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3196-28. Marble angel on a tomb of Holly Robert in the city cemetery in Calvert. Texas, July 24, 2022

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Tomb of Holly Robert (1882) with a marble angel in the city cemetery in Calvert. Texas, July 24, 2022
Marble angel on a tomb of Holly Robert in Calvert Cemetery. Calvert, Texas, May 9, 2012
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Stonewall rim-lichen (Lecanora muralis, Protoparmeliopsis muralis) on a horizontal surface of a tomb in Calvert Cemetery. Calvert, Texas, January 8, 2019
Detail of a marble sculpture on a tomb of a Soviet ballerina A. Shelest in Literatorskie Mostki section of Volkovo Cemetery. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 13, 2016
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Marble angel in a stone mausoleum in Novodevichye Cemetery at Moskovskiy Prospekt. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 22, 2015
A marble sculpture of weeping angel in a mausoleum of Chapman H. Hyams in Metairie Cemetery. New Orleans, Louisiana, February 17, 2006
An angel on a tomb in Metairie Cemetery. New Orleans, Louisiana, June 11, 2006
A marble sculpture of a blue weeping angel in a crypt of Chapman H. Hyams in Metairie Cemetery. New Orleans, Louisiana, February 12, 2006
An angel with a flower atop of a tomb in Metairie Cemetery. New Orleans, Louisiana, November 19, 2006
An angel on a tomb of Anthony Foto in Metairie Cemetery. New Orleans, Louisiana, June 11, 2006
Marble ivy with tendrils of a tomb in Boonville Cemetery. Bryan, Texas, December 8, 2009
Lichens on a marble tomb in Boonville Cemetery. Bryan, Texas, December 8, 2018
Jewish Cemetery at Franklin Road in Calvert. Texas, July 24, 2022
An angel studying Bible on a tomb of Marks-Wise in Metairie Cemetery. New Orleans, Louisiana, May 7, 2006
A sculpture of an angel on a tomb in White section of Carrollton Cemetery. New Orleans, Louisiana, April 22, 2006
Weeping angel in a tomb of Chapman H. Hyams in Metairie Cemetery. New Orleans, Louisiana, October 21, 2006

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