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3161-04. Mature cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a fallen beech tree in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022

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Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a fallen beech tree in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Spores of jelly mushrooms Auricularia nigricans from a beech log under a microscope with x40 objective, collected in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a fallen beech on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, August 27, 2022
Spores of jelly mushrooms Auricularia nigricans from a beech log under a microscope with x100 objective, collected in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans, Auricularia polytricha) on a fallen tree on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, October 27, 2019
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans, Auricularia polytricha) on a small fallen tree on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, October 27, 2019
White species of cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans, Auricularia polytricha) on a fallen tree on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, April 7, 2020
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans, Auricularia polytricha) together with their white species on a log on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, April 7, 2020
White species of cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans, Auricularia polytricha) on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, April 7, 2020
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans, Auricularia polytricha) on a fallen oak in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, January 19, 2020
Hohebuelia mushrooms on a fallen beech in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans, Auricularia polytricha) on rotting oak in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, January 19, 2020
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a big tree stump in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Cloud ear jelly fungus (Auricularia nigricans) on a fallen osage orange tree on Little Lake Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest east from Trail Head No. 4, near Montgomery. Texas, November 29, 2020
Hohebuelia mushrooms on a beech log in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Caps of Hohebuelia mushrooms on a beech log in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Spores of Hohebuelia mushrooms from a beech log collected in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a fallen branch on Four Notch Loop Trail of Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, January 23, 2021
Underside of cloud ear jelly mushroom (Auricularia nigricans) on a big stump of a broken tree, could be elm, in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Hairy surface of cloud ear jelly mushroom (Auricularia nigricans) on a big stump of a broken tree, could be elm, in Big Creek Scenic Area of Sam Houston National Forest. Shepherd, Texas, July 10, 2021
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a fallen oak on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, January 12, 2022
Dense cluster of cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a fallen branch on Four Notch Loop Trail of Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, January 23, 2021
Hairy caps of cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a fallen branch on Four Notch Loop Trail of Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, January 23, 2021
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on mossy fallen oak on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, January 12, 2022
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on mossy trunk of a fallen oak on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, January 12, 2022
Beech woodwart fungus (Hypoxylon fragiforme(?)) on a fallen twig taken from area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, December 5, 2020
Resupinate polypore mushroom Megasporoporia setulosa on a fallen tree branch in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Close-up of resupinate polypore mushroom Megasporoporia setulosa on a fallen tree branch in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Details of resupinate polypore mushroom Megasporoporia setulosa on a fallen tree branch in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Texture of resupinate polypore mushroom Megasporoporia setulosa on a fallen tree branch in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Young and mature caps of cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a log on Chinquapin Trail in Huntsville State Park. Texas, October 30, 2020
Jelly rot fungus (Merulius tremellosus, Phlebia tremellosa) on a large fallen oak in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, December 5, 2020
Fallen tree across an oxbow in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a fallen oak near Pole Creek on North Wilderness Trail of Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, February 21, 2021
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans, Auricularia polytricha) at Center for Biological Field Studies on Fish Hatchery Road. Huntsville, Texas, September 16, 2018
Caps of cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans, Auricularia polytricha) at Center for Biological Field Studies on Fish Hatchery Road. Huntsville, Texas, September 16, 2018
Underside of cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans, Auricularia polytricha) at Center for Biological Field Studies on Fish Hatchery Road. Huntsville, Texas, September 16, 2018
Cloud ear jelly fungus (Auricularia nigricans) at the base of a tree in Longmire Park. College Station, Texas, May 9, 2024
Jelly rot fungus (Merulius tremellosus, Phlebia tremellosa) on a rotting oak in wet area in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, December 5, 2020
Cloud ear jelly fungus (Auricularia nigricans) on a tree root on Kiwanis Nature Trail. College Station, Texas, May 7, 2024
False coral mushrooms Tremellodendropsis semivestita in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Smooth chanterelle mushrooms (Cantharellus lateritius) in muddy area in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Group of smooth chanterelle mushrooms (Cantharellus lateritius) in muddy area in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Spores of false coral mushrooms Tremellodendropsis semivestita collected in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Spores of smooth chanterelle mushrooms (Cantharellus lateritius) collected in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Side view of false coral mushrooms Tremellodendropsis semivestita in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Mustard yellow polypore mushrooms (Phellinus gilvus) on a fallen oak(?) in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, December 5, 2020
