete mushrooms Suillus decipiens in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 28, 2018
Bolete mushrooms Suillus cothurnatus at Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, November 2, 2019
Tiny mushrooms Phleogena faginea growing from cracks of bark on a large elm(?) stump in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Caps of bracket polypore mushrooms Trametes lactea on a fallen beech tree in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Small white gilled mushrooms Hydropus or Clitocybula on bark of elm(?) tree fallen across the creek in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Mosses on the ground in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, January 5, 2019
Old bolete mushroom with bolete mould (Hypomyces chrysospermus) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 11, 2020
Mature bolete mushrooms Suillus decipiens(?) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 11, 2020
Snell s bolete mushrooms (Leccinum snellii) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, September 12, 2020
Gilled bolete mushrooms Phylloporus leucomycelinus in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 11, 2020
Pattern of hexagonal-pored polypore mushrooms (Neofavolus alveolaris) on sticks from a fallen beech in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Hexagonal-pored polypore mushrooms (Neofavolus alveolaris) on thin branches of a fallen beech in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Underside of small white gilled mushrooms Hydropus or Clitocybula on bark of elm(?) tree fallen across the creek in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Pale yellow Amanita mushrooms with a ring in a pine forest on higher ground on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 21, 2021
Dissected Snell s bolete mushrooms (Leccinum snellii) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, September 12, 2020
Dissected bolete mushrooms Suillellus subluridus or may be Neoboletus in a pine forest in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 20, 2019
Caps of hexagonal-pored polypore mushrooms (Neofavolus alveolaris) on thin dry branches of a fallen beech in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Pore surface of an old bolete mushroom with bolete mould (Hypomyces chrysospermus) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 11, 2020
Gills of a mushroom Marasmius fulvoferrugineus in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Orange cap of a mushroom Marasmius fulvoferrugineus in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Bitter violet-grey bolete mushrooms Tylopilus plumbeoviolaceus in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, September 12, 2020
Cross section of gilled bolete mushrooms Phylloporus leucomycelinus in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 11, 2020
Side view of bolete mushrooms Suillellus subluridus or may be Neoboletus in a pine forest in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 20, 2019
Close-up of pore surface of an old bolete mushroom with bolete mould (Hypomyces chrysospermus) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 11, 2020
Caps of hexagonal-pored polypore mushrooms (Neofavolus alveolaris) collected from thin branches of a fallen beech in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
False coral mushroom Tremellodendropsis semivestita in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Some amorphous corticioid mushroom on a fallen beech in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Burnt orange bolete mushrooms (Tylopilus balloui, Gyroporus ballouii) in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, October 20, 2019

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