White grainy substance from Protomyces(?) fungus near parasitic Ascomycete fungus Coccoidella scutula from upper surface of leaves of red bay (Persea borbonia) under a microscope with x100 objective, collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Discoid black spots (ascostromata) of parasitic Ascomycete fungus Coccoidella scutula and white grainy substance from Protomyces(?) fungus through a binocular microscope on upper surface of leaves of redbay (Persea borbonia) collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Mycelium and spores of fungi around parasitic Ascomycete fungus Coccoidella scutula in white grainy substance from Protomyces(?) fungus from upper surface of leaves of red bay (Persea borbonia) collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Details of various cells and spores around parasitic Ascomycete fungus Coccoidella scutula in white grainy substance from Protomyces(?) fungus from upper surface of leaves of red bay (Persea borbonia) collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Various cells and spores of fungi near parasitic Ascomycete fungus Coccoidella scutula in white grainy substance from Protomyces(?) fungus from upper surface of leaves of red bay (Persea borbonia) collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Yellow spores and mycelium (in KOH) of fungi around parasitic Ascomycete fungus Coccoidella scutula in white grainy substance from Protomyces(?) fungus from upper surface of leaves of red bay (Persea borbonia) collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Pattern of various cells and spores of fungi growing together with parasitic Ascomycete fungus Coccoidella scutula in white grainy substance from Protomyces(?) fungus from upper surface of leaves of red bay (Persea borbonia) collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Various spores of fungi in white grainy substance from Protomyces(?) fungus near ascostromata of fungus Coccoidella scutula from upper surface of leaves of red bay (Persea borbonia) collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Asci with spores (with x40 objective) of black Ascomycete fungus Coccoidella scutula from upper surface of leaves of redbay tree (Persea borbonia) collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Asci with spores (with x100 objective) of black Ascomycete fungus Coccoidella scutula from upper surface of leaves of redbay (Persea borbonia) collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Round black spots (ascostromata) on upper surface of leaves of redbay tree (Persea borbonia) of Ascomycete fungus Coccoidella scutula at the border of Martin Flat meadow in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 25, 2023
 Close-up of ascostromata on upper surface of leaves of redbay (Persea borbonia) caused by Ascomycete fungus Coccoidella scutula in area of Martin Flat meadow in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 25, 2023
 Yellow leaf of redbay tree (Persea borbonia) with black, radiate, and velvety colonies of fungus Meliola martiniana (Setameliola martiniana) on its upper surface, collected 2 days before on the edge of Martin Flat in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 26, 2024
 Leaves of redbay tree (Persea borbonia) with black mildew caused by fungus Meliola martiniana (Setameliola martiniana), collected 2 days before on the edge of Martin Flat in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 26, 2024
 Sinuous nature of hyphal cells and irregularly shaped hyphopodia of fungus Meliola martiniana (Setameliola martiniana) from a leaf of redbay tree (Persea borbonia), collected 2 days before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 26, 2024
 Hyphal branching and capitate hyphopodia (at low magnification) of fungus Meliola martiniana (Setameliola martiniana) from a leaf of redbay tree (Persea borbonia), collected 2 days before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 26, 2024
 Asci and ascospores of fungus Meliola martiniana (Setameliola martiniana) together with Trichothyrium sp., a catathecioid hyperparasite of Meliolales, from a leaf of redbay tree (Persea borbonia), collected 2 days before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 26, 2024
 Asci and ascospores (at low magnification) of Trichothyrium sp., a catathecioid hyperparasite of Meliolales, and hyphal cells and irregularly shaped hyphopodia of fungus Meliola martiniana (Setameliola martiniana) from a leaf of redbay tree (Persea borbonia), collected 2 days before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 26, 2024
 Redbay tree (Persea borbonia) on the edge of Martin Flat in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 24, 2024
 Spores of Hypomyces fungus from a black bolete mushroom in Congo red, under a microscope with x40 objective, collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, June 5, 2022
