Close-up of woodland (pale-green) ladies tresses (Spiranthes sylvatica) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 23, 2022
 Little ladies tresses orchid (Spiranthes grayi, Spiranthes tuberosa) in a sparse pine forest on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 27, 2021
 Flowers of little ladies tresses orchid (Spiranthes grayi, Spiranthes tuberosa) in a sparse pine forest on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 27, 2021
 Blooming little ladies tresses orchid (Spiranthes grayi, Spiranthes tuberosa) on a grassy path in a sparse pine forest on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 27, 2021
 Nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 27, 2019
 Nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, October 20, 2018
 Nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, November 11, 2018
 Flower of nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 1, 2008
 Back-lit nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 1, 2008
 Nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail marked in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 1, 2008
 Flowers of Nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, October 20, 2018
 Nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) in a pine forest on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, November 11, 2018
 Nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchids (Spiranthes cernua) on black background on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, October 20, 2018
 Nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 29, 2022
 Nodding Ladies-Tresses orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 18, 2022
 White flowers of nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) in a double spiral on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 1, 2008
 Close-up of nodding Ladies-Tresses orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 18, 2022
 Flower spike of Little Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes tuberosa var. gracilis) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, June 29, 2022
 Nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Caney Creek Trail in Sam Houston National Forest, near Huntsville. Texas, October 18, 2009
 Flowers of Southern Slender Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes tuberosa var. gracilis) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, June 29, 2022
 Plant of Little Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes tuberosa var. gracilis) on a side of a path on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, June 29, 2022
 Nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Sand Branch Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Montgomery. Texas, November 24, 2023
 Close-up of flowers of Southern Slender Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes tuberosa var. gracilis) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, June 29, 2022
 Woodland orchid Tipularia discolor in bloom on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 4, 2022
 Flowers of woodland orchid Tipularia discolor on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 4, 2022
 Ladies-tresses orchid (Spiranthes) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 17, 2021
 Flower of ladies-tresses orchid (Spiranthes) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 17, 2021
 Close-up of ladies-tresses orchid (Spiranthes) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 17, 2021
 Flower spike of ladies-tresses orchid (Spiranthes) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 17, 2021
 Nodding ladies-tresses orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 22, 2020
 Flowers of nodding ladies-tresses orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 5, 2020
 Close-up of nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 5, 2020
 Inflorescence of nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 5, 2020
 Flowers of Nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 20, 2024
 Flowers of nodding ladies-tresses orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 22, 2020
 Inflorescence of nodding ladies-tresses orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 22, 2020
 Flower spike of nodding ladies-tresses orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 5, 2020
 Flower spike of nodding ladies-tresses orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 22, 2020
 Nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Sand Branch Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, November 3, 2019
 Flowers of nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Sand Branch Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, November 3, 2019
 Close up of nodding Ladies-Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Sand Branch Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, November 3, 2019
 Flowers of woodland orchid Tipularia discolor on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, August 16, 2020
 Pale brown waxcap (Hygrocybe) mushrooms (with white spore print) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 23, 2020
 White spore print of a pale brown waxcap (Hygrocybe) mushroom taken from Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 24, 2020
 Nodding ladies-tresses orchid (Spiranthes cernua) when exposed to regular daylight as well as when illuminated by a 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight from Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, October 20, 2024
 Green brittlegill mushroom (Russula aeruginea(?)) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, July 3, 2022
 Green brittlegill mushrooms (Russula aeruginea) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, August 28, 2022
 Green brittlegill mushroom (Russula aeruginea) in wet area on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, August 28, 2022
 Underside of green brittlegill mushroom (Russula aeruginea(?)) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, July 3, 2022
 Frothy porecrust fungus (Oxyporus latemarginatus) and green moss on a tree in wet area on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, May 1, 2022
 Pale yellow Hygrocybe mushroom on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, January 25, 2020
