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3452-37. Spores of a fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom from a path collected north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 31, 2023

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Fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom on a path on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 31, 2023
Underside of a fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom on a path on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 31, 2023
Cross section of a fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 31, 2023
Spores of small fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms from a path collected on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, August 25, 2022
Spores (in lugol) of fibrecap mushrooms Inocybe lanuginosa collected a day before in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, November 20, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of fibrecap mushrooms Inocybe lanuginosa collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, November 19, 2023
Spores of soft fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms, collected on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest a day before. Texas, May 7, 2023
Spores of fibrecap mushrooms Inocybe lanuginosa (in KOH) collected on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2023
Spores of orange fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom under a microscope, collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, May 8, 2022
Spores (in KOH) of soft fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms with hollow stem collected on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, May 6, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms found under power line, collected on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, May 6, 2023
Spores of orange fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom under a microscope at low magnification, collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, May 8, 2022
Spores (in KOH) of orange fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms from parking of Trailhead No. 1 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, May 4, 2024
Spores (in lugol) of a solitary yellow fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom from muddy area collected on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 21, 2024
Spores (in KOH, spore print rusty) of yellow fibrecap mushrooms Inocybe auricoma(?) collected in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 25, 2024
Spores (in KOH) of small fibrecap mushroom Inocybe calospora(?) collected in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Spores of bulbous honey fungus (Armillaria gallica) collected north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 31, 2023
Tissues and spores of brittlegill mushroom Russula subloculata (Macowanites americanus)(?) from muddy path, collected on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 18, 2023
Basidia and spores of brittlegill mushroom Russula subloculata (Macowanites americanus)(?) from muddy path, collected on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 18, 2023
Spores (spore print white) of burnt knight mushrooms (Tricholoma ustale) collected north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 31, 2023
Spores (in lugol) of light brown fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms collected on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, May 1, 2024
Gills of orange fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom on parking of Trailhead No. 1 of Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, May 4, 2024
Spores (in KOH) of small brown fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms from moss with sundew collected on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 21, 2024
Spores of star fibrecap mushrooms (Inocybe asterospora)(?) under a microscope collected on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, May 29, 2022
Spores (in lugol) of resupinate polypore mushroom Gloeophyllum carbonarium collected a day before on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, February 14, 2023
Spores (in Melzer) of resupinate polypore mushroom Gloeophyllum carbonarium collected a day before on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, February 14, 2023
Spores of star fibrecap mushrooms (Inocybe asterospora)(?) (spore print brown) collected on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, May 29, 2022
Spores of white Amanita mushrooms from a sandy path under a microscope, collected on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 27, 2022
Middle of a gill of orange fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom under a microscope, collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, May 8, 2022
Basidia and cystidia of orange fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom under a microscope, collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, May 8, 2022
Spores (in KOH) of larger fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms found under bushes, collected in Bee Creek Park same day. College Station, Texas, May 10, 2023
Spores of polypore mushroom Trametopsis cervina from a fallen oak, collected in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 3, 2023
Fibrecap (Inocybe)(?) mushrooms on buned forest floor on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 17, 2021
Spores (in KOH) of fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms with dark center from a lawn under oak near cemetery, collected in Bee Creek Park same day. College Station, Texas, May 10, 2023
Small orange fibrecap (Inocybe)(?) mushrooms on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 17, 2021
Spores (in KOH, low magnification) of fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms with dark center from a lawn under oak near cemetery, collected in Bee Creek Park same day. College Station, Texas, May 10, 2023
Small fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms on a path on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, August 25, 2022
Spores of a mushroom Bolbitius pluteoides from a burned oak log (spore print rusty brown), collected in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 3, 2023
Spores of white Amanita mushrooms from a sandy path (spore print is white) at low magnification, collected on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 27, 2022
Orange fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms on parking of Trailhead No. 1 of Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, May 4, 2024
Spores (in KOH) of solitary fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom from Racoon Run Trail, collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 19, 2024
Spores of small dark-brown fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom from Closed Trail, collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 6, 2024
Small fibrecap mushroom Inocybe calospora(?) (spores shaped like ocean mines) in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, May 8, 2023
Tissues of orange sclerotia of some fungus under a microscope, collected north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 31, 2023
Spores of a larger solitary fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom from Yaupon Loop Trail, collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 24, 2024
Spores (in lugol) of white corticioid fungus from a pine(?) log collected a day before on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, February 14, 2023
Spores of corticioid fungus Tomentella from old resupinate polypore collected a day before on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, February 14, 2023
Spores of felted twiglet mushrooms (Tubaria conspersa) from a muddy path, collected on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 4, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of Cinnamon webcap mushroom (Cortinarius cinnamomeus) collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Montgomery. Texas, December 2, 2023