 Greenish grey algae from Silver ear mushrooms (Tremella fuciformis) under a microscope with x4 objective, collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 24, 2024
 Greenish grey algae from Silver ear mushrooms (Tremella fuciformis) under a microscope with x10 objective, collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 24, 2024
 Greenish grey algae from Silver ear mushrooms (Tremella fuciformis) under a microscope with x40 objective, collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 24, 2024
 Greenish grey algae from Silver ear mushrooms (Tremella fuciformis) under a microscope with x10 objective collected in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 23, 2024
 Hyphae with trapped spores of a parasitic fungus Sporophagomyces chrysostomus(?) collected in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 24, 2024
 Tissues with trapped spores of a polypore of a parasitic fungus Sporophagomyces chrysostomus(?) collected in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 24, 2024
 Cup tissues under a microscope (with x40 objective) of Ascomycete fungus Scutellinia nigrohirtula(?) or may be S. subhirtella with somewhat short hairs, or immature short-haired S. crinita collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 7, 2023
 Tissues under a microscope (with x40 objective) of Ascomycete fungus Scutellinia nigrohirtula(?) or may be S. subhirtella with somewhat short hairs, or immature short-haired S. crinita collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 7, 2023
 Hair under a microscope (with x10 objective) of Ascomycete fungus Scutellinia nigrohirtula(?) or may be S. subhirtella with somewhat short hairs, or immature short-haired S. crinita collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 7, 2023
 Asci and paraphyses under a microscope (with x40 objective) of Ascomycete fungus Scutellinia nigrohirtula(?) or may be S. subhirtella with somewhat short hairs, or immature short-haired S. crinita collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 7, 2023
 Paraphyses and asci under a microscope (with x100 objective) of Ascomycete fungus Scutellinia nigrohirtula(?) or may be S. subhirtella with somewhat short hairs, or immature short-haired S. crinita collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 7, 2023
 Asci and paraphyses under a microscope (with x100 objective) of Ascomycete fungus Scutellinia nigrohirtula(?) or may be S. subhirtella with somewhat short hairs, or immature short-haired S. crinita collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 7, 2023
 Asci and paraphyses under a microscope (in lugol, with x100 objective) of Ascomycete fungus Scutellinia nigrohirtula(?) or may be S. subhirtella with somewhat short hairs, or immature short-haired S. crinita collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 7, 2023
 Pycnia of Juniper-hawthorn rust fungus (Gymnosporangium globosum) under a microscope in KOH, from upper surface of leaves of littlehip hawthorn (Crataegus spathulata), collected on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, July 23, 2023
 Tissues infected by Juniper-hawthorn rust fungus (Gymnosporangium globosum) under a microscope in KOH, from upper surface of leaves of littlehip hawthorn (Crataegus spathulata), collected on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, July 23, 2023
 Black crust of fungus Annulohypoxylon archeri and parasitic mushroom Silver ear (Tremella fuciformis) on a stick on Wallow Trail in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 23, 2024
 White jelly fungus Tremella fuciformis on a fallen oak(?) branch in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, April 22, 2023
 Spores of grey resupinate polypore mushroom from a fallen tree branch collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Tissues of black background substance on poop with fungus Stilbella fimetaria (in KOH, x10 objective) collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 3, 2023
 Tissues of black background substance on poop with fungus Stilbella fimetaria (in KOH, x40 objective) collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 3, 2023
 Yellow pollen particle from a magnolia leaf under a microscope, collected in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 23, 2024
 Jelly fungus Phaeotremella frondosa on a fallen stick in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 25, 2023
 Close-up of jelly fungus Phaeotremella frondosa on a fallen stick in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 25, 2023
 Basidia of crust fungus Peniophora cinerea(?) from a dry stem of Yaupon holly(?) collected in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 23, 2024
 Spores of crust fungus Peniophora cinerea(?) from a dry stem of Yaupon holly(?) collected in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 23, 2024
 Basidia and spores of crust fungus Peniophora cinerea(?) from a dry stem of Yaupon holly(?) collected in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 23, 2024