 Millipedes under a log on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 7, 2022
 Green leaves of ladies-tresses orchid Spiranthes tuberosa or may be Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis in a juniper forest in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, March 14, 2023
 Shoot of some plant on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Green caterpillar with eggs of parasites on blackseed speargrass (Piptochaetium avenaceum) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 10, 2021
 Pale brown brittlegill (Russula) mushroom on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, March 23, 2020
 Daisy fleabane (Erigeron) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 7, 2022
 Wild petunia (Ruellia) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 23, 2022
 Young leaves of hackberry on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 7, 2022
 Crayfish (crawfish) mud chimneys on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Shoot of muscadine grape on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Fallen catkins from various trees in Kelley s Branch Creek on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 7, 2022
 Pale brown brittlegill (Russula) mushrooms on floodplain on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, January 5, 2021
 Cap of pale grisette mushroom (Amanita sect. Vaginatae) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 10, 2023
 Pink brittlegill (Russula) mushrooms with pale brown gills on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, May 31, 2020
 Pale grisette mushroom (Amanita sect. Vaginatae) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 10, 2023
 Back lit leaf of mustang grape on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 7, 2022
 Blooming daisy fleabane (Erigeron) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Blooming Navasota ladies-tresses orchids (Spiranthes parksii) on Yaupon Loop Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 1, 2023
 Flowers of Navasota ladies-tresses orchids (Spiranthes parksii) on Yaupon Loop Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 1, 2023
 Top view of pale grisette mushroom (Amanita sect. Vaginatae) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 10, 2023
 Gills of pale grisette mushroom (Amanita sect. Vaginatae) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 10, 2023
 Leaves of paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Mature Devil s urn mushrooms (Urnula craterium) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Drying green leaves of ladies-tresses orchid Spiranthes tuberosa or may be Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis in a juniper forest with oaks, elm and hackberry in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, March 14, 2023
 Side view of pale grisette mushroom (Amanita sect. Vaginatae) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 10, 2023
 Pale stagshorn fungus (Calocera pallidospathulata) on a wet pine log on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) east from Trailhead No. 4 in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 25, 2023
 Pinkish resupinate polypore mushroom on underside of a pine(?) log on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Shoots of Canadian black snakeroot (Sanicula canadensis) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Leaves of Canadian black snakeroot (Sanicula canadensis) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Nodding Ladies -Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua) on Lone Star Hiking Trail south from Stubblefield Campground in Sam Houston National Forest. Huntsville, Texas, December 9, 2007
 Scaly sawgill mushrooms (Neolentinus lepideus) on a rotting pine on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 7, 2022
 Plums and custard mushrooms (Tricholomopsis rutilans) on a rotting pine on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 7, 2022
 Orange-toothed crust fungus Steccherinum robustius on a fallen branch on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Spring ladies-tresses (Spiranthes vernalis) in Big Thicket park on Sundew Trail. Texas, April 26, 2008
 Fresh green leaves of ladies-tresses orchid Spiranthes tuberosa or may be Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, December 16, 2023
 Warty spurge (Euphorbia spathulata) with white powdery mildew fungus Podosphaera euphorbiae on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Orange-toothed crust fungus Steccherinum robustius and a lichen on a fallen tree branch on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Velvety brown crust of fungus Virgariella (mitosporic stage of Hypoxylon fuscum) on a fallen twig on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Two different kinds of spores (orange Aeciospores and black teliospores) of mayapple rust fungus (Puccinia podophylli) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Oriental false hawksbeard (Youngia japonica, Crepis japonica) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 Green leaves of ladies-tresses orchid Spiranthes tuberosa or may be Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis under juniper, hackberry and elm trees in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, December 16, 2023
 Green brittlegill mushroom (Russula aeruginea) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, September 13, 2024
 Spring ladies-tresses (Spiranthes vernalis) on Post Oak Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 7, 2009
 Spring ladies-tresses (Spiranthes vernalis) on Post Oak Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 19, 2010
 Reticulate-seeded spurge (Euphorbia spathulata) infected by white powdery mildew fungus Podosphaera euphorbiae on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2022
 October ladies tresses (Spiranthes ovalis var. ovalis) on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, October 27, 2019
 Blooming October ladies tresses (Spiranthes ovalis var. ovalis) on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, October 27, 2019
 Flowers of October ladies tresses (Spiranthes ovalis var. ovalis) on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, October 27, 2019