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3408-13. Spores of mushrooms Agaricus rhoadsii or may be A. placomyces collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023

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Mushrooms Agaricus rhoadsii or may be A. placomyces in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Cross section of mushrooms Agaricus rhoadsii(?) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Side view of mushrooms Agaricus rhoadsii(?) in bushes under oaks in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Mushrooms Agaricus placomyces in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, September 16, 2020
Spores (in KOH) of meadow mushrooms (Agaricus campestris) collected in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 8, 2023
Mushrooms Agaricus placomyces(?) near a wooded path in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, June 30, 2020
Spores of of a polypore mushrooms Lentinus tricholoma collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, November 16, 2023
Spores of pink brittlegill mushrooms Russula pulchra(?) collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores of polypore mushrooms Cerioporus mollis collected in Hensel Park a day before. College Station, Texas, October 21, 2023
Spores of small Gymnopus mushrooms from a grassy field collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, November 16, 2023
Spores of polypore mushrooms Brunneoporus juniperinus (Subantrodia juniperina) collected a day before in Hensel Park. College Station, January 5, 2023
Spores of white tubelet mushrooms (Henningsomyces candidus) collected two days before in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, December 1, 2023
Basidia and spores under a microscope of spiny puffball mushrooms Lycoperdon pulcherrimum collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores (in lugol) of common mazegill polypore mushrooms (Cerioporus mollis) collected a day before in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, April 5, 2023
Agaricus rhoadsii(?) mushrooms in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, June 10, 2018
Spores (in lugol) of some Multifurca or may be Lactarius mushrooms under oaks (spore print light brown) collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores (in Melzer) of some Multifurca or may be Lactarius mushrooms under oaks (spore print light brown) collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores (in toluidine blue) of common mazegill polypore mushrooms (Cerioporus mollis) collected a day before in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, April 5, 2023
Spores of common mazegill polypore mushrooms Cerioporus mollis from dry stems of Japanese privet, collected a day before in Hensel Park. College Station, January 5, 2023
Dissected Agaricus rhoadsii(?) mushrooms in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, June 10, 2018
Spores (may be contaminated) of tiny pleurotoid mushrooms Simocybe amara(?) from a fallen trunk of Japanese privet, collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores of tiny pleurotoid mushrooms Simocybe amara(?) from a fallen trunk of Japanese privet, collected in Hensel Park two days before. College Station, Texas, May 10, 2023
Spores of small white mushrooms Ivory bonnet (Atheniella flavoalba) found among dry leaves, collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, November 16, 2023
Side view of Agaricus rhoadsii(?) mushrooms in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, June 10, 2018
Basidia and spores (in Congo Red) of tiny pleurotoid mushrooms Simocybe amara(?) from a fallen trunk of Japanese privet, collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Cheilocystidia and spores (in Congo Red) of tiny pleurotoid mushrooms Simocybe amara(?) from a fallen trunk of Japanese privet, collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores of mature Lepista(?) mushroom collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores of thin corticioid fungus from a log, collected a day before in Hensel Park. College Station, January 5, 2023
Spores, cheilocystidia and basidia (in Congo Red) of tiny pleurotoid mushrooms Simocybe amara(?) from a fallen trunk of Japanese privet, collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Tissues and spores of mature Lepista(?) mushroom collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of small fibrecap mushroom Inocybe calospora(?) collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores of white odontoid corticioid fungus from a hardwood log, collected a day before in Hensel Park. College Station, January 5, 2023
Spores of field mushrooms (Agaricus campestris), collected in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 25, 2022
Spores (in KOH) of small Agaricus mushrooms from a lawn, collected in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, November 11, 2024
Spores of light brown corticioid tooth fungus on an oak(?) log, collected two days before in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, November 18, 2023
Spores (in lugol) of Brunneoporus juniperinus (Subantrodia juniperina) (no pictures of the mushroom were taken) collected a day before in Hensel Park. College Station, January 5, 2023
Spores of blackening Russula mushroom (spore print yellowish light brown), collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores of brown and grey resupinate polypore mushroom from a dry stem of a broadleaf tree, collected a day before in Hensel Park. College Station, January 6, 2023
Many-celled conidia (spores) fallen from a site of a log with Ascomycete cup fungus Hyalorbilia inflatula(?), collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, November 16, 2023
Spores of a large milkcap mushroom Lactarius subpalustris (damaged gills turned dark brown) collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores of mushrooms Clitocybula familia collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, September 9, 2022
Spores of mushrooms Marasmiellus subnigricans collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, September 9, 2022
Spores of cinnamon porecrust polypore mushroom (Fuscoporia ferrea, Phellinus ferrea) collected a day before in Hensel Park. College Station, January 5, 2023
Spores of Agaricus mushrooms under sumpweed on sewage line right-of-way, in KOH (spore print dark brown) collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, September 12, 2022
Spores of Gymnopus mushrooms at the base of hackberry tree collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 12, 2024
Spores of spring polypore mushrooms (Lentinus arcularius) collected in Hensel Park a day before. College Station, Texas, April 29, 2022
Spores of ochre bracket polypore mushrooms (Trametes ochracea) from a dry standing Japanese privet(?), collected in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas collected a day before in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, January 4, 2024
Spores of some Agaricus mushroom in KOH solution, collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 20, 2022
Spores and some tissues of spring polypore mushrooms (Lentinus arcularius) collected in Hensel Park a day before. College Station, Texas, April 29, 2022
