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3017-02. Blooming crown flower (Calotropis gigantea) in the Gardens at Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, September 2, 2021

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Blooming crown flower (Calotropis gigantea) in the Gardens at Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 10, 2021
Crown flower (Calotropis gigantea) in the Gardens at Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, September 2, 2021
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Crown flower (Calotropis gigantea) in the Gardens at Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 14, 2021
Close-up of crown flower (Calotropis gigantea) in the Gardens at Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 10, 2021
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Blooming almond in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, March 17, 2010.
Blooming cacti in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 16, 2009
Blooming holly tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 1, 2009
Blooming hibiscus in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 17, 2008
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Blooming redbud tree in dew in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, March 17, 2009
Blooming beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 25, 2009
Blooming cherry like tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, March 5, 2009
Blooming ruella (Ruellia) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 31, 2009
Blooming holly tree in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 21, 2009
Blooming lantana with water drops in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 25, 2009
Blooming Japanese pittosporum in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 9, 2010
Blooming banana (Musa) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 1, 2009
Blooming milkweed Asclepias curassavica in Leach Teaching Gardens at Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 7, 2022
Blue iris (top view) blooming in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 19, 2009
Small daffodils (narcissus) blooming in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 19, 2009
Yellow daffodils (narcissus) blooming in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 19, 2009
Blooming True myrtle (Myrtus communis) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 25, 2010
Blooming Cenizo (Leucophyllum frutescens) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 31, 2009
Blooming Cenizo (Leucophyllum frutescens) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, June 17, 2010
Blooming Huisache (Acacia farnesiana) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 27, 2009
Blooming cholla cactus(cylindropuntia) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 26, 2012
Blooming bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 1, 2009
Blooming Bubba desert willow (Chilopsis linearis) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 5, 2009
Blooming Paloverde (Parkinsonia aculeata, ratama, horsebean) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 25, 2009
Blue iris (side view) blooming in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 19, 2009
Blooming Mexican plum (Prunus mexicana) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, March 17, 2010.
Blooming Lace cactus (Echinocereus reichenbachii) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 26, 2009

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