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3385-03. Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023

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Spores (in KOH) of fieldcap mushrooms Agrocybe pediades collected in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Gills of common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, September 10, 2020
Caps of common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, September 10, 2020
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in a burnt pine forest in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, September 10, 2020
Small fieldcap mushrooms Agrocybe pediades in a semi-open area of a formerly burnt pine forest in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, March 24, 2020
Common fieldcap mushroom (Agrocybe pediades) on a trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 16, 2023
Underside of common fieldcap mushroom (Agrocybe pediades) on a trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 16, 2023
Side view of common fieldcap mushroom (Agrocybe pediades) on a trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 16, 2023
Spores (in KOH, spore print dark brown) of common fieldcap mushroom (Agrocybe pediades) collected on a trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 16, 2023
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 6, 2024
Spores (in KOH) of common fieldcap mushroom (Agrocybe pediades)(?) collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 19, 2024
Underside of common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 6, 2024
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on a lawn in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 17, 2021
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, June 24, 2020
Cap of common fieldcap mushroom (Agrocybe pediades)(?) on Yaupon Loop Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 19, 2024
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on a lawn in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, November 22, 2019
Rings of common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on mulch in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 24, 2018
Young common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on mulch in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 24, 2018
Spores (in KOH) of common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 6, 2024
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on mulched lawn in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 24, 2018
Masses of common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on mulch in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 24, 2018
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on a mulched lawn in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 21, 2018
Gills of a common fieldcap mushroom (Agrocybe pediades)(?) on Yaupon Loop Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 19, 2024
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on a mulched lawn in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 19, 2018
Fairy ring of common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on mulch in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 24, 2018
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in grass on a lawn In Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, September 4, 2020
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on mulched soil in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, September 11, 2018
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on wood chips in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, September 11, 2018
Trichoderma mold growing on common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 21, 2018
Gills of common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in prairie on Loop Trail in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, January 18, 2020
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in prairie on Wildflower Loop Trail in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, January 18, 2020
Underside of common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in prairie on Wildflower Loop Trail in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, January 18, 2020
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in grass on a sandy beach near bushes near Sestroretsk, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 29, 2021
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on mulch in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, May 22, 2018
Underside of a common fieldcap mushroom (Agrocybe pediades) on a lawn in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 17, 2021
Common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in grass on a sandy beach (photo with flash) near Sestroretsk, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 29, 2021
Close-up of common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in grass on a sandy beach near bushes near Sestroretsk, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 29, 2021
Underside of common fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) in grass on a sandy beach near bushes near Sestroretsk, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 29, 2021
Small Agrocybe mushrooms in a sparse forest in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, October 17, 2021
Underside of small Agrocybe mushrooms in a sparse forest in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, October 17, 2021
Common fieldcap mushroom (Agrocybe pediades) on Aggie Polo Fields near Bonfire Memorial. College Station, Texas, February 17, 2018
Common fieldcap mushroom (Agrocybe pediades) in grass on Aggie Polo Fields near Bonfire Memorial. College Station, Texas, February 17, 2018
Common fieldcap mushroom (Agrocybe pediades) on a lawn at Texas Avenue. College Station, Texas, July 1, 2019
Common fieldcap mushroom (Agrocybe pediades) on a lawn at Texas Avenue. College Station, Texas, February 17, 2018
Spores (in KOH) of dry earthstar mushrooms Astraeus hygrometricus collected in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Last year barometer earthstar mushrooms (Astraeus hygrometricus) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Mature barometer earthstar mushrooms (Astraeus hygrometricus) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Dried barometer earthstar mushrooms (Astraeus hygrometricus) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Common stinkhorn mushrooms (Phallus impudicus) on mulch in a tree utilization site in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, March 17, 2018
Common stinkhorn mushrooms (Phallus impudicus) growing on mulch in a tree utilization site in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, March 17, 2018
Fruits of blackberry in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Queen s delight (Stillingia sylvatica) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Fairy ring of fieldcap mushrooms (Agrocybe pediades) on a mulched lawn in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 19, 2018
