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3389-15. Common white flowers of carrot family in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 20, 2023

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Distorted leaves of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) with galls caused by eriophyid mites in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, August 25, 2021
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Dry leaves of giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, September 5, 2023
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Catchfly (Silene gallica) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 3, 2019
Peppervine (Ampelopsis arborea) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 3, 2019
Mesquite bush (Prosopis) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 15, 2022
Bladder dock (Rumex) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 23, 2021
Catchfly (Silene gallica) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 15, 2022
Insect gall on some flower in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 24, 2020
Back lit leaves of redbud in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 15, 2022
Dry plant of late-flowering boneset (Eupatorium serotinum) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, September 5, 2023
Dry plant of curly dock (Rumex crispus) with seeds in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, September 5, 2023
Dried plants of Maximilian sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, September 5, 2023
Dry hairy leaves of Maximilian sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, September 5, 2023
Dry flower head of Maximilian sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, September 5, 2023
Close-up of dry seeds of Maximilian sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, September 5, 2023
Dry seed heads of Illinois bundleflower (Desmanthus illinoensis) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, September 5, 2023
Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 23, 2021
Blue flower of spiderwort (Tradescantia) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 24, 2020
Little quaking grass (Briza minor) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 3, 2019
Close-up of catchfly (Silene gallica) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 15, 2022
Toad flax (Linaria texana) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 3, 2019
Hoverfly on flowers of eastern gamagrass (Fakahatchee Grass, Tripsacum dactyloides) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, May 3, 2022
Flowers of purple bindweed (Ipomoea cordatotriloba) in ultraviolet light in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, October 11, 2024
Female flowers of eastern gamagrass (Fakahatchee Grass, Tripsacum dactyloides) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, May 3, 2022
Flowers of purple gerardia (false foxglove, Agalinis purpurea) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, September 21, 2021
Flowers of Morning Glory (Purple Bindweed, Ipomoea cordatotriloba) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, September 9, 2020
Orange corticioid fungus Odontia fibrosa (Tomentella fibrosa) together with other corticioid fungi under an oak log (spore print white(?)) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, November 17, 2023
Texture of dry hairy leaves of Maximilian sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, September 5, 2023
Netted crust fungus (Byssomerulius corium) on a fallen oak branch in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, November 3, 2023
Hypoxylon(?) fungus and some orange hairs on the base of a dry shoot of chinaberry in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, November 17, 2023
Showy evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 1, 2024
Showy Evening Primrose (Oenothera speciosa) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 6, 2018
Toad flax (Linaria texana) with a spider in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 3, 2019
Close-up of false dandelion (Pyrrhopappus carolinianus) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 24, 2020
Showy evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 23, 2021
Crane s bill (Geranium carolinianum) with fruits in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 23, 2021
Blooming false dandelion (Pyrrhopappus carolinianus) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 24, 2020
Blooming yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 3, 2019
Blooming toad flax (Linaria texana) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 3, 2019
Back lit toad flax (Linaria texana) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 3, 2019
Japanese hedge-parsley (Torilis japonica) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 3, 2019
Chinese tallow tree (Triadica sebifera) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, April 3, 2019
Back lit flowers of purple gerardia (false foxglove, Agalinis purpurea) in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, September 21, 2021

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