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3313-02. Texture of mature resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) on a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023

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Mature resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) on a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Close-up of mature resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) on a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Orange resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) on a log at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Orange resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) on underside of an oak log at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Section of orange resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) on a log at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Close-up of orange resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) on a log at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Close-up of orange resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) on underside of an oak log at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Spores of mature resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) with brown pores from the same log as yellow pores, collected a day before in Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 2, 2023
Spores of orange resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) from the same log as Henningsomyces, collected a day before in Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 2, 2023
Spores of half dry orange resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) collected a day before in Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 2, 2023
Resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus(?) on rotting oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, September 8, 2022
Texture of resupinate polypore mushroom on a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020
Texture white resupinate polypore mushroom at the base of a dried juniper tree at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Pink resupinate polypore mushroom Ceriporia(?) on a fallen oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Small patch of a yellow resupinate polypore mushroom on a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Texture of resupinate polypore fungus Ceriporia(?) under a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020
Texture of resupinate polypore mushroom under a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 21, 2019
Close-up of pink resupinate polypore mushroom Ceriporia(?) on a fallen oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Pink and white resupinate polypore mushroom Ceriporia(?) on a fallen oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Details of pink and white resupinate polypore mushroom Ceriporia(?) on a fallen oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Resupinate polypore mushroom Perenniporia phloiophila on bark of a fallen branch of live oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Pink resupinate polypore mushroom Vitreoporus dichrous with white margins on a fallen juniper at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Close-up of resupinate polypore mushroom Perenniporia phloiophila on bark of a fallen branch of live oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Texture of resupinate polypore mushroom on a fallen juniper(?) tree in dry area at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 13, 2022
Growth pattern of resupinate polypore mushroom Perenniporia phloiophila on bark of a fallen branch of live oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Pore surface of resupinate polypore mushroom Perenniporia phloiophila on bark of a fallen branch of live oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Resupinate polypore mushroom on a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020
Resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora)(?) on a fallen oak in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, January 16, 2020
Close-up of resupinate polypore mushroom on a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020
Mature creamy brown corticioid (crust) mushroom on a fallen branch of live oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Close-up of mature creamy brown corticioid (crust) mushroom on a fallen branch of live oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Some white resupinate polypore mushroom at the base of a dried juniper tree at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Texture of brown corticioid (crust) mushroom Dichostereum effuscatum on a fallen dried live oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
White resupinate polypore mushroom at the base of a dried red cedar (juniper tree) at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Close-up of white resupinate polypore mushroom at the base of a dried juniper tree at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Resupinate polypore mushroom Phellinus on a fallen oak branch under naturally growing live oaks at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 18, 2021
Pattern of white resupinate polypore mushroom on bark at the base of a dried juniper tree at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Texture of resupinate polupore mushroom Trametes villosa on a fallen juniper at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 6, 2024
Resupinate polypore fungus Ceriporia(?) under a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020
Resupinate polypore mushroom under a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 21, 2019
Close-up of resupinate polypore fungus Ceriporia(?) under a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020
Pattern of resupinate polypore fungus Ceriporia(?) under a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020
Resupinate polypore mushroom Phellinus on a live oak near the lake at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020
Close up of resupinate polypore mushroom under a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 21, 2019
Resupinate polypore mushroom on underside of a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, November 6, 2020
Texture of brown corticioid (crust) fungus Dichostereum effuscatum on a fallen live oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Resupinate polypore mushroom Ceriporia on underside of a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 29, 2020
Texture of elder whitewash fungus (Xylodon sambuci, Hyphodontia sambuci) under a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 21, 2019
Resupinate polypore mushroom Ceriporia(?) on barkless trunk of a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 13, 2022
Resupinate polypore mushroom on a fallen juniper(?) tree in dry area at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 13, 2022
Polypore mushroom Perenniporia tephropora (Truncospora tephropora) on cut surface of a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Close-up of resupinate polypore mushroom on a fallen juniper(?) tree in dry area at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 13, 2022