Texture of orange sclerotia of some fungus under a microscope at low magnification, collected north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 31, 2023
Spores (in lactophenol blue) of white corticioid fungus from a pine(?) log collected a day before on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, February 14, 2023
Spores (with possible contamination) of corticioid fungus Tomentella from old resupinate polypore collected a day before on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, February 14, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of small dark brown webcap (Cortinarius) mushrooms collected on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, February 13, 2023
Spores of a fibrecap mushroom Inocybe albodisca(?) collected on a lawn in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, April 24, 2022
Tissues and conidia of mold fungus Tilachlidium setigerum(?) from Xeromphalina collected north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 31, 2023
Tissues of mold fungus Tilachlidium setigerum(?) at low magnification from Xeromphalina collected north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 31, 2023
Tissues (in Congo Red) of orange sclerotia of some fungus under a microscope at low magnification, collected north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 31, 2023
Spores (in lugol) of white corticioid fungus on underside of oak or broadleaf tree log collected a day before on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, February 14, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of mushrooms Pholiota spumosa from a path, collected on Sand Branch Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Montgomery. Texas, October 29, 2023
Spores of corticioid mushroom Crustoderma dryinum from a burned pine log, collected a day before on Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest, February 5, 2024
Terminal phialides(?) and conidia of mold fungus Tilachlidium setigerum(?) from Xeromphalina collected north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 31, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of a fibrecap (Inocybe) mushroom collected earlier 8/2/2024 (photo 3586-06) in Tarkhovka Park, west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 23, 2024
Spores of thin white resupinate polypore mushroom from a burned pine log, collected a day before on Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest, February 5, 2024
Spores of thick white resupinate polypore mushroom from a burned pine log, collected a day before on Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest, February 5, 2024
Spores of a mushroom Pluteus longistriatus from an oak log collected a day before in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 15, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of a mushroom Pluteus longistriatus collected a day before in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 15, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of a pinkgill mushroom Entoloma papillatum collected on Sand Branch Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Montgomery. Texas, December 22, 2023
Small spores of Perenniporia-like resupinate polypore mushroom collected on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, January 24, 2022
Fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms under power line on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, May 6, 2023
Spores of a small mushroom Lepiota atrodisca collected a day before in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 13, 2023
Spores of Melanoleuca mushroom from an old bonfire site, collected in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 12, 2023
Small spores of resupinate polypore mushroom Ceriporiopsis mucida collected on Stubblefield section of Lone Star hiking trail north from Trailhead No. 6 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, January 24, 2022
Soft fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms in a forest, with hollow stem, on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, May 6, 2023
Spores (in lugol) at of Pine Spikes mushrooms (Chroogomphus vinicolor) collected in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 3, 2023
Spores (in lugol) of a small mushroom Lepiota atrodisca collected a day before in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 13, 2023
Underside of fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms under power line on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, May 6, 2023
Basidia and spores of greyling mushrooms Tephrocybe anthracophila from an old bonfire site, collected in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 3, 2023
Spores at low magnification (with x40 objective) of Pine Spikes mushrooms (Chroogomphus vinicolor) collected in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 3, 2023
Spores (with x100 objective) at of Pine Spikes mushrooms (Chroogomphus vinicolor) collected in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 3, 2023
Cystidia(?) and spores of greyling mushrooms Tephrocybe anthracophila from an old bonfire site, collected in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 3, 2023
Cystidia(?) and spores of false truffle mushroom (Rhizopogon luteolus) collected in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 12, 2023
Gills of soft fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms with hollow stem, on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, May 6, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms collected a day before in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 28, 2024
Spores (in KOH) of brown fibrecap mushrooms Inocybe lanuginosa or may be I. ovatocystis(?) collected a day before in Bastrop State Park. Texas, May 18, 2024
Fibrecap mushroom Inocybe sororia (Pseudosperma sororium) on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 30, 2020
Underside of fibrecap mushrooms Inocybe lanuginosa on Forest Service Road 231 near Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, November 19, 2023
Fibrecap mushrooms Inocybe lanuginosa under pines on Forest Service Road 231 near Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest near Richards. Texas, November 19, 2023
Fibrecap mushrooms Inocybe lanuginosa on exposed soil on a trail under pines on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 16, 2023
Spores of a brown polypore mushroom with flexible caps from hardwood, may be beech, collected a day before in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 26, 2023
Side view of soft fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms with hollow stem, on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, May 6, 2023
Spores of white resupinate polypore mushroom Rigidoporus sanguinolentus (Physisporinus sanguinolentus) from a thick wet pine log, collected in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, December 11, 2023
Dissected fibrecap mushroom Inocybe sororia (Pseudosperma sororium) on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, April 30, 2020
Spores of brown velvety resupinate polypore mushroom Fuscoporia (Hymenochaetaceae) from a fallen hardwood tree, collected a day before on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 29, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of brown fibrecap (Inocybe), 3 mushrooms, collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 24, 2024
Masses of spores and some large structures of false truffle mushroom (Rhizopogon luteolus) collected in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 12, 2023
Spores of a light brown resupinate polypore mushroom collected 3/21/2023 near Caney Creek in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, March 26, 2023
Spores (in KOH) of pair of brown fibrecap (Inocybe) mushrooms collected in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, April 19, 2024
Spores of small fibrecap mushrooms Inocybe paludinella(?) collected on D. L. property in Bleakwood, Newton County two days before. Texas, June 13, 2022
Spores of white resupinate polypore mushroom from bark on upper side of a fallen pine, collected a day before in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 13, 2023

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