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338-06. A Canada goose in a pond opposite to the Ledge (Old Quarry) in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, April 20, 2003.

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A Canada goose and a pond opposite to the Ledge (Old Quarry) in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, April 20, 2003.
A Canada goose in a pond opposite to the Ledge (Old Quarry) in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, April 20, 2003.
A Canada goose in a pond opposite to the Ledge (Old Quarry) in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, April 20, 2003.
A Canada goose in a pond opposite to the Ledge (Old Quarry) in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, April 20, 2003.
A pond opposite to the Ledge (Old Quarry) in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, March 7, 2004.
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Skunk Cabbage flowers in a marsh near Upper Ledge road in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, April 20, 2003.
Skunk Cabbage flowers in a marsh near Upper Ledge road in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, April 20, 2003.
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Spillway of Doctor Durfee s Mill Pond in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, May 24, 2003
A trail between Hog s Rock and Doctor s Mill Pond in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, May 24, 2003
Doctor Durfee s Mill Pond in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, July 12, 2003
Spillway of Doctor Durfee s Mill Pond in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, May 24, 2003
Spillway of Doctor Durfee s Mill Pond in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, May 24, 2003
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Abandoned stone wall near Doctor s Mill Pond in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, August 6, 2003
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Toadstools near Hathaway Road in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, October 11, 2003
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Doctor s Mill Pond in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, October 9, 2004
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Frozen puddle on Massasoit Trail in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, December 19, 2003
Canfield Tr. in Freetown State Forest one mile north-east from Fall River. Massachusetts, March 9, 2003.
Canfield Tr. in Freetown State Forest one mile north-east from Fall River. Massachusetts, March 9, 2003.
Canfield Tr. in Freetown State Forest one mile north-east from Fall River. Massachusetts, March 9, 2003.
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A spillway of Doctor s Mill Pond in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, March 14, 2004
Spillway of Doctor Durfee s Mill Pond in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, May 9, 2004
American toad on sand of Whitetail Loop trail in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, May 30, 2003
CCC Water Hole Structure No. 2 at Payne Road in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, October 26, 2003
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CCC Water Hole Structure No. 7 near Hathaway Road in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, October 11, 2003
Pupae on bark of a pine at Breakneck Trail in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, October 11, 2003
Saprophyte mushrooms near Doctor s Mill Pond in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, October 2, 2004
Saprophyte mushrooms near Doctor s Mill Pond in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, October 9, 2004
A gate of Haskal Path at Bell Rock Road in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, July 12, 2003
Blueberry in pine forest, view from Whitetail Loop trail in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, May 19, 2003
Abandoned stone wall in Freetown - Fall River State Forest, near Doctor s Mill Pond. Massachusetts, March 21, 2004
A rock in the middle of Bell Rock Road in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, August 24, 2003

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