Carpet of green moss on a burned site in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Lace cactus (Echinocereus reichenbachii) near a trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Blooming Queen s delight (Stillingia sylvatica) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Brown Tomentella-like corticioid fungus on underside of a pine(?) log in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Spores (in lugol) of a mushroom Hohenbuehelia auriscalpium(?) collected in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Mushroom Hohenbuehelia auriscalpium(?) from base of a burned pine in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Flower buds on a pad of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on underside of a pine log in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Lace cactus (Echinocereus reichenbachii) with a mound of fire ants in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Close-up of brown Tomentella-like corticioid fungus on underside of a pine(?) log in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
White and blue flowers of Venus looking glass (Triodanis perfoliata) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Green flower buds of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Spores of a dry winter stalkball mushroom (Tulostoma fimbriatum) collected in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Underside of a mushroom Hohenbuehelia auriscalpium(?) from base of a burned pine in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Bryoparasitic Pezizales mushrooms Octospora excipulata(?) in a mat of common bladder-moss (Physcomitrium pyriforme) near Lost Pines Loop Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, February 28, 2021
Mat of common bladder-moss (Physcomitrium pyriforme) with bryoparasitic Pezizales mushrooms Octospora excipulata(?) near Lost Pines Loop Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, February 28, 2021
Bryoparasitic Pezizales mushrooms Octospora excipulata(?) among common bladder-moss (Physcomitrium pyriforme) near Lost Pines Loop Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, February 28, 2021
Small bryoparasitic cup mushrooms Octospora excipulata(?) among common bladder-moss (Physcomitrium pyriforme) near Lost Pines Loop Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, February 28, 2021
Close-up of resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on underside of a pine log in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Texture of resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on underside of a pine log in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Close-up of bryoparasitic Pezizales mushrooms Octospora excipulata(?) among common bladder-moss (Physcomitrium pyriforme) near Lost Pines Loop Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, February 28, 2021
Fluffy margin of resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on underside of a pine log in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Cross section of resupinate polypore mushroom Fibroporia radiculosa on underside of a pine log in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
Orange cups of bryoparasitic Pezizales mushrooms Octospora excipulata(?) among common bladder-moss (Physcomitrium pyriforme) near Lost Pines Loop Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, February 28, 2021
Underside of conifer mazegill mushrooms (Gloeophyllum sepiarium) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, January 21, 2023
Conifer mazegill mushrooms (Gloeophyllum sepiarium) on a fallen pine in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, January 21, 2023
Small orange cups of bryoparasitic Pezizales mushrooms Octospora excipulata(?) among common bladder-moss (Physcomitrium pyriforme) near Lost Pines Loop Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, February 28, 2021
Bryoparasitic Pezizales mushrooms Octospora excipulata(?) on compacted sand covered by common bladder-moss (Physcomitrium pyriforme) near Lost Pines Loop Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, February 28, 2021
Underside of conifer mazegill mushrooms (Gloeophyllum sepiarium) on a fallen pine in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, January 21, 2023
Spores of arched earthstar mushrooms Geastrum quadrifidum or may be G. fornicatum collected in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, January 21, 2023
Common yellow wood sorrel (Oxalis stricta) on Lost Pines Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, March 14, 2019
Laterally fused reddish Conifer mazegill mushrooms (Gloeophyllum sepiarium) on a pine log in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, January 21, 2023
Bolbitius mushrooms in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 25, 2021
Yellow flowers of common wood sorrel (Oxalis stricta) on Lost Pines Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, March 14, 2019
Blooming common yellow wood sorrel (Oxalis stricta) on Lost Pines Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, March 14, 2019
Dry arched earthstar mushrooms Geastrum quadrifidum or may be G. fornicatum near Lost Pines Loop Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, January 21, 2023
Close up of yellow flowers of common wood sorrel (Oxalis stricta) on Lost Pines Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, March 14, 2019
Spores (in KOH) of common rustgill mushrooms (Gymnopilus penetrans) collected from a pine forest in Bastrop State Park a day before. Texas, January 22, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of stalked puffball mushrooms Tulostoma fimbriatum(?) from sandy soil (spore light brown) collected in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, January 21, 2023
Spores (in lugol) of stalked puffball mushrooms Tulostoma fimbriatum(?) from sandy soil (spore light brown) collected in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, January 21, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of common rustgill mushrooms (Gymnopilus penetrans) (spore print orange) collected from a pine forest in Bastrop State Park a day before. Texas, January 22, 2023
Resupinate polypore mushroom on a fallen pine(?) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, January 21, 2023
Multicolored lichens on sandstone of Lost Pines Overlook in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, January 21, 2023
Texture of resupinate polypore mushroom on a fallen pine(?) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, January 21, 2023
Close-up of resupinate polypore mushroom on a fallen pine(?) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, January 21, 2023
Close-up of an orange cup of bryoparasitic Pezizales fungus Octospora excipulata(?) growing together with common bladder-moss (Physcomitrium pyriforme) near Lost Pines Loop Trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, February 28, 2021

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