Spores of spring polypore mushrooms (Lentinus arcularius) at low magnification collected in Hensel Park a day before. College Station, Texas, April 29, 2022
Spores of tiny Leucoagaricus mushrooms from bare soil among moss, collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, September 9, 2022
Spores (in KOH) of a young Agaricus mushroom collected a day before in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 25, 2024
Spores (in KOH) of a horse mushroom (Agaricus arvensis) collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 19, 2024
Spores of Bristled Parachute mushrooms (Marasmius cohaerens) (spore print white) collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, September 9, 2022
Agaricus mushrooms in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, October 19, 2018
Spores (in lugol) of a young Agaricus mushroom with a scaly cap from bushes, collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 24, 2024
Meadow mushrooms (Agaricus campestris) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 29, 2020
Meadow mushrooms (Agaricus campestris) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, February 28, 2018
Interior tissues under a microscope of spiny puffball mushrooms Lycoperdon pulcherrimum collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of mushrooms Conocybe deliquescens collected in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 3, 2023
Spores of of bracket mushrooms Cerrena hydnoides (Hexagonia hydnoides) (spore print extremely thin) collected a day before in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 20, 2022
Spores of Melanoleuca mushrooms found on a lawn collected in Bee Creek Park same day. College Station, Texas, May 10, 2023
Spores (in KOH, low magnification) of mushrooms Conocybe deliquescens collected in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 3, 2023
Spores of Agaricus mushroom collected in Sam Houston National Forest 12/29/2021. College Station, Texas, February 12, 2022
Spores (in KOH) of horse mushrooms (Agaricus arvensis) from a lawn collected a day before in Bee Creek Park, May 3, 2024
Spores of mature Melanoleuca mushrooms found on a lawn collected in Bee Creek Park same day. College Station, Texas, May 10, 2023
Spores of pleurotoid mushrooms Lentinellus castoreus collected a day before in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 3, 2023
Spores of mushrooms Amanita bisporigera collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, November 9, 2023
Spores of mushrooms Amanita texasorora collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, November 9, 2023
Spores of mushrooms Clitocella mundula (Rhodocybe mundula) from juniper litter (spore print white. smell unpleasant), collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, September 9, 2022
Spores of resupinate polypore mushroom Elmerina caryae collected in Hensel Park a day before. College Station, Texas, March 17, 2022
Spores of black Pyrenomycete fungus Rosellinia corticium(?) collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, April 28, 2022
Spores of mushrooms Byssomerulius incarnatus collected 3 days before in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 29, 2023
Spores of tiny white oysterling mushrooms collected a day before in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, January 10, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of larger fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms found under bushes, collected in Bee Creek Park same day. College Station, Texas, May 10, 2023
Spores of milkcap mushrooms Lactarius areolatus collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 10, 2023
Spores of brittlegill mushrooms Russula grata collected a day before in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 28, 2023
Spores and aski(?) of black Pyrenomycete fungus Rosellinia corticium(?) collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, April 28, 2022
Tissues and spores of light brown corticioid fungus under a microscope, collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, April 28, 2022
Gill tissue with cheilocystidia and basidiospores of tiny pleurotoid mushrooms Simocybe amara(?) from a fallen trunk of Japanese privet, collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores of Agaricus mushroom (spore print thin, brown) collected in David E. Schob Nature Preserve. College Station, Texas, May 3, 2022
Spores of yellowing knight mushrooms (Tricholoma scalpturatum) collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 3, 2023
Basidia and spores of some Leucoagaricus mushrooms on a trail with sparse grass collected in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, November 6, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms with dark center from a lawn under oak near cemetery, collected in Bee Creek Park same day. College Station, Texas, May 10, 2023
Spores of common bonnet mushrooms (Mycena galericulata) from an oak log, collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 1, 2023
Spores of scaly shield mushrooms (Pluteus petasatus) collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 1, 2023
Spores of tiny oysterling mushrooms Crepidotus cesatii, in KOH, collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 29, 2023
Spores of common funnel mushrooms (Infundibulicybe gibba) collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 10, 2023
Basidia and spores of oysterling mushrooms Crepidotus cesatii collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 29, 2023
Spores of earthball mushrooms Scleroderma bovista (in KOH) collected on a pipeline in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, November 9, 2023
Spores of mushrooms Panus tephroleucus (spore print white), collected a day before in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 5, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of mushrooms Psilocybe coronilla (spore print dark brown) collected in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 3, 2023
Spores (in lugol) of parasol mushrooms (Macrolepiota procera) collected a day before in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, October 26, 2023
Spores (in Melzer) of parasol mushrooms (Macrolepiota procera) collected a day before in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, October 26, 2023
Spores and tissues of some Leucoagaricus mushrooms on a trail with sparse grass collected in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, November 6, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of tiny slime mold Physarum globuliferum(?) from greenbrier and oak leaves collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, September 9, 2022
Spores of tiny oysterling mushrooms Crepidotus cesatii, in lugol, collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 29, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of small brown webcap mushrooms (Cortinarius) near a path, collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 1, 2023
Spores (in KOH, low magnification) of fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms with dark center from a lawn under oak near cemetery, collected in Bee Creek Park same day. College Station, Texas, May 10, 2023

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