Resupinate form of polypore mushroom Trametes villosa(?) on a fallen oak twig at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 21, 2019
Close-up of polypore mushroom Perenniporia tephropora (Truncospora tephropora) on cut surface of a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Resupinate polypore mushroom Phellinus on a twig of a live oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020
Texture of polypore mushroom Perenniporia tephropora (Truncospora tephropora) on cut surface of a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, May 31, 2022
Split porecrust fungus (Schizopora paradoxa) on a fallen oak branch under naturally growing live oaks at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 18, 2021
Mature Devil s Cigar Ascomycete mushroom (Chorioactis geaster) growing of a small piece of submerged in soil blackened elm wood at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Resupinate form of polypore mushroom Perenniporia tephropora (Truncospora tephropora) on cut surface of a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, May 31, 2022
Underside of bracket polypore mushrooms Truncospora mexicana on a fallen trunk of a broadleaf tree near a pond at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Various views of bracket polypore mushrooms Truncospora mexicana on a fallen trunk of a broadleaf tree near a pond at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Resupinate polypore mushrooms Fomitiporia on a fallen oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 29, 2020
Orange resupinate polypore mushrooms on underside of a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 29, 2020
Upper surface of bracket polypore mushrooms Truncospora mexicana on a fallen trunk of a broadleaf tree near a pond at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Cross section of bracket polypore mushrooms Truncospora mexicana on a fallen trunk of a broadleaf tree near a pond at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Bracket polypore mushrooms Truncospora mexicana turning orange on a fallen trunk of a broadleaf tree near a pond at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Texture of corticioid (crust) fungus Dichostereum effuscatum on a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 18, 2021
Touph resupinate polypore mushroom Perenniporia tephropora (Truncospora tephropora) on cut surface of a fallen oak in a dry forest with juniper at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, May 31, 2022
Resupinate polypore fungus Ceriporia(?) under an oak log at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020
Details of orange resupinate polypore mushrooms on underside of a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 29, 2020
Close-up of orange resupinate polypore mushrooms on underside of a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 29, 2020
Caps of bracket polypore mushrooms Truncospora mexicana turning orange on a fallen trunk of a broadleaf tree near a pond at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Texture of netted crust fungus (Byssomerulius corium) on a fallen oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020
Parasitic web-like fungus Sporophagomyces with brown spores from a corticioid mushroom Dichostereum effuscatum on a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Brown corticioid (crust) mushroom Dichostereum effuscatum on a fallen dried live oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Polypore mushrooms Trametes villosa from a dry fallen juniper at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, May 7, 2023
Split porecrust mushrooms (Schizopora paradoxa) on a fallen oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 29, 2020
Thin growth of brown corticioid (crust) mushroom Dichostereum effuscatum on a fallen dried live oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Brown corticioid (crust) mushroom Dichostereum effuscatum and white web-like parasitic fungus Sporophagomyces on bark of a fallen oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Resupinate polupore mushroom Trametes villosa on a fallen red cedar (juniper) at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 6, 2024
Close-up of resupinate polupore mushroom Trametes villosa on a fallen juniper at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 6, 2024
Texture of light yellow resupinate fungus Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) on a log in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, November 14, 2024
Polypore mushroom Fuscoporia on a fallen oak limb at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 20, 2021
Corticioid polypore mushroom Ceriporia(?) under a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 21, 2019
Spores of resupinate polupore mushroom Trametes villosa from a fallen juniper, collected at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 6, 2024
Growth pattern of resupinate polupore mushroom Trametes villosa on a fallen juniper at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, February 6, 2024
Bracket polypore mushroom Phellinus(?) on a fallen oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 29, 2020
Close up of corticioid polypore mushroom Ceriporia(?) under a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 21, 2019
Net-like resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora)(?) on a fallen pine branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 6, 2021
Texture of porous light yellow resupinate fungus Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora) on underside of a log in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 28, 2018
Underside of bracket polypore mushroom Phellinus(?) on a fallen oak branch at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 29, 2020
Mature dog vomit slime mold (Fuligo septica) on a log at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, May 7, 2023
Caps of Oak Curtain Crust fungus (Hymenochaete rubiginosa) on a fallen juniper at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Underside of Oak Curtain Crust fungus (Hymenochaete rubiginosa) on a fallen juniper at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Net-like resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora)(?) spreading on a fallen pine branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 6, 2021
Close-up of resupinate polypore mushroom Xylodon flaviporus (Schizopora flavipora)(?) on a fallen pine branch on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, October 6, 2021
Ascomycete mushroom Chorioactis geaster under several trees in half-open area near the lake, at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 1, 2023
Hairy caps of polypore mushroom Trametes villosa(?) on a fallen oak twig at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 21, 2019
Jelly mushroom Tremella aurantia on a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 26, 2020

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