 Tissues of white web-like fungus from pine cones under a microscope (x40 objective) in Congo Red dye, collected on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 9, 2023
 Black fungus Annulohypoxylon archeri on a stick from a hardwood tree on Wallow Trail in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 23, 2024
 Tissues of white web-like fungus from pine cones under a microscope (x100 objective) in Congo Red dye, collected on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 9, 2023
 Milkcap mushroom Lactarius camphoratus(?) infected by a parasitic fungus Peckiella camphorati (Hypomyces camphorati) in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, November 3, 2018
 Immature asci of Ascomycete truffle mushroom Tuber(?) under a microscope with darkfield condenser and x40 objective in KOH, collected 4/9/2023 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 12, 2023
 Ascogenous tissue of Ascomycete truffle mushroom Tuber(?) under a microscope with darkfield condenser and x40 objective in KOH, collected 4/9/2023 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 12, 2023
 Ascogenous tissue of immature Ascomycete truffle mushroom Tuber(?) under a microscope with darkfield condenser and x10 objective in KOH, collected 4/9/2023 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 12, 2023
 Spores (spore print white) of mushrooms Anthracophyllum lateritium at low magnification, collected in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary a day before. Texas, April 23, 2023
 Ascogenous tissue of immature Ascomycete truffle mushroom Tuber(?) under a microscope with darkfield condenser and x10 objective in lugol, collected 4/9/2023 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 12, 2023
 Spores of a small Mycena mushroom (spore print white) from a mowed path, collected in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary a day before. Texas, April 23, 2023
 Black crust fungus Sphaeria subiculata (Rosellinia subiculata)(?) (Xylariaceae) on hardwood in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 25, 2023
 Close-up of black crust fungus Sphaeria subiculata (Rosellinia subiculata)(?) (Xylariaceae) on hardwood in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 25, 2023
 Spores (in KOH) of small mushrooms Conocybe subpubescens(?) collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Zoned tooth fungus Hydnellum concrescens among dry oak leaves in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, November 3, 2018
 Candy cap mushroom (milkcap Lactarius camphoratus(?)) and a milkcap with a parasitic fungus Peckiella camphorati (Hypomyces camphorati) in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, November 3, 2018
 Basidia of swarming spine fungus (Mucronella calva) under a microscope with x40 objective, collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Montgomery a day before. Texas, April 9, 2023
 Spores (under pressure) of small mushrooms Conocybe subpubescens(?) collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Tissues of Ascomycete fungus Hyalorbilia inflatula at low magnification (x40 objective) collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, November 15, 2023
 Asci of tiny white Ascomycete fungus from a fallen willow oak leaf (no pictures of fungus were taken), collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Montgomery. Texas, May 5, 2023
 Tissues of a tooth of swarming spine fungus (Mucronella calva) under a microscope with x40 objective, collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Montgomery a day before. Texas, April 9, 2023
 Tooth with crystals of swarming spine fungus (Mucronella calva) under a microscope with x40 objective, collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Montgomery a day before. Texas, April 9, 2023
 White fringe-tree (Chionanthus virginica) at the edge of Triangle in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 23, 2024
 Leaves of green dragon (Arisaema dracontium) on Fringe Tree Trail in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 23, 2024
 Upper view of a cup fungus Peziza phyllogena (Peziza badioconfusa)(?) during mushroom walk of Gulf States Mycological Society. Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary, Cleveland, Texas, November 13, 2021
 Spores of gilled polypore mushrooms Lenzites betulinus (Trametes betulina) collected a day before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Texas, March 26, 2023
 Spores (at low magnification, x40 objective) of Ascomycete fungus Orbilia(?) from burned oak collected near Pole Creek in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, February 21, 2023
 Spores (x100 objective) of Ascomycete fungus Orbilia(?) from burned oak collected near Pole Creek in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, February 21, 2023