Thin bracket polypore mushrooms Trametes(?) on a fallen pine in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, June 11, 2020
Cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a log on Chinquapin Trail in Huntsville State Park. Texas, October 30, 2020
Bulbothrix lichen on a tree in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Young cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a log on Chinquapin Trail in Huntsville State Park. Texas, October 30, 2020
Spores of polypore mushrooms Trametes aesculi (Trametes elegans) from a fallen beech tree, collected a day before on Winters Bayou Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Cleveland, Texas, September 24, 2022
Hairy underside of cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a log on Chinquapin Trail in Huntsville State Park. Texas, October 30, 2020
Upper surface of cloud ear jelly mushrooms (Auricularia nigricans) on a log on Chinquapin Trail in Huntsville State Park. Texas, October 30, 2020
Back lit polypore mushroom Cymatoderma caperatum taken from area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Close-up of polypore mushroom Cymatoderma caperatum taken from area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Back lit cup of polypore mushroom Cymatoderma caperatum taken from area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Ramalina dasypoga(?) lichen on a tree in a forest in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Volcano lichen (Myriotrema rugiferum) on a fallen oak in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Brown prostrate fungus (Corticiaceae) on a tree in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Bright yellow crust fungus Phlebia subochracea on a log in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Bright yellow corticioid fungus Phlebia subochracea on a log in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Side view of polypore mushroom Cymatoderma caperatum taken from area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Spores of polypore mushroom Cymatoderma caperatum collected in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Blue jellyskin lichen (Leptogium cyanescens) on a fallen oak in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Pixie-hair lichen (Coenogonium implexum) on a tree in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Lace-scale lichen Phyllopsora parvifolia on a tree in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Bark rash lichen (Pyrenula cruenta) on a tree in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Powdery lichen Lepraria on bark of a big pine tree in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
The bayou in fog in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Cloud ear jelly fungus (Auricularia nigricans) in Longmire Park. College Station, Texas, May 9, 2024
Bright yellow corticioid fungus Phlebia subochracea covering large area on a log in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Close-up of bright yellow corticioid fungus Phlebia subochracea on a log in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Texture of bright yellow corticioid fungus Phlebia subochracea on a log in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Cap of a polypore mushroom Cymatoderma caperatum on a wood stick near an oxbow in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Polypore mushroom Cymatoderma caperatum on a wood stick near an oxbow in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Bracket polypore mushroom Trametes lactinea(?) on a fallen pine in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, June 11, 2020
Zoned cap of a bracket polypore mushroom Trametes(?) on a fallen pine in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, June 11, 2020
Pixie-hair lichen (Coenogonium implexum) in shade on a tree in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Iron bridge across the bayou in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Mossy trees over the bayou in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Underside of polypore mushroom Cymatoderma caperatum on a wood stick near an oxbow in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Hairy cap of a polypore mushroom Cymatoderma caperatum on a wood stick near an oxbow in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Spores of bright yellow corticioid fungus Phlebia subochracea collected in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Dissected bracket polypore mushroom Trametes lactinea(?) on a fallen pine in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, June 11, 2020
Close up of pixie-hair lichen (Coenogonium implexum) in shade on a tree in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Fresh green leaves on a bush at the bayou in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Wine cup shape of a polypore mushroom Cymatoderma caperatum on a wood stick near an oxbow in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Upper view of polypore mushroom Cymatoderma caperatum on a wood stick near an oxbow in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Side view of polypore mushroom Cymatoderma caperatum on a wood stick near an oxbow in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest east from Waverly. Texas, May 28, 2022
Some folious lichen on an iron foot bridge across the bayou in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, February 23, 2019
Milkcap mushrooms Lactarius subplinthogalus(?) in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, June 11, 2020
Milkcap mushrooms Lactifluus luteolus in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, June 11, 2020
Milkcap mushrooms Lactarius deceptivus in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, June 11, 2020
Polypore mushrooms Trametes lactinea(?) in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, June 11, 2020
Chanterelle mushrooms (Cantharellus cibarius) in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, June 11, 2020
Brittlegill mushrooms Russula compacta(?) in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, June 11, 2020
Close-up of black and grey corticioid (crust) fungus Septobasidium fumigatum(?) on bark of an elm tree in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, December 5, 2020
Texture of black and grey corticioid (crust) fungus Septobasidium fumigatum(?) on bark of an elm tree in area of Winters Bayou in Sam Houston National Forest, east from Waverly. Texas, December 5, 2020

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