 Conidia and tissues under a microscope with x40 objective of mold-like fungus Tilachlidium setigerum(?) from dried Xeromphalina mushrooms, collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Montgomery. Texas, December 2, 2023
 Hyphae and conidia under a microscope with x40 objective of mold-like fungus Tilachlidium setigerum(?) from dried Xeromphalina mushrooms, collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Montgomery. Texas, December 2, 2023
 White substance from animal droppings under a microscope (in KOH), collected on a trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, March 2, 2024
 Spores of light colored grainy corticioid fungus from a thin fallen broadleaf tree, collected a day before in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, January 3, 2023
 Conidia in spore print obtained from fungus Sporophagomyces chrysostomus(?) from a large fallen oak, collected 2 days before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 26, 2024
 Pore surface of polypore mushroom Trametes elegans on a fallen oak in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, April 22, 2023
 Common brown cup fungus (Peziza phyllogena(?)) collected at mushroom walk of Gulf States Mycological Society. Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary, Cleveland, Texas, November 13, 2021
 Some mold-like fungus on a fallen fruit of sweetgum collected at mushroom walk of Gulf States Mycological Society. Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary, Cleveland, Texas, November 13, 2021
 Conidia (in lugol) in spore print obtained from fungus Sporophagomyces chrysostomus(?) from a large fallen oak, collected 2 days before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 26, 2024
 Peziza with mold fungus Hypomyces cervinus collected at mushroom walk of Gulf States Mycological Society. Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary, Cleveland, Texas, November 13, 2021
 Spores (under applied pressure) of light colored grainy corticioid fungus from a thin fallen broadleaf tree, collected a day before in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, January 3, 2023
 Small greenish grey buttons of a fungus Trihoderma(?) under a microscope (in Congo red dye, x40 objective), collected on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 11, 2023
 Spores (in lugol, with x100 objective) of white rust fungus of crucifers (Albugo candida) from tansy mustard, collected near Nails Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, March 8, 2023
 Spores and mycelium (in lugol, with x40 objective) of white rust fungus of crucifers (Albugo candida) from tansy mustard, collected near Nails Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, March 8, 2023
 Zoned tooth fungus Hydnellum concrescens collected by people at mushroom walk of Gulf States Mycological Society. Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary, Cleveland, Texas, November 3, 2018
 Fungus Hypomyces lateritius on milkcap mushrooms L. paradoxus(?) collected at mushroom walk of Gulf States Mycological Society. Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary, Cleveland, Texas, November 13, 2021
 Cap of milkcap (Lactarius) mushrooms with fungus Hypomyces lateritius collected at mushroom walk of Gulf States Mycological Society. Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary, Cleveland, Texas, November 13, 2021
 Pore surface of a mature turkeytail polypore mushroom (Trametes versicolor)(?) in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, April 22, 2023
 Edge of pore surface of polypore mushroom Trametes elegans on a fallen oak in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, April 22, 2023
 Leaves of slender trillium (Trillium gracile) on a path of Fringe Tree Trail in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary. Cleveland, Texas, March 23, 2024
 Tissues of resupinate polypore mushroom with pinkish fungus Tulasnella violea(?) under a microscope (x10 objective, in KOH) collected on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 11, 2023
 Tissues of resupinate polypore mushroom with pinkish fungus Tulasnella violea(?) under a microscope (x40 objective, in KOH) collected on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 11, 2023
 Sweetgum ball fruit with hyphal strands of some mold like fungus collected at mushroom walk of Gulf States Mycological Society. Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary, Cleveland, Texas, November 13, 2021
 Tissues of resupinate polypore mushroom with pinkish fungus Tulasnella violea(?) under a microscope (x100 objective, in KOH) collected on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 11, 2023
 Tissues of Ascomycete truffle mushroom Tuber(?) under a microscope (x40 objective) in Congo Red dye, collected on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 9, 2023
 Tissues of Ascomycete truffle mushroom Tuber(?) under a microscope (x40 objective) in Melzer, collected on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 9, 2023